Sunday, December 5, 2010
Abolish Income Tax and FICA Withholding Now!
Abolish Withholding
Here is the problem: we can elect and send to Washington DC all the conservative Representatives and Senators we can. And when they get there and try to reign in the Federal Government, the Progressives, Unions, Entitlement supporters, and powerful lobbying groups come together to squash those efforts.
What to do?
We have to get the vast majority of Americans behind efforts to shrink the size of Government!
How to do that?
There are two ways to force the effort to pare back Government:
1. Use the strategy of "Starve the Beast"
2. Show every American, every day, how much he/she is paying in taxes
How to do that?
Abolish withholding of Federal Income Tax and FICA. Go back to the system where each American holds back a portion of their earnings to send it in at the end of the year. Then each and every American will clearly see how much of their hard earned money is going to Washington DC.
But can we really do that?
Sure we can! Before WWII that was the way the system worked. But in the early 1940's the Government needed to step up the rate of tax collection to pay for the war effort. A group in the Treasury Department, including famed economist Milton Friedman, developed the withholding policy and this was implemented in July 1943. It was even touted as a way "to relive the taxpayer from having to do the work of setting aside his own money. Now it would all be done for him".
So, how can we do it?
We all have to contact our Representatives and Senators and let them know we want legislation introduced into the Congress to repeal withholding---NOW!
What will this do?
1. It will let every American see how much of their hard earned pay is going to Washington
2. It will build broad-based support for cutting back spending in Washington
3. When our elected Representatives propose legislation to cut back the size of Government, The People will be a large, vocal lobby in support of those efforts
4. As size of Government is reduced, spending will go down, deficits will be eliminated, and we can begin to pay off our debt.
Contact your Elected Representatives Now----Abolish Withholding!!!!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Off on Spiritual Journey
By the grace of God, I am continuing my spiritual journey on a new and exciting path. This is something I want to give full attention to, so I will be scaling back my internet usage and specifically will put blogging on the back burner for awhile. When I come to a resting place in my new journey, I will give an update where I am at and where I think I am going.
The Rev. Warren B. Mueller
The Rev. Warren B. Mueller
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Unbelievable News Day
The level of insanity in this country and the world today is beyond my comprehension. I don't have the time to write commentary on it all, all I can do is point you in the direction of the stories and suggest you ask yourself this question: would I be comfortable inviting the people in these stories over to my house for coffee and pastries?
Strap in: here we go!!!!!
Want to know why we can't cut the deficit? The word is entitlements, read it all here.
How to lie like a pro: Nancy Pelosi demands a vote on the Obama Tax Cuts. What????? There are NO OBAMA TAX CUTS.....the vote is on extending the Bush tax cuts. But hey, Nancy never lets the facts get in the way, read it all here.
Little Kevin Jennings, the Obama Safe School Czar is back at it. Pushing the Gay-Lesbian agenda in our schools, read it all here.
Maybe you don't like your job, or your life. But look at the bright side, at least you don't have to go throught the hell that Michelle Obama does, her life is really hell on earth, according to her, read it all here.
Now, we all know that "rights" can spring up as fast as lillies in the spring, but here you go: prisoners who need safe tattoos; yeah the regular kind in prison are dangerous and so "advocates" are beating the drums for safter tattoos. Guess who will pay for those,,,,,read it all here.
And just to put out a little "I told you so", here is a story describing how former President Bush is starting to look better to folks, read it all here
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Making her list: and checking it twice!
'As a consequence of us getting 30 million additional people health care, at the margins that's going to increase our costs—we knew that," President Obama said at his press conference Friday in response to a question about rising health spending.
Well, that wasn't his pitch when he was twisting arms to get ObamaCare passed. But hey, we are used to politicians "twisting" the truth.
But now, [w]itness Kathleen Sebelius's Thursday letter to America's Health Insurance Plans, the industry trade group—a thuggish message even by her standards. The Health and Human Services secretary wrote that some insurers have been attributing part of their 2011 premium increases to ObamaCare and warned that "there will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases."
Zero tolerence? Like in "I will punish you"? What does that mean?
What Ms. Sebelius really means is that the government will prohibit insurers from doing business if reality is not politically convenient for Democrats. ObamaCare includes a slew of mandated benefits for next year, such as allowing children to remain on their parents' plans until age 26 and "free" preventative care (i.e., no direct out-of-pocket cost sharing for consumers). The tone of Ms. Sebelius's letter suggests that she doesn't understand that money is exchanged for goods and services, and that if Congress mandates new benefits, premiums will rise.
These are Gestapo tactics. This is the "Chicago Way". Who will they use the Chicago Way against next? Look how easily the First Amendment is shredded!
Read it all here.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Caution: You may be entering the Twilight Zone!
The parents of a teenage boy are suing a Roman Catholic School for not granting a religous exemption so their son could attend the school without having received state mandated immunizations. Andrea and Paul Polydor, of Garden City, believe human bodies "should not be defiled by vaccines," according to a complaint filed in Nassau County Court against Kellenberg Memorial High School in Uniondale.
So, why don't they just go and find another school that fits their particular set of religous values?
Oh no, this is a perfect example of the "me generation". It's all about me, and my desires, and my wants, and who I am.
The "me generation" cannot and will not change: we all have to change to fit them.
LOL and grow up! Oh yes, read it all here.
County goes after criminal Farmer!!!
Be careful, this story could make your head explode.
DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. -- DeKalb County is suing a local farmer for growing too many vegetables, but he said he will fight the charges in the ongoing battle neighbors call “Cabbagegate.” Read it all here.
Obviously the bureaucrats in DeKalb County don't have enough worthwhile work to do. Sounds like some government layoffs could be used to cut county expenses and get the geeks off the backs of everyday people trying to work hard and do well.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Gov. Christie continues to use the Weapon of Truth
Governor of New Jersey, Republican Chris Christie is making use of a special weapon that has not been wielded by nationally prominant politicans since Ronald Reagen. What is the name of that weapon? It's called THE TRUTH.
Watch all this video to see what the weapon looks like and how it is used.
