Monday, May 31, 2010

Taking Back America: one election at a time

On June 1st, in the 4th Congressional District of Mississippi, a republican primary election will take place.

In the grand scheme of American electoral politics for 2010, it is a small part of all that is going on.

But surprisingly, it embodies all the fundemental issues that all of you and all of us are going to face across this great nation as we approach November mid-term elections.

Here is what we face:

1. Democrats: a "lap-dog" democrat has held this seat for 20+ years. He is liberal and he does not listen to the voters, except at election time.

2. There are two republicans in the primary. One is the GOP darling. Sounds good on paper, but when you dig into his political record, you find the kind a deal making and compromises on critical Constitutional issues that have this country in the mess it is in.

3. The republican candidate I support is not a politician but a business man, family man, and Christian, who is appalled at what is happening and decided to get involved. He supports the Constitution; no ifs ands or buts. See his two, low budget campaign commercials;

This is one of them and this is the other one.

Do I support him on the basis of two commercials? No, I have been following him for a year now and decided to work in his campaign and study the opposition. This is called being involved.

I know we are all busy. But are you too busy to preserve freedom & liberty?

Head Start: a probable waste of $8 Billion

The Fiscal Year 2011 Budget request for Head Start (early education programs) is just over $8 Billion dollars. Yep, you read that right, Eight Billion!!!

So, as a taxpayer you might have two questions for this program:

1. Is it working?
2. Is it a good use for $8 Billion?

The idea for Head Start originated in the early 1960's where lack of education was seen as a root cause of poverty and in the spirit of the "Great Society" the Federal Government inserted itself into the solution set, read more here. The original 1965 budget for Head Start was just under $100 million. This means the cost of Head Start has grown by a factor of 800 over the subsequent 45 years!

Is it working?
Well, The year 2010 will surely go down as a bad year for Head Start—a “Great Society” pre-school program intended to provide a boost to disadvantaged children before they enter elementary school. First, a scientifically rigorous experimental evaluation of Head Start found that the program largely failed to improve the cognitive, socio-emotional, health, and parenting outcomes compared to the outcomes of similar children.

Is it a good use of $8 Billion?

U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that Head Start centers located in California, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin, and the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area were actively enrolling children from families not qualified to participate in the early education program.

Read more detail here.

So, by any measure you have a Gov't program growing by leaps and bounds, with little discernable positive impact, and a systemic cloud of fraud about it.

You decide: want more of the same?

And this is just one teeny tiny reason why we have out of control gov't spending combined with massive ineffectiveness and abuse. The root cause? Government trying to do things it was not Constitutionally chartered to do.

Remember this for November!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Any second now Nancy Pelosi will surely condemn this hate speech!!

Black Panthers Prepare for War with Whites!!!!!

Read it all here.

Surely, Nancy, who has been so concerned and even tearful at times about inflammatory rhetoric will run at top speed to the nearest microphone to condemn the leader of the New Black Panthers, Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz.

Altogether now, let's hold our breath..........

A Presidents Burden of a Heavy Schedule (violins please)

Aide: Mr. President, the governor of Arizona would like to meet with you next week.

POTUS: (Damn!), uh, what's on my schedule next week?

Aide: Well, your last day of vacation is Monday and then,

Tuesday, return to Washington and meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Peru President Alan Garcia at the White House

Wednesday, meeting with Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, before heading to an event in Pittsburgh and hosting a concert at the White House to honor Paul McCartney

Thursday, speak at Secretary Clinton's reception for a new partnership between U.S. and India.

Friday, welcome the Major League Soccer men's championship team, Real Salt Lake, to the White House.

POTUS: tell her there's no room in the schedule, don't call me I'll call her.

Aide: Very good Mr. President

A President's time is very valuable, so prioritize, prioritize, prioritize.

So sorry Arizona........

Obama's Katrina: He should be so lucky...what he does not understand!

Many folks, me included, early on labelled the Gulf Oil Rig crisis as "Obama's Katrina". Of course we were referring to the same public relations death trap that the Bush Administration allowed itself to get dragged into after the famous hurricane by the name pummeled the gulf coast on August 29, 2005.

And sure enough, the Obama Administration in clumsy form has been dragged into that self-fulfilling prophacy because they have looked dumb in the face of a crisis where they could easily have shined!

The differences between Hurricane Katrina and the Oil Rig are as contrasty as night and day, and those differences should have been vastly in favor of the Obama Administration. But being the pure leftist and stateists that they are, they revert true to form and really step in the Goo as a result of their own egotistical behavior.

Katrina was a huge, slow moving storm. FEMA actually did a good job of pre-positioning resources to move in after the storm passed. It was the sudden, later, failure of levees in New Orleans that caused so much grief and negative publicity (the Coast Guard saved the day by the way).

