The man-made climate change "end of the world as we know it if we don't do something" folks are in retreat in every direction. Good!
The field of Science has not been as politically corrupted as it is now since the days of Alchemy. But politically corrupted it is!
Now we learn that the key player in the formation of the famous "hockey stick" of global doom wasn't very careful with his fundamental data and also admits that there has been no statistically provable global warming since the mid 1990's.
Those on the enviro-wacko left have never understood why the rest of us didn't walk in lockstep to their "save the planet" liturgy. It is because the science of what they were trying to shove down our throats made no sense, and it still makes no sense.
The horror here is that these folks wanted (and still want) to fundamentally change how we provide for the energy needs of mankind based on a hoax. And this is not just a case of one economic system versus another. We are talking about creating a whole new system of haves and have-nots, established with a cruelty of arbitrary elitism that is nothing less than what Hitler would have welcomed.
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