I figure this guy needs to clean up NJ in a hurry so he can make a run as president.
Friday, September 10, 2010
ObamaCare Amnesia......remember the claims?
Hard to believe that just 6 short months the country was furiously embroilled in the ObamaCare debate. Public opinion polls showed that over 60% of Americans wanted nothing to do with it. Nonetheless, key members of the house extolled the list of fictional list of benefits, the Pharma industry joined the Whitehouse in selling the benefits, and finally the President called in House members one by one to offer the carrots and sticks necessary to bring votes into line. And at the last moment the plan was deemed to pass in its final form. Read it all here.
'They're betting that between now and November, you're going to come down with amnesia," President Obama told a Milwaukee crowd on Monday, vilifying the Republicans who "helped devastate our middle class." But it seems as if the real case of amnesia—or maybe post-traumatic stress disorder—has struck the Democrats, who are now doing everything they can to help voters forget ObamaCare.
This is a remarkable turn of events for Mr. Obama's major domestic achievement that was also supposed to be a political winner. Facing a grim November, Democrats are now running on another quarter-baked stimulus plan and the specter of John Boehner's perpetual tan, instead of the bill they spent more than a year debating and hailed as the liberal triumph of the century. Democrats now barely mention ObamaCare on the trail—unless they're trashing it.
Which goes to show, Americans didn't like having ObamaCare shoved down their throats, and the taste isn't any better today.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
And here it starts! Open the cookie jar!!!!!!
Here come the cookies for everyone!! Now $110B for all those nasty business people, evil profiteers, to heat up the economy.
What happens when all those businesses start to hire people and then make big profits from all the new business. Will Prez Obama them demonize them for being profit driven? Will he then propose new taxes on those profits? The Govt giveth and the Govt taketh away!
Read it all here.
Are we this scared?
What has become of this country? We were attacked by radical Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2001. Now a little bitty church in Florida plans to burn Korans to commemorate the 9-11 attacks.
And here we have the general in charge of our Afgan war declaring that such actions by the church might get his troops killed. Read it all here.
Are we, the most powerful nation on earth, ready to shut down a little church protest of an attack on OUR country, because we are too afraid of the people who attacked us?
Are we afraid to tell the people who attacked us "no you can't build your mosque on hallowed ground?"
What have we come to?
Monday, September 6, 2010
And here it starts! Stimulus II
"If we don't pass my stimulus plan right now, unemployment could go above 8%"
Well Mr. President, we passed that threshold a year ago. And it's still going up.
And now, you just happen to have the magic Elixer for the economy!!!!!
Wow!! Why didn't you bring it out and hawk it earlier???? Oh yeah, had to work on ObamaCare. Oh yeah, had to work on financial reform so no more downturns?
So this is the silver bullet, right? Read it all here.
Just one little question Mr. President? What democrat in congress up for re-election is going to vote for all this new deficit spending?
This is not going to pass, so why all this campaigning????
Is this just an attempt to fire up the languid looney left base? Must be, because this is going nowhere.
Think you need a better church? Check Progressive!!!
Feel like you are not getting anything from your church?
Feel like your church is not meeting your needs?
Want to shop around but think it's too much trouble?
Then you need Progressive
You pick the church YOU want!
"Hail Mary Pass Time": get your bullshit filter out!
In case you have not noticed, today is September 6, Labor Day. For many of us that is the last day of a nice, long 3 day weekend.
For the political ruling class it is the first day of the race toward the November elections. And despite all the deniles, the Democrats are in deep, deep do-do.
So, get ready, the Dem's in general and Lord Obama in particular are going to start rolling out a blizzard of proposals to both dazzle and confuse the electorate. Why confuse?
Well, they can't run on their miserable record, they can't debate real ideas because their ideology is both flawed and rejected by the electorate, so they have to use the oldest political trick in the playbook: go buy the votes.
Read some of it here.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Veep Biden: "We're Headed in the Right Direction!"
In case you don't remember the Veep's message, here is a reminder.
Let's take a look at the direction we have been headed in: see the following graphic display.
Yep, can't wait for November!!!!!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Physics trumps God?
Did God create the world and the universe as told in the Book of Genesis, or is that just a mythical tale used as a setting for the whole Canon of Scripture we call the Bible. Those faiths aligned with the monotheistic entity, God, have contended in one way or another that the Genesis account is a faithful rendition of worldly creation.
Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has come out here with the opinion that God was not necessary for the movement of matter and energy as the laws of physics would shepherd us toward the creation which we know.
I suppose it has never occured to prof. Hawking to ask "where did the laws of physics come from"? As cartesian beings, we sense a three dimensional world with a one way arrow flow of time as a fourth dimension. Thus, for us, everything including our experience of our own lives has an immutable time dependence about it. Not only does this shape our world view but it also shapes our comprehension of the world and universe which we cannot directly view. This leads to theological speculations on the ontological nature of God based on our own nature. While that can be helpful, it does not constrain God to our speculative thoughts.
The theological conclusions about the nature of God and indeed scriptural witness strongly argues that God does not exist in time. To God, time is another orthogonal coordinate of the universe. This implies that the nature of God as a set of behaviors does not intersect with the set of time dependent natures of man and the world. That God can "invade" our space with His creative revelations is certainly his perogative. Our ability to move to His space apparantly only occuurs through His Son, Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:6).
Physics has a lot to say to us about how the univers works. It has nothing to say to us about why it (and we) are here. That is what God's word revealed in scripture is all about.
Pity poor Prof Hawking if he never comes to this place of faith.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
What is a muslim moderate?
The proposed Mosque at Ground Zero has stirred up a fierce debate in this country over radical and moderate Islam and the dangers, perceived or otherwise.
This begs the question: what is a moderate Muslim?
From the Wall Street Journal there is this;
Don't Gloss Over The Violent Texts
By Tawfik Hamid
In regards to Islam, the words "moderate'" and "radical" are relative terms. Without defining them it is virtually impossible to defeat the latter or support the former.
