Thursday, January 7, 2010

Marxist Healthcare Combat in Washington DC

Mark these days in that part of your brain where you remember great events. What we are witnessing in Washington DC by the Obama Administration and in Congress is nothing less than out and out warfare against the American people.

What else can you call it after seeing stories like these?

The White House is ignoring campaign promises of transparency and shoving House and Senate bills together through brute force without Republican input.

After mocking John McCain on the campaign trail abouttaxing health insurance the President is NOW pushing a huge tax on so-called Cadillac healthplans. It's a money grab.

Even the institution of Marriage gets slammed in the healthcare war as married folks will pay more for healthcare than an unmarried cohabitating couple.

And it goes on and on. We might still see fines and possible jail time for not buying a health insurance plan! The Cadillac tax will kill private plans and force folks into a public insurance plan, just steps along the way to Single Payer status which has always been Obama's objective.

And don't forget, most voters disapprove of the current healthcare reform plans floating around in Congress. Yet no one in Washington seems to care.

Again, the the 10,000th time: they don't care because this effort is not about healthcare! This effort is about control: control of your lives in minute detail, the ability to DICTATE to you what you can and cannot do, because your "betters" in Washington are so smart and know so much better than you do what is good for you.

This is WAR! This is war on the American people. And in a war you have to take the battle to the enemy. Obviously, the Democratic Party is the enemy not only of the American people, but the Constitution, and the American dream.

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