This in-depth article from Pravda gives an interesting look at how Hitler came to power in Germany. Some of the highlights:
*One of the contemporary myths suggests that Hitler came to power lawfully and democratically.
*Adolf Hitler and his party seized the power employing complex, formally democratic procedures and dirty election techniques. They utilized non-constitutional “emergency” lawmaking, administrative annihilation of the country’s federal system, and, most importantly, games and intrigues in the executive offices.
*the Nazis used dirty intimidation and “false choice” techniques. The voters were mobilized with a threat of communist power. Twice deceived voters gave their votes to the NSDAP. They believed they were choosing patriotic socialism (and not the Nazism) over the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).
*On February 1, the Reichstag was dismissed again by President Hindenburg. On February 4, the President signed a decree about “Protection of the German people” (Verordnung zum Schutze des Deutschen Volkes), limiting people’s freedoms. Two more emergency decrees were issued after the Reichstag arson. They included the decree allowing for the protection of the people and the state and the decree against betrayal of the German people (Verordnung gegen Verrat am Deutschen Volke und hochverraeterische Umtriebe). These decrees made it lawful to pursue political opponents
The last point made in the article, although translated badly, nevertheless sends a clear message worth paying attention to: "The history of the political shady undertakings by the Nazi shows how dangerous voters and public opinion manipulation can be. Distortion of the essence of the people power can be easily transformed into its converse, murderous tyranny."
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