Radical Islam is not limited to the act of terrorism; it also includes the embrace of teachings within the religion that promote hatred and ultimately breed terrorism. Those who limit the definition of radical Islam to terrorism are ignoring—and indirectly approving of—the Shariah teachings that permit killing apostates, violence against women and gays, and anti-Semitism.
Moderate Islam should be defined as a form of Islam that rejects these violent and discriminatory edicts. Furthermore, it must provide a strong theological refutation for the mainstream Islamic teaching that the Muslim umma (nation) must declare wars against non-Muslim nations, spreading the religion and giving non-Muslims the following options: convert, pay a humiliating tax, or be killed. This violent concept fuels jihadists, who take the teaching literally and accept responsibility for applying it to the modern world.
Moderate Islam must not be passive. It needs to actively reinterpret the violent parts of the religious text rather than simply cherry-picking the peaceful ones. Ignoring, rather than confronting or contextualizing, the violent texts leaves young Muslims vulnerable to such teachings at a later stage in their lives.
Finally, moderate Islam must powerfully reject the barbaric practices of jihadists. Ideally, this would mean Muslims demonstrating en masse all over the world against the violence carried out in the name of their religion.
Moderate Islam must be honest enough to admit that Islam has been used in a violent manner at several stages in history to seek domination over others. Insisting that all acts in Islamic history and all current Shariah teachings are peaceful is a form of deception that makes things worse by failing to acknowledge the existence of the problem.
Mr. Hamid, a former member of the Islamic radical group Jamma Islamiya, is an Islamic reformer and a senior fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Beck: Restoring Honor Event
In case you have been living under a rock or perhaps in a cave for the last week, Glen Beck hosted a "Restoring Honor" event in Washington DC which drew perhaps 300,000 to 500,000 people. It was held at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, the anniversary of the Martin Luther King "I have a dream" speech.
Beck's stated purpose was to "turn the country back to God and to restore honor". Beck has been on a journey to try and understand the fundamental nature of the problems that have beset this country. He has transitioned from blaming democrats, to blaming Progressives, and now in effect blaming himself and all of us with the idea that we Americans need to turn around to God. In effect claiming that we should not ask whether God is on our side, but are we on God's side?
This is precisely the position that Abraham Lincoln was in during the Civil War and Beck has come to recognize his coming full circle to that same realization.
You might think that public soul searching of this sort would be generally applauded. But not in the current fractious atmosphere. Read here for example.
While the Progressive and Liberal press beats the drums for Islamic tolerance in America, these same camps seek to bludgeon anything that smacks of Christianity or real religion. The same folks who extol the endless virtues of Islam possibly haven't darkened the doors of a place of worship for a long time.
America's formation and history is inexorably connected with God's providential plan for mankind. As Beck accurately points out "if we don't turn back to God and get on his side, he'll find another bunch of people who will". The Old Testament of the Bible is full of stories to back Beck's statement.
Monday, August 30, 2010
From the NYT: Economy options dwindle
According to the NYT; "THE American economy is once again tilting toward danger. Despite an aggressive regimen of treatments from the conventional to the exotic — more than $800 billion in federal spending, and trillions of dollars worth of credit from the Federal Reserve — fears of a second recession are growing, along with worries that the country may face several more years of lean prospects."
Read it all here.
And they are right: the current Obama administration has tried everything THEY know how to do!!!!!!!
But folks we have been here before: it was called Jimmy Carter!
In 1979 we had high inflation, no growth, no jobs, high interest rates, and a demoralized country that was being told from the White House that "this may be as good as it gets".
Ronald Reagen came to office, let a wrenching economic correction take its course to wring out the inflation monster and then slashed marginal tax rates which unleashed the largest economic expansion in modern history. Oh, and by the way, he defeated the Soviet empire in his spare time!
But do not dispare......the current crowd is not out of ideas yet! They are going to let the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of the year. They still want ObamaCare to go forward, they still want Cap & Trade, and don't forget their debt commission that will no doubt call for a National VAT tax. Won't all those things do such great good for our economy??????
If we do not start major surgery this November, a couple years down the road we may look back at 2010 as a time of unparalleled prosperity!
Wouldn't that be a pathetic thing!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Good News on the Gun Front.......for now.....
The EPA has rejected a petition to ban lead from bullets and fishing lures, read it all here.
"EPA is taking action on many fronts to address major sources of lead in our society, such as eliminating childhood exposures to lead," the agency said in a written statement. "However, EPA was not and is not considering taking action on whether the lead content in hunting ammunition poses an undue threat to wildlife."
A coalition of conservation groups had filed its petition earlier this month arguing that the use of lead in ammo and tackle is poisoning the nation's lakes, ponds and forests and asking the EPA to ban the "manufacture, processing and distribution" of lead shot, bullets and fishing.
Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action, objected to the pettion, saying the conservationists were trying to circumvent this rule by suggesting that while ammunition itself is exempt from regulation, the chemical components of the ammo and fishing lures -- specifically, the lead -- can fall under the EPA's jurisdiction.
But environmental activists like Michael Fry of the American Bird Conservancy told that the petitioners waited to submit their request until nontoxic alternatives such as steel, copper and alloy became readily available.
Stay tuned, the gun banners will not stop here.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Those darn "Little People"...
What is an elite leader to do? You enact everything you think the people need in order to live out your vision of a universal utopia and what do the thankless louts do? They protest! So how should you react? Charles Krauthammer nails the answer to that question right here.
And promiscuous charges of bigotry are precisely how our current rulers and their vast media auxiliary react to an obstreperous citizenry that insists on incorrect thinking.
● Resistance to the vast expansion of government power, intrusiveness, and debt, as represented by the tea-party movement? Why, racist resentment toward a black president.
● Disgust and alarm with the federal government’s unwillingness to curb illegal immigration, as crystallized in the Arizona law? Nativism.
● Opposition to the most radical redefinition of marriage in human history, as expressed in Proposition 8 in California? Homophobia.
● Opposition to a 15-story Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero? Islamophobia.
Now we know why the country has become “ungovernable,” last year’s excuse for the Democrats’ failure of governance: Who can possibly govern a nation of racist, nativist, homophobic Islamophobes?
