What a warm cozy thought that is! Iran's radical leader President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that Iran has now enriched Uranium to 20% U235 which is the fissionable grade of Uranium. The type for power plants and for bombs. That is a real technical achievement, you don't do that with a home chemistry set. We are going to pay for letting them get that capability.
Just as important as Iran's announcement is what it says about 20 years of dithering by the United States and the world as Iran has moved from rule under the Shah of Iran to a radical Islamist regime hell bent on nuclear capability. And it shows clearly as no other way can how absolutely worthless the United Nations is. We should not send one more dime of money to that worthless institution.
Just pray that Iranian missle doesn't show up in your neighborhood. You might need SPF 10,000 sunscreen to survive!
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