The Oil Rig was a huge surprise from day one. From that first day to this day, the only entity that can stop the flow of oil is BP specifically and the oil industry in general. Big government has nothing to offer. Yet, instead of partnering with BP and trying to support them, the Obama Administration went on a bashing spree. Those few things it could actually do to help Lousiana (berm building permits) it has done poorly and at a glacial pace.

As a public relations albatross, the Oil Rig is indeed Obama's Katrina.

Only in America: Scholarships for Illegal Immigrants!

Illegal Immigrant Supply List:

1. Food Stamps? Check!

2. Housing voucher? Check!

3. Free Medical Care? Check!

4. College Scholarship? What???????

Yep, you read that right! Now in California (going bankrupt as fast as Greece), illegal immigrants will be eligible for College Scholarships!

Read it all here.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Gotta Love those First and Second Amendments

One thing about statistics is that you sometimes have to really work hard to bend them around to a point of view they don't support.

For example, consider this little factoid:

Preliminary figures indicate that, as a whole, law enforcement agencies throughout the Nation reported a decrease of 5.5 percent in the number of violent crimes brought to their attention for 2009 when compared with figures reported for 2008. The violent crime category includes murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. The number of property crimes in the United States in 2009 decreased 4.9 percent when compared with data from 2008. Property crimes include burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. Arson is also a property crime, but data for arson are not included in property crime totals. Figures for 2009 indicate that arson decreased 10.4 percent when compared to 2008 figures.

Now, the anti-gun lobby is always telling us that more guns in the hands of private citizens is going to lead to more gun violence. Looks like just the opposite is true. And the election of Obama was the greatest boost to the gun sales business ever seen in the industry. Yet we have this result. Wonder how the Brady bunch will spin this one?

Mayor Daley keeps flogging his anti-gun laws even when we posted this the other day,
where an 80 year old couple were saved in Chicago by the ILLEGAL gun they had.

Keep the iron oiled and the powder dry.

A Vacuum Waiting to be Filled

The picture above is of the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church (TEC)in America. This is the Church derived from the Church of England, or Anglican Church. In America's founding history it played an important part as many of the original settlers and leaders of this country were Anglican.

Katherine Jeffert-Schori as Presiding Bishop is the leader who is presiding over the decimation of TEC. As one who embraces fondly every liberal kook tendency in modern culture, she has almost totally divorced the church from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and substituted a Gospel of norms made up by the elite of the church. Eh, by the way, this has pretty much alienated anyone who has read the bible and caused a huge hole in their budget.

Here is a recent commentary from her on the recent Gulf oil spill.

Pure blather, pure liberal rhetoric, and by the way, a total lack of pastoral response for the 11 men who were killed while working to help supply the oil this nation needs to thrive and to fuel the jets Ms. Schori routinely flys off in to do her bidding.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Oh, the Irony of it all!!!!!

While hiz-honor, Mayor Daley is fighting to preseve his warped views of gun control in the US Supreme Court, we learn that an elderly 80 year old couple saved their lives in Chicago by shooting and killing an armed intruder breaking into their home.

They are okay because they had a gun to defend themselves. But now, are they going to jail or court? Because having that gun in Chicago is against the law thanks to Mayor Daley. Read it all here.

You see, the Mayor never travels without his well-armed body guards. But, armed defense is not okay for the "little people" of his city.

Hopefully the Supremes will kill the Daley bill.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Get to the Point Political Alabama

It has been a long time since a candidate could run the kind of political ad he/she probably really wanted to run. You know, the ad where you really say what is on your mind and damn the consequences.

Well here is one and apparantly it is resonating with the folks in Alabama~

See it here and enjoy!

Hat Tip: Sarah H.

National Guard on Border.....why?

Yesterday we asked here, why were the Fed's suddenly sending National Guard troops to the border? To stop Mexicans or to tamp down on Americans?

Well now we are told here that the Guard will not be stopping illegal immigrants. Rather, National Guard troops being sent to the Mexican border will be used to stem the flow of guns and drugs across the frontier and not to enforce US immigration laws, the State Department said Wednesday.

How absolutely stupid and useless!! More resources for the failed War on Drugs. And whose weapons will the Nat Guard be taking? Those of lawful American owners?

Nothing, and I mean nothing, this Administration does is for the good of the country or to defend the Constitution. It is all about the leftist ideology.

Stay tuned.

Afganistan: M4 vs AK-47 Platform

The M4 rifle platform was developed back in the Vietnam jungle fighting days. It allows for moderate range shooting and carrying a lot more .223 cal ammunition by soldiers versus the AK-47 style platforms based on the heavier 7.62mm ammunition.

As reported here, there are questions in Afganistan whether the M4 platform is still the right one for longer range fire fights.