Note what connects these issues. In every one, liberals have lost the argument in the court of public opinion. Majorities — often lopsided majorities — oppose President Obama’s social-democratic agenda (e.g., the stimulus, Obamacare), support the Arizona law, oppose gay marriage, and reject a Ground Zero mosque.
And since the liberals have lost the battle of ideas, all they can fall back on are attacks such as these.
EPA: Ban Lead Bullets!
The EPA is proposing to ban the use of the metal Lead in bullets, read it all here.
While it is possible to read this as a move by the typical enviro-whacko groups to prevent lead poisoning in deer, more than likely this is a bigger part of the socialist agenda to disarm Americans.
After all, guns are of no use with out effective ammunition. So instead of tackling the Second Amendment head on and getting clobbered for it, the Gun-Banners may take the backdoor route through the EPA.
All patriots need to let the EPA hear from them.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Jobs: Saved, Created, and DESTROYED!
While the Obama administration is busily crunching the fictional numbers of jobs saved or created, Americans will probably be more interested in this compilation of jobs destroyed as chronicled by Michelle Malkin here.
For example;
They’re employees of companies like Assurant Health, which announced last week that it would slash 130 jobs at its offices in Milwaukee and Plymouth, Minn., to prepare for costly Obamacare mandates.
They’re employees of medical-device firms in Massachusetts, where officials say they’ll be forced to cut back on operational costs and jobs thanks to a little-noticed Obamacare tax on their products that goes into effect in 2013.
They’re employees of such restaurants as White Castle and International House of Pancakes, whose executives say they will be forced into layoffs and premium hikes to cope with the federal law’s $3,000-per-employee penalty on companies whose workers pay more than 9.5 percent of household income in premiums for company-provided insurance.
They’re mom-and-pop enterprises across the country that must now deal with Obamacare’s onerous Section 9006 tax-filing mandate. It requires them to file 1099 forms with the IRS for every vendor from whom they purchase $600 or more in goods. Sen. Mike Johanns (R., Neb.) calls it one of many “job-crushing provisions” that will bury small business in paperwork and legal costs.
They’re the estimated 23,000 workers in the deepwater-drilling industry whom the White House deliberately wrote off in pursuit of its junk-science-based drilling moratorium.
They’re the estimated tens of thousands of workers employed by car dealers shut down by Obama’s auto czars at a time, as the TARP inspector general pointed out last month, “when the country was experiencing the worst economic downturn in generations and the government was asking its taxpayers to support a $787 billion stimulus package designed primarily to preserve jobs . . . all based on a theory and without sufficient consideration of the decisions’ broader economic impact.”
They’re employees of Utah oil and gas companies whose leases have been pulled without cause by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. The Interior Department’s own inspector general rejected Salazar’s explanation that the Bush administration had rushed the leases through. The Deseret News reports that “rescinding these leases has likely cost the state millions already. Officials in Uintah county estimate the county lost 3,000 jobs in 2009, and Duchesne lost 1,000 jobs.”
They’re employees of commercial and recreational fishing businesses in New England, who have organized a flotilla on Martha’s Vineyard on Thursday to protest the Obama administration’s restrictive environmental policies and stealth regulatory ocean grab.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Insanity right at the top: Veep Biden, "moving in the right direction"
No Mr. Veep, we are moving to the hard-core Progressive Left at Warp Speed and you clowns are taking the economy not to mention the country down the toilet with a huge flush.
What does the Veep say? Read it all here!
In Iowa: "Beat Whitey Night!"
What kind of "change we can believe in" have we had over the last 19 months? Well, the President called a white policeman stupid for arresting a black homeowner. The New Black Panthers have gotten off scott free after intimidating white voters in Philadelphia, and the DOJ under Eric Holder apparently is not going to prosecute black on white crime.
Can you speculate on what consequence all these high level actions might have? Well, if not, then read this article here where multiple fights at an Iowa State Fair were apparently the product of a call to "Beat Whitey Night".
No matter hard the times in America, no matter how difficult the challenges we face; we would hope the President would serve, at the least, to unite us in the one thing we all share in common: We are Americans.
But this President has amply demonstrated he does not like the America that propelled him to where he is and he is incapable of providing that kind of leadership.
Monday, August 23, 2010
One Word Summary of ObamaCare: Failure, Failure, Failure
From National Review Online..........
The wheels are coming off Obamacare even sooner than most had predicted. The American people are not being fooled by the sugar-coated sales campaign, jobs are being lost, health costs are rising, and the first program to be launched is a dud.
● A new CNN poll shows that 56 percent of Americans oppose the health-care law, with only 40 percent supporting it — virtually unchanged from March when the legislation passed. Rasmussen’s latest poll of likely voters shows that 56 percent want it repealed and 54 percent say the law is bad for the country.
● Liberal advocates for Obamacare now have no choice but to admit that their messaging campaign has failed. In a conference call last week hosted by Families USA to share extensive polling data, advocates were told to stop saying that the law will reduce costs and lower the deficit. It’s not true and people don’t believe it. Instead, they advised liberals to focus on anecdotes about people who have been helped by the changes.
Do they really believe that people won’t pay attention to the double-digit premium increases that are coming, the $575 billion coming out of Medicare to pay for massive new entitlement programs, the $500 billion in new taxes that are driving up health-care costs, the barrage of new regulations putting employers and the health-care sector in a straightjacket, and the despised individual mandate that will force Americans to purchase expensive, government-dictated health insurance?
● We have (more) direct evidence of jobs being lost as a result of Obamacare. Assurant Health, a health insurer based in Milwaukee that specializes in individual and small-group policies, has announced that it is laying off 130 workers as of October 1. Assurant is a terrific company that was the first to sell a Health Savings Account policy and has continued to be responsive with innovative products to serve customer needs.
But new one-size-fits-all regulatory requirements are forcing insurers to slash personnel to meet new “administrative” tests, rules that present real challenges to a company that focuses on direct customer service rather than selling policies thousands at a time. Assurant is highly adaptable and will survive, but many capable employees and their families can thank Obamacare for losing their jobs.
