Thursday, January 28, 2010

Supreme Court Decision: You Lie Mr. President

During the SOTU by POTUS (don't you love all the acronyms!), translated as: during the State of the Union Address by the President of the United States, a comment by the President complaining about the recent Supreme Court decision on Corporate participation in election funding brought a reaction from the Supreme Court.

The reaction was the visible mouthing by Justice Alito that YOU LIE! The other justices sat in stoney silence during Obama's remarks.

Specifically the President complained that "even foreign interests" could influence our elections and he did not think that was right. Oh really? So it would be wrong for global billionare George Soros to influence our elections? So Soro's websites should be taken down? His bankrolling phoney front groups in America should be stopped? I don't recall you calling for that before Mr. President.

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