Monday, December 21, 2009

This is as serious as it gets.......Israel & Iran

Dean Lobs has posted an excellent summary of where the Middle East stands as we come to the end of 2009. Short version......Israel is between a rock and a hard place. And the Obama administration is more than happy to leave them swinging in the wind. Israel is literally faced with the Iranian mandate to "wipe Israel off the map". They cannot afford to ignore that. Meanwhile Obama shows favor toward UN sanctions against Iran which don't amount to a hill of beans and may never even see the light of day since Russia (a big Iranian trading partner) is not eager to go along with them.

So, Israel ends up playing a game of very high stakes poker. They can't attack Iran until they exhaust every conceivable diplomatic path. Otherwise Obama and his ilk will tear them up on the international stage of Political Correctness. But then, if they play this game too long, they may end up as one big piece of fused quartz.

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