Breitbart Big Government has reported that the Clintons are plotting strategy to undermine the Tea Party movement. Last year the Tea Parties were belittled by everyone in the media and in government. Then Scott Brown cleaned their clocks in Massachuesetts. So, what are they planning? Pure Clinton:
Big Government has learned that Clintonistas are plotting a “push/pull” strategy. They plan to identify 7-8 national figures active in the tea party movement and engage in deep opposition research on them. If possible, they will identify one or two they can perhaps ‘turn’, either with money or threats, to create a mole in the movement. The others will be subjected to a full-on smear campaign. (Has MSNBC already been notified?)
Big Government has also learned that James Carville will head up the effort.
James Carville? Well, we can predict the whole effort will be pretty nasty.
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