When the Federal Secretary for Transportation testifies in Congress that Toyota drivers ought to park their cars and not drive them due to safety concerns, that is a big deal!
Trans Sec Ray LaHood backed off his statement somewhat later, did he misspeak or is it the politicians version of asking forgiveness rather than permission? The central issue here is why is the Federal Government putting so much attention and airplay on the Toyota recall.
Conservative "conventional wisdom" points to the compromised position of the Feds who have effectively taken control of GM and Chrysler and are now dealing with one of their "competitors" in Toyota. Which is a prime reason the Feds should not be in the formerly private market place be it with GM, Banks, or Mortgages (Freddie & Fannie).
But is there yet another side to this? Recall that Toyota's production plants are non-union! So maybe it's not just that the Fed's are trying to protect "their" investment. Maybe SEIU has put out the word that they want to take Toyota down.
Kinda like the Chicago mob deal; either join us or your bad luck is going to get worse.
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