While giving a speech at one of his Town Hall meetings in New Hampshire, the Prez once again gave a helping hand to Harry Reids sagging campaign by bashing people who buy boats AND spend money in Las Vegas.
To be precise, what he said was, "You don't go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage," Obama said. "You don't blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you're trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices."
If he was some type of fiscal conservative, leading by example, these comments just might be defensible. But his spending like a drunken sailor in 2009 followed by the bloated federal budget he has submitted for 2011, taken together with a federal payroll that is just exploding makes him and his comments laughable to the point where he is giving Jay Leno a run for his money.
But just remember this: he doesn't care. He is not out to rebuild America, so arguments that he is doing it wrong don't count. He is out to TRANSFORM America into a European style socialist mushball that can then later fall into marxism.
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