Saturday, December 12, 2009

The USA & Venezuela: What's the Difference?

If you go to the internet to read about Venezuela, you can argue until the cows come home about how there are lots of differences between the United States and Venezuela. To which I would reply, knock yourself out!

But go read some recent political history of Venezuela and then consider the political history of the United States over the last 11 months and then argue with me.

If you still don't get the point, then consider what happened this week in the US Government. The Obama Administration pointed it's finger at Congress and threatened that if they don't pass the Cap & Trade legislation then they will implement it via the EPA by Administrative Fiat!

Read that again: Congress, we are warning you, if you don't pass this legislation we will bypass you and do it through our administrative power vested in the EPA. Think the EPA can't do this? Oh, but the Supreme Court has given the EPA the power to regulate so called "Green House" gases in this ruling.

Now consider what the Obama administration did this week in threatening to emasculate Congress and then go back and read that article about Venezuelan politics. Tell me again, what is the difference?

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