If you compare ballistics curves for the .223 and 7.62, you can see a greater falloff at longer range for the .223 cal bullet. But in many ways, the M4 rifle is far superior to the AK-47, especially at the shorter ranges. And the optics used on the M4 platform are really advanced.

It will be interesting to watch how the US Military adapts to the different terrain and environment of Afganistan.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

National Guard to Border: to control Mexico or Arizona?

The Obama administration has decided to send 1,200 National Guard troops to Arizona. The key question is why?

Are these troops sent there to protect Arizona from illegal immigrants? Or, are they there in case Arizona really tries to impelent their new law?

Well, now we learn that the Dept of Justice is working on a challenge to the Arizona law, read it all here.

So, who will the Nat Guard report to? Which direction will their efforts take?

Change you can darn well believe in............

Some will ask: what has the Obama administration really done?

Well, here is your answer: pay from private sources shrank to its lowest level in history, while government provided benefits rose to a record high!!!! Read it all here.

I hope you will let that sink in for a minute before you click off to your next website. Private pay is the lowest in history.........and government is at an all time record.

Have you been following the news in Greece? This scenerio does not turn out so good.

I don't care if you are on food stamps, welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid, student loans or whatever. When the private sector fails, there is no more wealth created. That means your gravey train is coming to a tragic end.

So, what are we going to do about it????????

Monday, May 24, 2010

And the next Bailout is..........for Teacher's Unions!!

You had better believe the Obama administration owes these folks BIG TIME! By now "Stimulus I" has run out of steam just as the funds have run out. Stimulus I propped up state and local governments so they would not have to adjust to the reality of a faltering economy. But, that is done.

So, Obama's Sec Ed Arnie wants to send $23 billion more to keep the Teacher's Unions in the Obama camp. After all, the public ed is really working good isn't it? Why should pub ed schools have to trim fat, cut back, reduce frills, maybe do more with less? That's just for regular people in regular jobs, right?

Read it all here.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Who is the stupidest person in America?

As a nation of ~300 million people, it would be difficult to pick out who is the absolute stupidest person in the country. But, listen to the following video of a Michael Savage show. This person would for sure be in the top 10 list. Listen here.

What is scary about this?

1. this might be your neighbor

2. this might be your kid's teacher

3. if arrested, this person might be on a jury of your peers

Hat Tip: Susan R

Border Security and Racial Profiling

A lot of hysterical finger pointing and bellowing have been done about the potential practice of "racial profiling" as Arizona seeks to secure her border with Mexico.

Consider this hypothetical case:

Pretend, for a moment, that you are a private border security guard working for a company called TOTALSECURE. Your company, TOTALSECURE, has just been awarded a contract by the state of Arizona to guard the entire Arizona-Mexican border. The goal stated in the contract is to reduce successful illegal border crossings into Arizona by 50%. The contract is performance based which means TOTALSECURE does not get paid a dime if they do not meet the objective of 50% reduction in successful illegal border crossings.

As a border security guard for TOTALSECURE you will earn minimum wage. But for every illegal immigrant you arrest and who is confirmed to be illegal by the law, you will receive a $1,000 bonus. On the other hand every person you arrest as an illegal immigrant who is later shown to be here legally, will cost you $2,000.

After receiving your assigned territory and equipment, you request to see pictures of the previous 1,000 illegal immigrants arrested in your territory. You are shown a book containing pictures of 911 Mexicans, 21 Colombians, 13 El Salvadorans, 11 people from Afganistan, 8 Iranians, 6 Egyptians, 4 Sudanese, 11 Jamaicans, 10 Cubans, and 5 Caucasians of undetermined citizenship.

On your first day of the job, who would you be looking for?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mayor Daley Threatens Report with Rifle

In his never ending quest to trash the Second Amendment to the Constitutuion, Mayor Daley over the years has said some remarkable things. But the other day he threatened a reporter with a rifle, a reporter who was asking about the efficacy of the Mayor's gun-ban programs. Read it all here.

Chicago has among the strictest gun ban laws in the country. Not a coincidence, it also has one of the worst crime records in the country. Vermont is a state with the fewest gun laws on the books: it and Alaska and Montanna and similar states have very low crime rates. How is that? Simple: criminals may be stupid but they are seldom suidical. If they believe people are armed for protection, they are very careful of the crimes they committ.

A Rather Direct Message from Texas!

Hat Tip: Susan & Bill R

Friday, May 21, 2010

Associated Press: Gov't wants retailers welcoming food stamps

Read it all here.

The Agriculture Department announced Wednesday it will encourage grocery stores and other retail outlets that accept food stamps to post signs reading “We Welcome SNAP Benefits.” The move is part of an effort to decrease the stigma of using government food assistance in a tough economy.

