Monday, December 21, 2009

Evil prefers to work in darkness......

It is official: in the middle of the night, the Democratic Party voted to have the government take over one-sixth of the American economy and remove any rights the American people have in their healthcare decisions.

There are still several steps involved before this monstrosity becomes law, but it should be clear to all that this is the property of the Democratic Party in spite of a majority of Americans screaming they do not want this.

Americans who believe in the Declaration of Independence, in the Constitution, in the Republic delivered to us by the Founders have some grave decisions to make. And these decisions revolve around this question: what to do about this?

This is not just a matter of how this country will internally governed. There is a move afoot to create a one-world government. Are we ready to give up our liberty, freedoms, and sovernighty? If no, what are we prepared to do about it?

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