That picture above is a view of Iran's first nuclear power plant outside the city of Bushehr. With Russian assistance it will be loaded with nuclear fuel rods with a couple of days from now. After various tests, the plant will presumably go critical in the near future and begin generating power. Read it all here.
Iran is not just another country joining the nuclear power club: Iran is the "ground zero" of radical Islamic terrorism around the world. No less source than the CIA, read here, lists the legal system of Iran as being based on Sharia Law. What does that mean? Sharia Law is the sacred law of Islam, read more
In its radical expression, Islam and Sharia Law seek to purge the world of infidels, those who are not Muslim under Islamic religion. With the advent of nuclear power in Iran, one of the world's most radical Islamic nations now has the secrets of the greatest power mankind has devised.
Is that smart?
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