● The president’s much-touted high-risk pools so far are a flop. Kaiser Health News reports that “an unexpectedly small number of people” have signed up for the program designed to provide insurance for people with preexisting conditions who were uninsured for at least six months. So far, a total of about 3,600 people have applied for state plans and 1,200 have been approved, with another 2,400 in the 22 state plans operated by the federal government.
North Carolina’s risk pool director says that “interest in the program has been lower than we expected.” As of last week, Connecticut had enrolled just one person.
The risk pools were flawed from the start, as we have written. Washington should have instead provided adequate resources to the states to supplement existing risk pools or create their own.
Obamacare will get even more unpopular as the damage of this fatally flawed legislation becomes clearer. And it also will become clear that the only solution is to start over with a clean sheet of paper and sensible reforms that don’t take a wrecking ball to our health-care sector.
How do you know this is true? What how many democrats WON'T mention ObamaCare in the campaigns unless forced to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Don't forget the Oldies to catch up on Today
According to a Library of Congress survey, Atlas Shrugged, published in 1957, may be second to the Bible as the most influential book read in America. It is required reading in management training at BB&T, the 12th-largest bank in the U.S. and one that resisted taking TARP bailout funds. Since the Obama administration took office, Atlas Shrugged has been making a renaissance with rising sales and library waiting lists, partly because it explains our current economic woes more straightforwardly than most of what we hear from today's experts.
What happened in Ayn Rand's narrative is coming to pass today, with an anti-business administration reviling private industry, capitalizing on crisis to expand and redirect investment within and between sectors of the economy — setting quotas, prices and compensation. Businesses responded by retrenching — ceasing to invest, innovate and expand. Whole industries contracted, closed down, or moved offshore; much like the U.S. gas and oil drilling industry is doing today. Then, just as now, management became frustrated and discouraged, reluctant to create jobs in an environment of excessive government meddling.
While the private sector shed nearly 8 million jobs in the past two-and-a-half years, the federal government increased its payroll by 240,000 jobs. So the private sector that is the primary source of national wealth has been shrinking while supporting a growing public sector that generally produces nothing. That burden is made greater by the fact that government workers have incomes 30% higher and benefits 50% more costly on average than those received by equivalent private-sector workers.
Read it all here and maybe in the book too!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Is Pandora's Box being opened????
That picture above is a view of Iran's first nuclear power plant outside the city of Bushehr. With Russian assistance it will be loaded with nuclear fuel rods with a couple of days from now. After various tests, the plant will presumably go critical in the near future and begin generating power. Read it all here.
Iran is not just another country joining the nuclear power club: Iran is the "ground zero" of radical Islamic terrorism around the world. No less source than the CIA, read here, lists the legal system of Iran as being based on Sharia Law. What does that mean? Sharia Law is the sacred law of Islam, read more
In its radical expression, Islam and Sharia Law seek to purge the world of infidels, those who are not Muslim under Islamic religion. With the advent of nuclear power in Iran, one of the world's most radical Islamic nations now has the secrets of the greatest power mankind has devised.
Is that smart?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Doctors vs Guns..................
(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians
per year are
(C) Accidental deaths per physician
Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of
Health and Human Services.
Now think about this:
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S.
(Yes, that's 80 million)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths
per year, all age groups,
(C) The number of accidental deaths
per gun owner
Statistics courtesy of FBI
So, statistically, doctors are approximately
9,000 times more dangerous than
gun owners.
Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.'
Almost everyone has at least one doctor.
This means you are over 900 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as a gun owner!
Please alert your friends
to this
alarming threat.
We must ban doctors
before this gets completely out of hand!
Out of concern for the public at large,
I withheld the statistics on
for fear the shock would cause
people to panic and seek medical attention!
Hat Tip: Susan R
(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians
per year are
(C) Accidental deaths per physician
Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of
Health and Human Services.
Now think about this:
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S.
(Yes, that's 80 million)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths
per year, all age groups,
(C) The number of accidental deaths
per gun owner
Statistics courtesy of FBI
So, statistically, doctors are approximately
9,000 times more dangerous than
gun owners.
Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.'
Almost everyone has at least one doctor.
This means you are over 900 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as a gun owner!
Please alert your friends
to this
alarming threat.
We must ban doctors
before this gets completely out of hand!
Out of concern for the public at large,
I withheld the statistics on
for fear the shock would cause
people to panic and seek medical attention!
Hat Tip: Susan R
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Mosque at Ground Zero was elevated to national status plus by President Obama at a Ramadan dinner at the White House last week.
The issue has gone viral in the US since then.
Now, Nancy Pelosi wants to investigate who has made this such a political issue.
Uhhhhh, call the White House, Ms. it all here.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Rod Blagojevich guilty of one count
Let's see. After a major Federal trial, the former governor of Illinois is convicted of ONE count??????????
Read it all here.
And now the Fed's are going to retry him?????? Uh, I hope this time they put President O and Rambo on the stand. I have a lot of questions I would ask.
Stay tuned. This ought to be good!!!!
Muslims have right to build Mosque....Christians can't build church
No one less than the President of the United States has waded full depth into the controversy to support Muslims who want to build a new Mosque at Ground Zero. The place where radical muslims killed 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001.
After all the President said "our Founders wanted there to be Freedom of Religion" and we have to preserve that in this case.
Okay, but what about the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church which was destroyed when the twin towers fell Apparantly this Christian church does not have the same rights? The Port Authority which has tripped all over itself to approve of the Mosque and ended talks with the Greek Orthodox rebuild!!
Really? Read it all here.
We will wait to see what the President says about the rights of this Church, which existed at this site prior to the radical Muslim murder of 3,000 Americans.
Blame the American People.......again.....
The President claims he did not support building the Mosque at Ground Zero. He supported their right to do so.
So he went to great lengths to support something no one was discussing. We know what their rights are. We were discussing the appropriatness of the project.
As reported here,
Pres. Barack Obama’s ringing statement in favor of the Ground Zero mosque had a gaping escape clause: He didn’t necessarily support the mosque.
