More in-depth analysis of the situation in the Dio SC is available here.
Basically, the National Church Office may be laying a case against the Bishop that by not aggressively pursuing legal action against individual churches in his diocese leaving The Episcopal Church, the Bishop is guilty (in the eyes of TEC) of abandonment of communion. This then lays the groundwork for the National Church to get rid of the Bishop and install one of their cronies.
That strategy is awful enough, but read the linked article to get all the nuances of how this has apparently been done to appreciate how really dirty this business is. And all of this is possible only because the National Church is pouring incredible amounts of money into these legal thrusts. This is money spent to sue and brow beat Christians who don't agree with them. This is money that people give to the Church (in the name of God). This is money that people have left to the church in their estates, for good works. And this is where it is going.
I am betting that those in the National Church are going to have a lot to explain one day to the Big Guy upstairs. And I don't think it will be a very pleasant conversation to say the least.
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