Attempts to reduce such stigmas have been ongoing for years. SNAP is an acronym for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, a recent name change designed to get away from the loaded phrase “food stamps.” Electronic Benefits Transfer, or EBT, is an electronic way of paying for items so it just appears that a customer is using a credit card.

“Underscoring that SNAP benefits are welcome, rather than merely accepted, signals an important change in the way both retailers and program participants view these benefits,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

Really? And what is that important change? That this is not a lifeline, but rather, a new way to live?

If you remove the stigma of accepting handouts, might some people decide that is just an okay way to live?

Ya think?

Presidential Geography Lesson: Obama & Calderon

Any questions?

Hat Tip: Susan R

Mr. President........Do your job!!!

A simple request from the Gov. of Arizona.......Janet Brewer.

Mr. President, do your job! See it here.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A little Illegal Immigration Humor

From the one and only Ray Stevens.

Turn up the speakers and enjoy!!!!

Hat Tip: Susan R

A New Civil War?

California in general and Los Angeles in particular are places that have lived in a liberal's dream world, supported by cheap illegal immigrant labor, Federal govt handouts, and the collection of money via Hollywood's products.

California is no longer a place of much substance. Thus, when Los Angeles threatened to boycott Arizona for their tough illegal immigration stance, Arizona fired back right where it would hurt. See here.

The short version of this story is this: If Los Angeles wants to boycott Arizona, it had better get used to reading by candlelight.

That's the message from a member of Arizona's top government utilities agency, who threw down the gauntlet Tuesday in a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa by threatening to cut off the city's power supply as retribution.

That is how civil wars can start. Hopefully Los Angeles will consider their position very carefully before they carry this any further.

Freedom of Speech: even for foreign leaders on the White House Lawn

America is a great nation. It is defined by the ideas of equal opportunity and Freedom and Liberty. We are so gracious in our respect for Freedom and Liberty that we even allow the President of Mexico to stand on the White House Lawn and trash our country for trying to defend ourselves from the criminal elements of his country that enter ours illegally. Including terrorists from other countrys that use his country as an entry way into ours.

See the Mexican President's comments here.

And don't get me started on our OWN Presidents lack of concern about who is coming into our country

Dump Reid: Think this ad has legs.....???

Harry Reid is the poster child for Washington out of touch and out of control. He is a legend in his own mind. Others have a different view.

Neat ad!

Hat Tip: Susan R

We do not have a southern border.....its totally open

On May 19, President Obama said that in the 21st Century we are not defined by our borders..............damn right!

We don't have a southern border. It is a southern ENTRY POINT.

Watch this video to see who some of our visitors are.........and now you can understand how vulnerable we are.

Hat Tip: Bert F

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

President Obama: We are not defined by our borders

According to Obama in a speech with the Mexican President looking on, in the 21st century countries are not defined by their borders...........see it here.

Well certainly Mr. Obama, not while you are President! But the rest of America does believe in borders which is why we are going to do the best we can to take away your power in Washington and then elect you out of office in 2012.

Why the Kagan Confirmation Process is Important

See this outstanding analysis of the Kagan confirmation process over at National Review Online. Author Tony Blankley makes these key observations:

"Those [confirmation] rules might be summarized as follows: (1) The president is entitled to an appointee who generally shares his views (i.e., a liberal president is entitled to a liberal justice; a conservative president is entitled to a conservative justice). (2) A nominee should be confirmed if he or she is professionally qualified and of generally good character. (3) The only exception to Rule Two is if the nominee’s views are provably and dangerously outside the mainstream of respectable thought."

"The current rules are obsolete, having come into being at a time when the federal courts had not yet been consciously politicized. Today, liberal presidents attempt to use their appointments with the intent to systematically undermine — not uphold — the Constitution. And they do so because their vision of an ever more statist America is inconsistent with the Constitution’s fundamental purpose: to limit the size and scope of government."

Get that? Forget moral equivalency here: liberals appointing liberals and conservatives appointing conservatives is not a quid pro quo equivalent thing.

Because the liberals are advancing the cause of bigger government while the conservative appointments merely seek to maintain the Constitutional goal of limited government.

Kagan will be a huge boost to the liberal side: can we hold the line on this one and defeat her confirmation bid?

Does Specter's Defeat a Tsunami Make?

As the Primary Election process unfolds toward November, the "poster child" of incumbancy, Arlan Specter, D-PA got tossed aside yesterday. As one wonk wrote, America v. Obama.....4 to 0 (VA, NJ, MA, PA). Read it all here.

Does this mean we will see a Tsunami wave of incumbants thrown out of Washington this year? Perhaps, but it won't happen if people are not engaged in the process.

