Another Obama Administration deception tactic to watch out for is his so-called push to increase Federal loan guarantees to nuclear power plant construction projects.
Now why would the democrats cross swords with their enviro-wacko allies to push for more nuclear power? It doesn't make sense! Sure it does!
Obama is pushing this in linkage with his failed Climate Change Legislation. The administration figures they may get a few republicans on board to vote for Cap & Trade if they sweeten it with Nuke plant loan guarantees.
Not only is this a political deception that conservatives will have to warn their senators and representatives about, but it is totally unnecessary.
We do not need more Federal government loan guarantees to build new nuke plants. All the Government has to do is GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!! What stifles nuke plant construction is the horrendous federal permitting process which may extend construction times out to 15 years or longer. How can you make an investment in that climate?
Get the Government out of the way and you would have nuke plants sprouting up in nearly every state. Of course, that's not what they want so they won't get out of the way. And I bet not one plant gets started because of Obama's proposal. What we might get is the Cap & Trade agenda which is bad for America.
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