Thursday, December 17, 2009

We The People: Don't want your darn healthcare hoax!

Mitch McConnell, senator from Kentucky points out that reasoned debate on the Senate Healthcare reform bill is impossible because Harry Reid won't let anyone see the bill! This is because Senate democrats know the contents of this bill are so awful that We The People will darn near go ballistic if we really knew what was in there.

But hey, Mary (I got $300mil for this) Landrieu from Louisiana thinks this is "good for America". I wonder what America she thinks it is good for? Hopefully her constituents will deal with her come next election time.

But most telling of all: Americans, who don't know exactly what is in the bill, know for darn sure they don't want any part of it!

So here you have We The People telling the politicans we send to Washington to keep your hands off our healthcare and they are doing evey underhanded thing to shove it down our throats.

What do you do with employees like that????? Fire the Bastards!!!!!

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