Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lies, Damnable Lies, and Lies of Damnation

The utter arrogance, depravity, narcissism, and hubris of Congress and Barack Obama are beyond the pale. The healthcare reform debacle winding its way through Washington DC is a piece of legislation that only a power-hungry Marxist could love. That they love it so much in Washington tells us so much about THEM.

The Wall Street Journal picks this monstrosity apart piece by piece to show how each and every claim made by this Administration is an utter lie and distortion. I remember growing up in awe of how the Russian people could let their government and Pravda lie to them day by day and how patriotic it was for us to fund Radio Free America to broadcast the truth to them. Well, that is what talk radio and Fox news is.....Our Radio Free America because the State-Run-Media tells us none of this.

But the true moral horror is the compromise made by Sen. Bob Nelson of Nebraska to sell out his vote and worse, his soul. For this act, I pray he repents in order to escape utter and eternal damnation. Here is Sen. Nelson's contribution to "change we can believe in":

1. In his generosity to us, he will "allow" states to decide to opt out of insurance policies funding elective abortions.

2. But the citizens of those states that do opt out will still pay federal taxes to subsidize healthcare in states that do not opt out.

3. Therefore, no matter that you live in an "opt out" state, no matter that your religious views uphold the sanctity of life. You, will be paying for legal murder in the form of elective abortions.

Elections have consequences: for those who voted for Barack Obama...is this the change you were hoping for? Was it your desire to live in a Marxist republic that does not respect life, only power? Is it that you believe your salvation comes from the Federal Government, not God almighty?

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