And more importantly, if we just throw one set of clowns out of office and put a new set of clowns in, we're still going to have a 3-Ring Circus, just a different set of faces. The "landslide" Republican victories of 1994 proved that point.

If you are not engaged in your local politics, you need to be. Read the flyers that hit your mailbox. Go to townhall meetings. Ask hard questions.

Make them focus on the Constitution and on their records. Where they fail the test, tell them!

Freedom is not free. As Glen Beck says: if this generation loses Freedom and Liberty, it will never see them again.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What will you do at the End of the World?????

Do you remember America in 1990? At the end of the Reagen years, we were riding as high as a country can ride.

How do you feel today? Does Obama, high deficits, socialist Czars, Euro collapse, and Islamic Terrorists bother you?

Do you figure you can play golf, go to concerts, and freely voice your opinions forever?

Do you think that freedom is free?

Have you thought about what happens if Europe collapses? What if the dollar shrinks to zero? What if your electricity, gasoline, and your grocery stores close?

What will you do? What if you hear gunshots down the street?

What will you do? Do you know your neighbors?

What will you do?

Do you have no idea what I am talking about?

Obama relative is safe

This "productive" member of society is safe: as reported here, this relative of President Obama can continue to live in her public-assistance housing because of my and your taxes.

Is the Presidnet proud of how his family contributes to American greatness? He has not said.

The Job Market for Church Clergy

Here is a subject I am actually somewhat familiar with on a first-name basis. The employment market for clergy is difficult right now. As this Wall Street Journal Article suggests, the Recession/Depression has had a marked impact on the number of clergy applicants for open clergy positions at various churches.

But there is more.

Non-denominational bible churches are struggling for the first time with a downturn in giving. Previously they could "pass the basket" and it would be filled without fail. Not so today.

Protestant churches are in an even bigger bind: human sexulaity is a big issue in most mainline protestant churches. So, an applicant can have all the academic and lifetime experience any church may want; but if he/she is on the wrong side of the sexual divide for a specific parish, NO JOB!. Actually that is good, because a mismatch marriage on this issue is the kiss of death just waiting to happen.

Is there any tranquility out there: yes, in the Roman Catholic Church. RC is still RC.......everyone might want to think about that.......

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is Obama a Muslim?: You decide

Like the birth certificate issue, the issue of Obama's deepest religous leanings has been one surrounded by controversy because the President himself will not be forthcoming about addressing a sensitive issue.

Here is a video of various speeches, interviews, and other collections from Obama's history. Listen to it here and you decide for yourself.

Hat Tip: Wima R

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Episcopal Church: Consecretion of Mary Glasspool as Suffragan Bishop Today

Today, May 15, 2010, The Episcopal Church will consecret The Rev. Mary Glasspool as Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles.

Glasspool received the required number of Bishop and Standing Committee consents to be consecreted bishop in The Episcopal Church's canonical election process.

Glasspool is the second bishop in The Episcopal Church who is living in an openly committeed homosexual relationship.

Despite objections on the grounds of Biblical Authority from most of the Anglican Communion, The Episcopal Church has decided that the witness of scripture is less important than the movement of culture towards a pan-sexual environment where sexuality not in keeping with the teachings of scripture is not a bar to ordained ministry.

Significant numbers of Episcopalians have left the church over these issues and many more are expected to leave in the future. Read more here.

Palin at NRA Convention: Obama wants to ban guns!!

As reported here, Sarah Palin spoke to the NRA Convention in Charlotte, NC yesterday.

"Don't doubt for a minute that, if they thought they could get away with it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition and gut the Second Amendment," said Palin, a lifelong NRA member who once had a baby shower at a local gun range in Alaska. "It's the job of all of us at the NRA and its allies to stop them in their tracks."

All NRA members realize the truth in this. If the Democrats cannot achieve this through direct legislation they will try to pack the Supreme Court with liberals to limit our rights. And if that is not successful they will try to tie us down by "norming" us to UN Treaties which will have the effect of law to take away Americans rights to bear arms. All Constitution loving Americans should join the NRA to protect all of our freedoms. Cost: $35/yr.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kagan: Not "sympathetic" to 2nd Amendment Rights

While clerking for Marshall she suggested he not hear a 2nd Amendment case from the District of Columbia. See it all here.

This along with her beliefs that speech should be judged by its effect on Government is scary to say the least. Harken back to Obama's words how this candidate would be best at judging the impact of the law on Average Americans. Yep, I bet she would just like a good little Socialist should.

Please Pray for President Obama--really

Anyone who spends 1 minute reading this blog will know I do not support the policies that President Obama is trying to lead this country to. His contempt for the average people of this country, for the Constitution, and for the concepts of Freedom and Liberty are totally opposed to what I and about 70% of Americans believe.