Not that he bothered to spell that out for his entranced listeners at an iftar dinner at the White House last Friday night, or to those of his supporters who rushed to hail the “finest moment” of his presidency. “Moment” turned out to be the right word. Less than 24 hours later he was telling reporters he hadn’t taken a position on the “wisdom” of the mosque project, only on the organizers’ “right to build a place of worship and community center on private property in lower Manhattan.”
So, all the uproar is our fault because we could not parse his words the way HE was parsing them.
Shame on us!
Deja Vu
Remember way back in 2008 and The Housing Crisis? Well, who can forget! Here it is 2010 and we STILL have a housing crisis......a housing crisis built on bad loans, bad loan policies, and bad political policy that in essence said it is a fundamental right to own a home.
So we put a lot, a whole lot, of people into homes who could not afford them. And we let a lot, a whole lot, of people speculate in real estate who had no business doing so. And who greased the wheels for this? Freddi and Fannie.
So did we learn our lesson from this disastor? Apparantly not, because we are at it again, read it all here.
Faced with the utter failure of its TARP funded mortgage bailout, the Obama administration is now turning to the left’s old stand-in for housing market interference: the government-sponsored entities (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Fannie Mae is now working with the National Council of State Housing Agencies to let people buy houses with little or no down payment just like the GSEs did at the height of the housing bubble. And last week, Freddie Mac was also promoting no-down payment loans, this time through an array of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs. All this despite the fact that last week Fannie Mae announced it lost $1.2 billion in the second quarter of this year, and this week Freddie Mac announced a $4.71 billion loss. Both companies were also forced to ask for more Obama bailout cash, including $1.5 billion of your tax dollars for Fannie and another $1.8 billion for Freddie.
No wonder the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill did nothing about Fannie and Freddie; the Obama administration had every intention of continuing to use them to prop up the housing market. These programs will do nothing but delay the inevitable housing market correction. Instead of letting the market sort out what these homes are really worth, the Obama administration is only prolonging economic hardship by making it harder for new home buyers to afford a moderately priced home and making it harder for those who need to move for work to sell their current homes.
Two Wrong/Bad Policies do not make the Economy Right.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Lies, Lies, and Damnable Lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Part II
House Democrats this week will consider another cut to the Food Stamps program to fund Michelle "Antionette" Obama's “Let’s Move” initative.
Why is Food Stamps taking the cut? Here is the shocker of an answer:
Food stamps have made multiple appearances on the fiscal chopping block because Democrats have few other places to turn to offset the cost of legislation. Read it all here.
So let's see if we have this straight. In a $3.5 trillion Federal Government budget, the only place to find some spare cash is in the Food Stamps budget?
This is a lie. It is cover for something else. It is deception of the worst kind and the typical government use of the weakest to jam home the case for more revenues.
Shameful and dispicable aren't strong enough terms. Maybe EVIL is appropriate.
From the President's Lips: ....Muslim's Rights to Build
August 13, 2010, from Barack Obama:
Friday: 'Let me be clear: As a citizen and as President I believe that Muslims have the same right ... to build a place of worship and a community centre on private property in Lower Manhattan'
That is clear: he supports building a Muslim Mosque on the site where radical Muslims killed 3,000 American citizens.
See any problem with that?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Racial Inflation?
The other day, I posted an article that suggested that as a Nation, we may be suffering from Black Fatigue. See it here.
With all the ethics questions for the Congressional Black Caucus, with the Dept of Justice blind eye to black-on-white crime, to the cries of racism over the TEA Parties, with little real power behind those claims, we may also be witnessing something I am now calling Racial Inflation!
And I define this as this: the more the liberal black institutional lobby plays the Race Card, the less effect it has.
Hence, Racial Inflation!
Build the Mosque he says: Is the President Muslim?
President Barack Obama on Friday endorsed a controversial plan to build a mosque and Islamic center just blocks from Ground Zero in Manhattan, despite the strong objections of conservatives, the ADL and those who lost loved ones in the September 11 attacks.“Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground,” Obama said at a White House dinner celebrating the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. “But let me be clear: as a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.”
Under the First Amendment, Muslims have the right to worship in this country but that does not give them the right to build where they want and when they want. No other religion has that right either. If anti-abortion Evangelical Christians want to build a church next to an abortion clinic, in all likelyhood they will be denied a building permit to do so because of the expectation of interrupting the work of the abortion clinic.
Likewise here, Ground Zero is hallowed ground: where some 3,000 Americans were killed by Islamic extremists. The construction of an Islamic Mosque will forever escalate the feelings of hatred that families of the victims must feel for those who killed their loved ones.
Healing will require the mosque go elsewhere.
So, why is our President, who bows to Saudi princes, and apologizes to muslims overseas so in favor of this? Is he at heart a Muslim also?
Friday, August 13, 2010
When Cornered: Blame Bush!
Embattled Rep. Maxine Waters on Friday blamed the Bush administration for her ethics problems -- saying she had to intervene with the Treasury Department on behalf of minority-owned banks seeking federal bailout funds -- including one tied to her husband -- because the Treasury Department wouldn't schedule its own appointments.
The California Democrat said in a Capitol Hill news conference
-- an event rarely held during a congressional recess -- that she reached out to then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson in late 2008 when his department failed to respond to the National Bank Association's request for a meeting.
But the House ethics committee, which is investigating Waters for allegedly improperly using her position for personal gain, says in its report of charges that when the meeting was held, the officers of only one bank came -- OneUnited.
That's a problem for Waters since her husband, Sidney Williams, served as a member of OneUnited's board of directors from January 2004 until April 2008, and was a stockholder in the bank.
OOOOps! The truth hurts! But nevermind,,,,,,,BLAME BUSH!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
More Christian Persecution in the name of Freedom
Now the anti-religous, anti-Christian movement heads west. Leaders of a Christian organization are convinced a group of atheists were successful in getting annual fellowship services moved from the Missoula County Fair, but church organizers say they’re determined to make the best of their new location.
