Thursday, January 14, 2010

Archbishop rightly slams Nancy Pelosi Theology

We recently commented on the wacko theology of one Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House within an article on Roman Catholic Excommunication.

Well now, Archbishop George Niederauer has blasted the Speaker for her comments in this article from Catholic News Angency. The Archbishop correctly slaps Pelosi around for her wacky assertion that just because God granted us "freedom of choice" we can use that expression of Grace to choose anything we want without consequences. Using her obtuse and heretical logic, I should be able to murder you without consequence. What she is advocating is murder of the innocent, yet she wants no consequences.

Thank you Archbishop: if she does not confess and repent, I would suggest a excommunication in private and let's see if she has the guts to go public with it like Kennedy did over on the East Coast.

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