So, it might seem odd that I would ask you (and me) to pray for him. But I think it is imperative that we do! Here is why:

1. Obama is not some mythical socialist savior who has suddenly brought Socialism to America

2. The seeds of Socialism have been growing since the late 1800's start of the Progressive movement in America

3. Socialist, Communist, Anarchist movements have been building and growing over all these years, but always on the fringes.

4. During the Johnson, Carter, and Clinton administrations all these very liberal-leftist organizations penetrated deeper into the growing administrative agencies of Government

5. The election of Obama in 2008, along with a Democratic controlled Congress, was the catalyst to legitimize all these leftist organizations and finally hand to them the true levers of power.

6. Once handed this power, these organizations will not give it back. Anyone who stands in their way, including the President of the United States, could be eliminated because;

7. At the end of the day, the Socialist collective does not value the worth of one individual, they value the end objective: A Socialist World.

What has been set in motion is bigger than President Obama. If they decided to remove him, it could ignite a crisis that would give them the opportunity to truly take total power.

We need to pray for the President and the Secret Service who protect him.

Congressional Compassion for the Average American?

Who in Congress is lying to you when they talk about the "little guy" and their "compassion" for Average Americans? How about the 10 richest members of Congress who have been inside the Beltway for so long that they have no single clue how Average Americans live and work and support this country!!!!!

Who are these liars?

The full details are here;, and the list is here;

John Kerry 167mil
Darrell Issa 164mil
Jane Harman 112mil
Jay Rockefeller 80mil
Mark Warner 72mil
Jared Polis 70mil
Vern Buchanan 50mil
Frank Lautenberg 48mil
Dianne Finestein 49 mil
Harry Teague 40mil

So, you really believe these folks identify with you and your issues?

Or do you think being a Congressman is just a way for them to spend their time and seem to be important since obviously they don't really have to work like you and me?

People, wake up, we have to let these folks go and run charities or something else so they can go spend their own money and quit spending ours!!

Hat Tip: Nan M

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Muslims like Kagan too!

Well, what do you know? Also included at the Obama announcement of Kagan's nomination to the Supremem Court was Haris Tarin of the Muslim Public Affairs Council who gushed over the new nominee and said "We call upon Ms. Kagan, if she is confirmed, to follow in the footsteps of Justice Stevens in his commitment to preserving individual freedoms, checking executive power, and upholding the rule of law which have made America a better place for over 35 years," Tarin said today.

What a relief to know the Muslims are on board with this! See here.

The European House of Cards

Don't think there is something very dysfunctional in all the liberal economies around the world? Here is a simplified graphic of the tangled finances of some major European players. Just imagine how jumbled it would be if you stuck the US economy on this slide?

And now via the IMF we are even more entangled in this huge mess!

Read the related article here.

Finally: Main Stream Media Coverage of Fannie & Freddie Lunacy

CNBC's Rocl Santelli ripped Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) a new one when the Democrat claimed that Democrats’ couldn’t reform Fannie & Freddie in their financial regulation bill because it was “too complicated,” asking: “It’s too complicated? You think taxpayers that go to work to pay the money you are subsidizing, it will end up a half a trillion, do you think they think complicated is an excuse? Read it all here.

For far too long, Democrats have been able to hide using the media to run interference from the fact that their failed liberal policies of putting everyone into a house they can't afford by taking out a loan they can't repay makes good economic sense. Those lies combined with the greed of pure speculators who gunned the market to take advantage of lax lending policy to create a glut of overpriced houses finally came crashing down in 2008. Long past time that the actual source of the problem startst to feel the heat.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why I voted for the Arizona Law: A Senator Responds

As the State-Run media and ACLU and other leftist organizations stir up images of Nazi Germany through Arizona's passage of a law which simply lets the state do what the Federal Govenment WON'T do, let's listen to someone who was actually involved in the deliberations which led to passage of that law: Senator Sylvia Allen as reported here.

I’m Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen. I want to explain SB 1070 for which I voted yes. Rancher Robert Krentz was murdered by the drug cartel on his ranch a month ago. I participated in a senate hearing two weeks ago on the border violence, here is just some of the highlights from those who testified.

The people who live within 60 to 80 miles of the Arizona/Mexico Border have for years been terrorized and have pleaded for help to stop the daily invasion of humans who cross their property . One Rancher testified that 300 to 1200 people a DAY come across his ranch vandalizing his property, stealing his vehicles and property, cutting down his fences, and leaving trash. In the last two years he has found 17 dead bodies and two Koran bibles. Another rancher testified that daily drugs are brought across his ranch in a military operation. A point man with a machine gun goes in front, 1/2 mile behind are the guards fully armed, 1/2 mile behind them are the drugs, behind the drugs 1/2 mile are more guards. These people are violent and they will kill anyone who gets in the way. This was not the only rancher we heard that day that talked about the drug trains. One man told of two illegal’s who came upon his property one shot in the back and the other in the arm by the drug runners who had forced them to carry the drugs and then shot them. Daily they listen to gun fire during the night it is not safe to leave his family alone on the ranch and they can’t leave the ranch for fear of nothing being left when they come back.

