Wednesday, January 6, 2010

150,002 Seniors Drop AARP to Protest Obamacare support

Actually the headline of the story on CNN read "150,000 Seniors drop healthcare". I add the "2" to the number to account for myself and my wife's memberships. After AARP made it official that they were supporting Obamacare, I called them up and told them to cancel our memberships. They were very nice but asked "why are you doing this?" I replied that they had come out in support of Obamacare and so they no longer represented us!. They said "okay".

Earlier in 2009 we similarly cancelled our GM credit card. I had signed up for a GM credit card back in 1993. The hook on the GM card was that 5% of what you charged in a year went into a GM points account. These points could be used dollar-for-dollar to reduce the cost of a new GM vehicle. Over the years I had used a lot of these GM points to help buy two cars for my mother.

Well, after Obama took over GM, I decided to cancel that card. Unlike AARP who took it all in stride, GM Credit nearly went ballistic. They couldn't believe why I would do this after being a cardholder for nearly 16 years. They begged me to reconsider. I told then that was not possible because I had already cut up the cards.

I believe it is important that we make it clear to the folks in Washington DC in every little way possible that they are not our rulers.......they serve at our pleasure.

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