Saturday, December 19, 2009

"Stupid & Dumb" reaches new low in Washington DC

There were some serious debates and criticisms of "Cash for Clunkers" the silly jump start program for the Obama-auto industry (which ended up benefitting Toyota the most).

And there has been much debate about the so-called "first time homebuyers tax break". Do we really want to induce people who might not be able to afford houses to buy them? Uh, wasn't that part of what got us into the current mess (hello Barney Frank!).

But as is often the case in Washington DC generally, and the Obama Administration specifically, we are now diving into a realm of silliness that is absolutely breathtaking!

Get Ready For "Cash for Caulkers"! Yep, in an effort to jump-start job creation in the economy, we are going to give homeowners tax credits to.......Caulk Their Homes! Next, I'm sure we will need Community Block Grants to initiate Caulking Certification Programs at Community Colleges. Then we will need new Job Training programs at the State Level, which will require a federal program to come up with Caulker Certification Programs: and of course all of that will be farmed out to beltway bandit contracting firms.

And now you can see why we are in the mess we are in. Thank you President Obama---Caulker in Chief!

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