Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cost of Healthcare Reform?

A shocking revelation from the Cato Institute suggests that a realistic 10 year budget estimate for Obamacare is more like $6 Billion, not the deficit neutral figure congress is tossing around.

As one might suspect, the devil is in the details. Since this is hideously complicated legislation, you could ask 10 competent groups of government economists for an estimate and likely get 10 different answers. The spread of answers depends on the starting assumptions each group would use.

What is sad, is that our Congress; the people we elect to supposedly represent the interests of We the People are using the most egregious set of assumptions possible in order to make the legislation look as favorable as possible. Why is that? Why are they so opposed to doing what is right for the country?

It is about sin: greed, power, and the worship of greed and power. May God have mercy on their souls.

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