Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Terminator raises the cutting sword!

Although he probably doesn't understand the irony of what he is proposing, Arnold "aka Terminator" is actually proposing a patriotic way in which the individual states of the union can take this country back from a devouring and unconstitutional Federal monster.

Give me the money I demand or I am ending the welfare programs in this state! Yes, do it.

Oh, but we can't do that! People will go hungry, people will suffer, and of course the staple liberal mantra, IT WILL HARM THE CHILDREN, WE HAVE TO HAVE COMPASSION FOR THE CHILDREN!.

Really? Since the "War on Poverty", the "Great Society", since "Medicaid", since "Medicare", there are more people living in defined poverty than ever before. Of course, a quick look around will show that a lot of them have pretty nice cars, Ipods, Blackberrys glued to their ears, and all the other toys of modern life.

Why not, you and I are paying for them!

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