Sunday morning church is a long-standing tradition at the Missoula County Fair, thanks to the Missoula Christian Network’s planning. But that tradition fell by the wayside this year after complaints from a national atheist group, which called the service “a violation of civil rights.”
Rebecca Markert, staff attorney for the atheist/agnostic group Freedom From Religion, said, “Anyone who went to the church service received free admission to the county fair, which is a violation of the Civil Rights Act. It discriminates against non-churchgoers.”
According to Steve Earle, director of the Missoula County Fairgrounds, the churchgoers did receive free admission – but so did every other Sunday morning fair attendee. The fair does not offer churchgoers any special privileges, Earle told
So, once again, this is nothing more than a radical atheist group exerting power through intimidation to prevent a community from coming together to worship at a public event.
There is nothing in the Constitution which prohibits this; in fact the Constitution protects this precious Freedom. We are going to have to fight back to preserve it.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain!!
Now that the House has passed a $26 Billion bill to support teacher Unions and pension benefits, you no doubt can hear the Food Stamp lobby squealing like stuck pigs about cuts in Food Stamps used to prop up the teacher unions.
And to many of us, it might seem somewhat cruel to take food out of children's mouths to prop up teacher pensions.
Oh, but do not worry. This is Washington, and nothing of the sort will happen. Read it all here.
After all,
Democratic rank and file members, including Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, say the cuts won’t take effect until 2014 and will merely return food stamp benefits to pre-stimulus levels.
Translation: we are only cutting the INCREASE in benefits. There is no reduction.
Welcome to life in Obamaville..........
What will it take to make the States Adopt Secession?
Not only is Washington DC suing Arizona over immigration. They are pushing the stimulus programs and hijacking state budgets in the process. Read it all here.
Standing with teachers yesterday in the White House Rose Garden, Mr. Obama said, "We can't stand by and do nothing while pink slips are given to the men and women who educate our children or keep our communities safe." Maintaining the salaries and generous benefit plans for members of teachers unions is indeed a top Democratic priority. That's why $10 billion of the bill's funding is allocated to education, and the money comes with strings that will multiply the benefits for this core Obama constituency.
Specifically, the bill stipulates that federal funds must supplement, not replace, state spending on education. Also, in each state, next year's spending on elementary and secondary education as a percentage of total state revenues must be equal to or greater than the previous year's level.
Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi did the math and figured out his state will be worse off. Mr. Barbour says the bill will force his state "to rewrite its current year [fiscal 2011] budget. Preliminary estimates of the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration show that we will now have to spend between $50-100 million of state funds—funds that must be taken away from public safety, human services, mental health and other state priorities and given to education—in order for an additional $98 million of federal funds to be granted to education. There is no justification for the federal government hijacking state budgets, but that is exactly what Congress has done."
So guess who gets to clean up the state's budget books when things go south? The state's taxpayers of course.
This Federal Government is out of control. It needs to be stopped.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Is our Nation suffering from Black Fatigue?
Blacks, or Afro-Americans, make up about 12.4 % of the population, as cited here. Hispanics make up about 15% and whites make up about 75%.
As we head into the backside of 2010, with mid-term elections along the way, it seems curious that a major crime story like the recent one from Connecticut has not caused more of an outrage or received more media coverage than it has. After all, a deranged former employee of a business killed eight of his co-workers.
Why is the nation so quiet about this? Is it simply another case of black on white crime that the liberal media wants to hush up because it does not fit with liberal narrative about life in America: where whites are racists and black are victims?
Or is it that as a nation, a nation still majority white and minority black, we are suffering from Black Fatigue?
What do I mean by Black Fatigue? In a nutshell I define Black Fatigue as the condition where the nation wants Black Americans to have all the freedoms and liberties and opportunities to succeed that any citizen of this Country should enjoy by virtue of their Citizenship. But the nation is tired of being called racist every time a black demagogue feels spurned, tired of watching a black man kill eight whites and all the media talks about is what a victim the black man is, tired of pouring billions upon billions of dollars into anti-poverty programs only to see claims that "poverty" is worse than ever; knowing that many of those "in poverty" have flashy cars and all the other toys of modern America, yet still line up for handouts. The nation is tired of reverse discrimination in the name of equality. The nation is tired of bending over backwards to excuse poor black behavior. The nation is tired of walking on eggshells, fearful of being labeled a racist for not walking on eggshells. And the nation is tired of being labeled racist because we are tired of paying for all the Government programs that don't seem to alleviate any problems, rather they just seem to perpetuate a dependent class which is nothing more than a modern version of slavery.
Black Murders Eight Whites; Media Blames Whites
After 50 years of being inundated with stories of white racism, and being taught in college that in this white-dominated society only a white can be a racist, the American public has been properly brainwashed into accepting the otherwise incredible: A black man murdered eight white people at his place of work because they were white, and the media story is about the murderer’s alleged experiences of racism.
To those closest to him, Omar Thornton was caring, quiet and soft-spoken. . . . But underneath, Thornton seethed with a sense of racial injustice for years that culminated in a shooting rampage Tuesday in which the Connecticut man killed eight and wounded two others at his job at Hartford Distributors in Manchester before killing himself.
“I know what pushed him over the edge was all the racial stuff that was happening at work,” said his girlfriend, Kristi Hannah.
In fact, just before he started shooting, Thornton had been told he had the choice of quitting or being fired for stealing beer, and there was video proof of his doing so. But this fact — the one indisputable and most pertinent pre-murder fact — got lost within the larger context of Thornton’s claims of being a victim of whites.
Where does all this slanted reporting come from?
Just as leading liberals would not ascribe Islamist motives — until there was no possibility of denying them — to recent Muslim attacks on Americans, so the liberal media — i.e., almost all news outlets in America — are not branding these Connecticut murders for what they are: racist. Thornton actually told the 911 operator, “I wish I could have gotten more of the people [i.e., whites].”
We are repeatedly told by liberals — both whites and blacks — that America needs an honest dialogue on race. Needless to say, they don’t mean it, because the moment a white or a black says anything critical of black behavior, he is labeled racist or Uncle Tom. So most nonliberal whites and blacks just keep quiet.