The border patrol is not on the border. They have set up 60 miles away with check points that do nothing to stop the invasion. They are not allowed to use force in stopping anyone who is entering. They run around chasing them, if they get their hands on them then they can take them back across the border. Federal prisons have over 35% illegal’s and 20% of Arizona prisons are filled with illegal’s. In the last few years 80% of our law enforcement that have been killed or wounded have been by an illegal. The majority of people coming now are people we need to be worried about. The ranchers told us that they have seen a change in the people coming they are not just those who are looking for work and a better life.

The Federal Government has refused for years to do anything to help the border states . We have been over run and once they are here we have the burden of funding state services that they use. Education costs have been over a billion dollars. The healthcare cost billions of dollars. Our State is broke, $3.5 billion deficit and we have many serious decisions to make. One is that we do not have the money to care for any who are not here legally. It has to stop.

The border can be secured. We have the technology and we have the ability to stop this invasion. We must know who is coming and they must come in an organized manner legally so that we can assimilate them into our population and protect the sovereignty of our country. We are a nation of laws. We have a responsibility to protect our citizens and to protect the integrity of our country and the government which we live under. I would give amnesty today to many, but here is the problem, we dare not do this until the Border is secure. It will do no good to give them amnesty because thousands will come behind them and we will be over run to the point that there will no longer be the United States of America but a North American Union of open borders. I ask you what form of government will we live under? How long will it be before we will be just like Mexico , Canada or any of the other Central American or South American country? We have already lost our language, everything must be printed in Spanish. We have already lost our history, it is no longer taught in our schools, and we have lost our borders.

The leftist media has distorted what SB 1070 will do. It is not going to set up a Nazi Germany. Are you kidding? The ACLU and the leftist courts will do everything to protect those who are here illegally, but it was an effort to try and stop illegal’s from setting up businesses, and employment, and receiving state services and give the ability to local law enforcement when there is probable cause, like a traffic stop, to determine if they are here legally. Federal law is very clear, if you are here on a visa you must have your papers on you at all times. That is the law. In Arizona all you need to show you are a legal citizen is a driver license, MVD identification card, Native American Card, or a Military ID. This is what you need to vote or get a hunting license. So nothing new has been added to this law. No one is going to be stopped walking down the street. The Socialists who are in power in DC are angry because we dare try and do something.The Socialists wants us to just let them come. They want the “Transformation” to continue.

Maybe it is too late to save America . Maybe we are not worthy of freedom anymore. But as an elected official I must try to do what I can to protect our Constitutional Republic . Living in America is not a right just because you can walk across the border. Being an American is a responsibility and it comes by respecting and upholding the Constitution, the law of our land, which says what you must do to be a citizen of this country. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.

Senator Sylvia Allen .

What would a World Government Look Like?

When some Americans raise alarmist fears about Obama leading us toward a "one world government", we might stop and wonder, okay, what would that look like?

Well, a one world government would have an administrative structure, yes? What about the United Nations?

A one world governemnt would be located in some prominant place? How about New York City?

A one world government would have maybe an army? How about UN "peace keeping" units?

And, a one world government would need some type of revenue? Well, there are the dues which member countries pay. But more importantly there would be this......

Taxes!!!!!!! Read it here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has never been a judge

In fact, she's never ruled on a case and she's never written an opinion! But hey, for the top court of the land, why should those be issues to worry about?

As reported here, "President Obama said he wanted someone on the high court who understood the impact of the law on average Americans, and I believe the depth and breadth of Ms. Kagan's experience will allow her that perspective," Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said.

Really??? And how would that be?

She has never been married and has no children. She attempted to keep military recruiters off Harvard's campus because of objections over the Pentagon's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy barring gays from serving openly in the military. Average Americans are pro-military and not pro-homosexual.

Her education pedigree is: Bachelor's Degree, Princeton (1981) Master's Degree, Oxford (1983) Law Degree, Harvard (1986)> That's a little off the charts for average Americans.

And then, Last month a minor media controversy blew up when CBS News posted a blog report saying Kagan, who is not married, would become the "first openly gay justice." The White House blew up over that and CBS retracted the story. It is doubtful that average Americans are clamoring for an openly gay Supreme Court justice.

So, Pres Obama, your SC nominee doesn't look like she is going to pass the "smell" test for understanding the impact of the law on average Americans since she so clearly has nothing in common with average Americans.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Greek Tragedy: How do you evade default?

