Friday, January 15, 2010

Brown ahead of Coakley in Massachusetts?

A local poll, the Suffolk University/News 7 poll contends they have Brown ahead of Coakley in the race although the margin is within their polling error. If nothing, it suggests the race is continuing to tighten.

Apparantly President Obama WILL NOT make an appearance in Massachusetts for Coakley but will support her in a political ad.

Polls are one thing; the key will no doubt be turn-out. On the Democratic side they control the state election apparatus and ACORN and SEIU will be out in force to push the election for Coakley, one way or another.

On the Republican side; there is momentum, there is seething anger at Obama and his administrative agenda. That should bode well for turnout.

In a few days, we will find out who the new Massachusetts senator will be.

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