Sounds like a proper approach doesn't it? Appoint a panel or commission to study the deficit problem and make recommendations to solve it. Yes, a Deficit Panel.
Not so fast! The idea is that this panel would develop deficit reducing ideas that would then be voted on by congress after the November election but before the new congress is seated. In other words, the votes would be politically protected.
There are two basic ways to attack the deficits: lower spending or raise taxes.
In government, spending cuts are typically targeted in such a way as to cause the most pain to voters and the least pain to government. That way, voters will approve higher taxes to restore cut programs. Panels and commissions are the perfect way to pull these games off.
On the other hand, if spending cuts are debated in open congress so that the people can be involved then real spending reductions via the reduction in the size of government can be accomplished.
The Presidential State of the Union address is no doubt going to sound conservative, fiscally responsible, and be the biggest bunch of lies and deception to come down the pike in a long time.......just my prediction.
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