That mighty edifice, the House of Congress, makes us think they do grand work there day-in and day-out. But why does Congress spend the whole year in Washington DC? Is there really that much work there? Do they have to study the NCAA post-season football issue? Or is it that they would rather be there than back at home, with us, the great unwashed masses?
This 16 year old article from the Heritage Foundation discusses the idea that Congress should only be in Washington for six months and then should be back at home for six months (wouldn't that take the shine off the office?).
As the article states, "While most Americans are tied to their communities through the bonds of work, home, family, commerce, school, and neighborhood, most Congressmen return home only for brief, campaign-style appearances before their fellow citizens. In stead of identifying with their home towns and approaching public policy problems as their former neighbors would, legislators tend to adopt a Washington mindset dominated by large bureaucracies and special-interest groups. As the federal government intrudes more and more into peoples lives, Congressmen spend more and more time attempting to manage it, frequently with counterproductive results, leaving even less time for reflection and contact with average citizens"
With Congress all gathered in that nice big building above, professional lobbyists just need to set up office in DC and essentially spend all their time hanging out in the building and going to lunch. What if lobbyists had to visit all 50 states to ply their trade? They might have less influence and WE might have more.
Here in our own district we have Congressman Gene Taylor. He has been in Washington for a LONG time. As a result, when he comes home and conducts Town Hall Meetings, the tone of the meetings is inevitably to represent and defend Washington to us, not to represent us to Washington. That needs to change.
Constitutional Amendment anyone?
1 comment:
Very well said. It is time Gene Taylor learns what it is like to be unemployed and live like the little people.
We need term limits. And we need all laws that Congress enacts for us "little people" to apply to them as well.
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