Monday, December 7, 2009

Part 1. America: Is healthcare a right?

In the current national debate on healthcare and healthcare insurance, some have asserted that healthcare is a right.

The Roman Catholic Church has weighed in also and declared that Reform efforts must begin with the principle that decent health care is not a privilege, but a right.

These are strong words. In our country, we are typically careful about what we call a "right". Such language can have grave implications, economic for instance.

Yet, aren't we essentially at the point where access to healthcare is a right in America? There is a law that compels hospitals to treat patients without regard to their ability to pay.

In essence, no one is turned away from receiving healthcare in America. So what is the fuss?

Well, the fuss of course is about WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT AND HOW!!

This will be a Four Part Series where we look at America: Is healthcare a right?

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