President Obama's "likability" quotient is still decent, and of course, there are the "ever faithful" who will worship him no matter what. But just like Woodrow Wilson, LBJ, Jimmy Carter, and to a lesser extent Richard Nixon, and George W Bush, Obama's is a failed Presidency.
What marks Obama's failure is the incredible velocity of failure. As noted here, there are many elements to the Obama failure, but perhaps the central causative factor is the unmistakable fact that Obama is not culturally an American (he did not grow up in America) and deep down doesn't seem to like America. From that position, there is a chasm between him and the country he seeks to govern (rule?).
Combine this with real lack of knowledge about how business works, how wealth and jobs are created, and what the average American longs for (white, black, yellow, brown) which is for government to get out of their lives, then you see how it is nearly impossible for him to govern effectively.
Like the spectacular leftist, socialist, marxist radicals of the 20th century, what Obama really wants to do is rule. But his bad luck was to win the Presidency of a country that was founded specifically so that leaders could only govern and would never ever have the chance to rule.
Hat Tip: Susan R
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