Early in the wars between the social justice advocates and the orthodox bibilical authority advocates in The Episcopal Church, the National Church Office (New York) took recalcitrant churches to court if they tried to leave the national denomination and take their buildings and money with them.
Later on, the National Church Office started to accuse targeted orthodox clergy of no longer being faithful to the church and tossed them out, in essence revoking their ordinations so they could no longer act as clergy.
Now we see the culmination of this roughshod strategy where the National Church Office is apparantly laying the groundwork to go after a whole diocese that is still within the National Church Organization simply because that diocese has stated its opposition to what the National Church Office is doing. So we see that the Diocese of South Carolina has delayed its diocesan council (convention) as it seeks to grasp just what the National Church Office is up to.
This is truly awful. Bishop Marc Lawrence has done nothing to take his diocese outside the TEC family. Yet clearly the diocese is in the sights of TEC with legal action underway. What's next? Wire tapping, hacking clergy computers?
Perhaps this is the last desparate effort of an organization that has taken itself far too seriously, has no sense of perspective, and certainly shows nothing of the Christian beliefs it professes to espouse. This very ugly situation may prove to be the undoing of TEC.
More to come for sure.......
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