We tried to send you a message in Virginia.....you blamed your candidate for your loss. We tried to send you a message in New Jersey...you blamed your candidate and the opposition's tactics for your loss. Now we have tried the best we know how to send you another message by taking one of the senate seats that your party fairly figured that they "owned"! So Mr. President, do you hear us now?
Many of the talking heads on TV are discussing what you will do next? Will you move to the center like Bill Clinton did? Or, being a Community Organizer who has never really come to grips with the word "no", will you dig in and fight harder and dirtier for your precious agenda?
For us, actions will speak louder than words. Early indications are not good. No doubt next week in your State of the Union Speech you will wield the tools of lofty rhetoric that so many of your true faithful love. Use whatever words you wish: we will watch for actions and we are very very skeptical and we are preparing to act again in November.
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