Let's see: we have two wars on, our economy is in the toilet, spending is out of control, the deficit will hit the moon before another American can get there. Sounds like the Fed's plate is pretty full. But no, we still have time to play Nanny State and decide we are going to fix the issue of Obese Kids.
Very, very, very, bad idea. Let's look into the future a couple of years and see how this looks: big commissions issuing even bigger reports, rules and regulations on what children can eat, penalties for kids or parents who don't "shape up", new health classes in school, indoctrination on looking to government for answers rather than looking to ones' own family, and on and on and on and on. Why maybe we should have an Obesity Czar! Planned Parenthood could get into the act; after all his pre-natal testing shows you have a fetus that is predisposed toward obesity, then maybe you ought to think about your "choices".
What issue ever identifed by the Federal Government as a "problem" ever gets fixed by the Federal Government? Poor upbringing was identified as a problem and we got HeadStart. Probably has helped some kids, but has it solved the problem? And how much have we spent on it?
Nope, this is a dumb idea that will spawn even more dumb ideas and in the end not solve the problem. It's Personal Responsibility.
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