Economies in trouble are not easy to deal with. Try to tweak something here or there and looking for results is like waiting for an Aircraft Carrier to turn. This article from the American Enterprise Institute linked here talks about some of the complexities of dealing with the economy of Greece.

European banks can't just pay all the Greek tabs. But also, Greece’s threat to the global economy stems from the fact that it is both insolvent and in need of a markedly weaker currency to restore international competitiveness. Despite the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union’s recently announced US$140 billion support package for Greece, any attempt by Greece to reduce its budget deficit from 14 percent of GDP at present to 3 percent of GDP (the target of the Growth and Stability Pact) without the benefit of a currency depreciation to boost exports will involve a major Greek economic recession.

And here is a real kicker: The basic flaw in the IMF-EU sponsored program to restore Greek fiscal sustainability through a program of draconian public expenditure cuts is that if successfully implemented it will have the unwanted effect of increasing rather than reducing Greece’s public-debt-to-GDP ratio. Since if Greece’s nominal GDP were to decline over the next few years by 30 percent as a result of a deep recession and price deflation, Greece’s public-debt-to-GDP ratio would arithmetically rise from its present level of around 120 percent towards 175 percent.

See how that works? Take the US as an example. If we get into real debt trouble and our bond prices fall and we lower our economic activity by cutting spending, then our GDP to debt ratio soars which will impact bond prices more.

Letting yourself get into trouble is not fun.....and there is no guaranteed soft landing.

The Worst Spill in History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hat Tip: Wilma R

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blow back in Arizona: better duck Mr. President

While the President makes snide remarks, jokes, and laughs at the efforts of the people of Arizona to protect themselves, his stupidity earned him this blow back from that state:

Watch here and enjoy...

A Different Message.......

Hat Tip: Susan R

Drill Baby Drill!! And full speed ahead!

The massive drilling rig accident in the Gulf of Mexico a couple of weeks ago has shaken the oil industry and emboldened anti-oil, anti-everything forces that now offshore drilling can be stopped.

It can't, and it won't.

From the time the first coal mine was dug, we have had coal mine accidents. We have had nuclear power plant accidents, we recently had a gas generating plant accident in the northeast.

Accidents will happen. They happen while we explore space. They happen in military units who stand prepared to protect our country. Accidents, just happen.

It is heartening to see this Fox Poll which shows that 60% of Americans still favor offshore drilling. While this current accident is still fresh news!

Well, so do I! And I live on the Mississippi coast and potentially could be affected by the spill. But we need energy independence for all America and we can achieve it if we press on and learn from any mistakes we make along the way.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tell me again: what is the name of this country?

If you are not sure, look at the flag, stupid. This is the United States of America!

So, is there some doubt about this, you might be saying? Well apparantly there is!

As reported here, students at a high school were sent home for wearing T-shirts that had American Flags on them.

Oh, but this was progressive and inclusive Callyfornia and the T-shirts were judged to be as reported here,,,,The boys said the administrators called their T-shirts "incendiary" that would lead to fights on campus.

After all this was the great Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo

Well guess what folks? Cinco de Mayo is not a Mexican holiday! In fact, from the Wikipedia we get this description of this beloved holiday:

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a holiday held on May 5 that commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza SeguĂ­n.[2][3] It is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla and in the United States.[4][5][6][7] While Cinco de Mayo sees limited significance and celebration nationwide in Mexico, the date is observed nationwide in the United States and other locations around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.[8] Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day and the reference is here.

In fact, many folks credit Corona Beer with really popularizing the holiday in the US.

So all this outrage and blather about American Flag T-Shirts was over a Beer company holiday.

Tell me again, what country is this?????????

Social Justice? When everything in everybody's house is the same!

Do you ever hear the phrase "Social Justice" and ever wonder exactly what it means? We'll don't worry, it doesn't have an exact meaning. Which is convenient for leftist demagogues because they can twist it any way they want!

For example, that guy in the picture is The Rev. Al Sharpton. Listen to The Rev. Sharpton's definition of Social Justice right here.

Notice first of all how he twists the dream of Martin Luther King. King worked tirelessly for equality. Equality is equal opportunity, the chance to be the best you can be and be judged on your accomplishments and character, not on your skin color.

But that isn't the way Al Sharpton says it. He says the dream was "everything equal". That is (not too subtle) code language for "equal outcomes". He makes it plainer by saying "there will not be Social Justice until everything in everyone's house is equal!"

Think about that. He doesn't say anything about work, about earning, about saving to get what you want or where you want to be. It just has to be that way.

So, how do you feel about The Rev Al's definition of Social Justice? Where does Al Sharpton live? What's in his house? Maybe we want the same stuff as he has?