And where has the current intensity of racial tensions come from? The White House and the Obama Administration.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Marriage, Homosexuality, Courts, and Constitution
The federal same-sex marriage decision out of California sets into motion a sequence of events that will result in a Supreme Court earthquake two years from now. The Supreme Court can either vindicate traditional marriage, or forever redefine the most basic unit of human civilization. Read it all here.
On August 4, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California decided Perry v. Schwarzenegger. The Federal Judge in essence substituted his thinking for that of 7 million California voters who had decided in their state that marriage would remain between one mand and one woman. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that marriage is a fundamental right in the U.S. Constitution. In this ruling, Chief Judge Vaughn Walker held that the California Constitution violates that federal right by not allowing gays to marry each other.
Although not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, marriage is an implied fundamental right. The test for whether a right is a fundamental right is whether it is rooted in the history and tradition of the American people, and essential to an Anglo-American scheme of ordered liberty.
As one commenter to this article added, "The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and The Ten Commandments of Almighty God are the Triune Pillars of this Republic. The basis of our "Christian Nation, Supreme Court Case, 1892" was the Bible. And that is what the enemies of America want removed from our Nation. It is the Bible and God they want US to exclude from this "Christian Nation."
Religion, morality, freedom, and liberty are under massive attack from the Socialists who want to redistribute wealth to the various interest groups who want what they want, no matter what the Christian tradition of this country is.
Together, they may bring down this country which gives them the freedom to undertake their subversive ways.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Local Govt's cut services to deal with budget pinches
Local Governments do not have the lavish streams of revenue they had just a few years ago, read it all here. Property tax revenues are stagnant or falling. Citizens will not approve new taxes, and depopulation or foreclosures have hit hard.
Cities by and large still seem to be resorting to old tricks to punish voters who won't fork over more money to finance bloated city budgets.
The typical response from City Hall is to declare "the budget has been cut to the bone" and start laying off teachers, police, firemen, or cutting back on libraries, street lights, or sanitation workers. Note that administrations never get cut, pensions don't get cut, benefits don't get cut as those are "obligations".
The voters need to send clear signals to their local governments on what they think are "obligations" or not. I bet the voters have a different take on that.
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Car Government Builds for (not) Every Man
There it is: the pride of Government Motors; even Prez Obama had to sit behind the wheel to enjoy the new-car smell of the Chevy volt and the billions in Government money that props it up.
You see, the Chevy Volt has a couple of techical features that at first might seem to cramp its style: a range of 40 miles on a full battery charge and enough room for perhaps two full-sized adults and precious little luggage.
With its $41,000 price tag, it has a couple of marketing problems also. The first is, most people can't afford it even if they wanted one. But no fear, the Government is offering a $7,500 tax rebate to those who persevere and actually buy one of these things.
That raises a question, will anyone buy it? Yes, says GM's marketing consulting firm; Deloitte Consulting says that the demand for such cars is from “young, very high income individuals” from households that make more than $200,000 a year, which is why the Volt will be rolled out in upscale, trendy urban markets.
Isn't that just so special? The working class folks who can't afford such a monstrosity will be paying taxes to subsidize the upper-income somethings with no children who will buy it.
Sounds like a scheme only Michelle "Antoinette" Obama could make up!
Michelle "Antionette" Obama....." I do it for the little people"
The 2010 Spainish Vacation of Michelle Obama and 40 of her "closest" friends is reaching French Revolution proportions in awareness by the "little people". Read it all
Sacrifice is something that many Americans are becoming all too familiar with during this economic downturn. It was a key theme in President Obama's inaugural address to the nation, and he's referenced it numerous times when lecturing the country on how to get back on its feet.
But while most of the country is pinching pennies and downsizing summer sojourns - or forgoing them altogether - the Obamas don't seem to be heeding their own advice. While many of us are struggling, the First Lady is spending the next few days in a five-star hotel on the chic Costa del Sol in southern Spain with 40 of her "closest friends." According to CNN, the group is expected to occupy 60 to 70 rooms, more than a third of the lodgings at the 160-room resort. Not exactly what one would call cutting back in troubled times.
Reports are calling the lodgings of Obama's Spanish fiesta, the Hotel Villa Padierna in Marbella, "luxurious," "posh" and "a millionaires' playground." Estimated room rate per night? Up to a staggering $2,500. Method of transportation? Air Force Two.
And read here about the rising anger of taxpayers who are footing the bill for this largesse. Of course you have to read that in a UK paper since the Lame Stream Media in the US totally ignore the stories of Michelle "Antionette" Obama
"A Tidal Wave is Coming....." Pat Cadell
Former Carter pollster Pat Cadell sees it coming; look here.
He calls the voter's mindset, "pre-revolutionary".
I think he misses the point a little: he better pray there is a pre-revolution in November. The reason is that two things COULD spark a REAL revolution in this country otherwise:
1. People find their wealth has been stolen by the government
2. People find out that their votes no longer count; they have no voice
If in November they find out they have no voice, they may not wait for #1 to hit home.
GM makes political donations----why you should care
GM, aka Government Motors, is owned by you and me. We have 60% of the tab. So, are you in favor of your company making political donations to the Black Caucus? With your money? That is exactly what they are doing, read it all here.
The Federal takeover of GM was nasty; bondholders, stockholders got screwed. The Unions ended up with equity to protect their rich pensions, and we got stuck with the bill. And now this politically controlled entity is making political donations to favored groups who helped grease the skids for this corrupt takeover.
This is political self-dealing and corruption of the highest order.
Just SOP in Obamaville.......
Thursday, August 5, 2010
You with the Lemonade Stand----get a license!!!
Did you ever have a Lemonade Stand? Hopefully not in Oregan! You might have been shut down for not having a $120 Restaurant license.
Read it all here.
Oregon county officials have apologized after health inspectors told a 7-year-old girl that she can’t run a lemonade stand without a $120 temporary restaurant license.
Jeff Cogen, chairman of the Multnomah County Board of Commissions, told that he apologized to the mother, Maria Fife, and is now turning his attention to changing the rules.
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