Friday, January 8, 2010

How to Steal the Next Election?

By now we have all heard the stories about ACORN voter fraud efforts and how SEIU uses union dues to push liberal democratic candidates and turn out workers for democrratic campaigns. Think this is pretty bad?

Well, get ready for something called Universal Voter Registration!

What is that you ask? Basically, it is an effort to enroll anyone on a government list as a registered voter whether that person actually registers or not! Once these millions of people are added to voter rolls without their knowledge or their effort, what kind of fraud do you think could be performed with all these names?

This effort could tear the very fabric of this country. If we cannot be assured our votes actually count in elections then a basic tenet of this country has been violated. This is as bad if not worse than destroying the value of our money. In either case, this could be a serious step toward anarchy.

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