Two days after his dud of a State of the Union Speech, POTUS runs up to Baltimore to a Republican get-together to tell House republicans that it is all their fault that he can't get anything done.
To fully understand the audacity and stupidity of this move you need to do a little arithmatic: Mr. President, your party controls both the House and the Senate. You don't need one republican vote to push things through.
Your problem is YOU! Most of the country doesn't want your policies and have convinced republican Congressmen to grow a backbone and stand up to you.
But most telling, your own party can't even agree to support your agenda. This is a center-right country that still believes in the Constitution and the country delivered to us by the Founding Fathers.
We don't want your Hope & Change, your own party doesn't want your Hope & Change.
And you don't need to explain it to us anymore. We get it, but we don't want it, period!
Obama's last comment to republicans was this: "Join with me," he said. "Let's do this together, Republicans and Democrats." A comment that every republican better weigh carefully. To sign on to Obama's agenda as a supporter will merely give him the "bipartisan" cover he clearly needs and does not deserve.
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