Blacks, or Afro-Americans, make up about 12.4 % of the population, as cited here. Hispanics make up about 15% and whites make up about 75%.
As we head into the backside of 2010, with mid-term elections along the way, it seems curious that a major crime story like the recent one from Connecticut has not caused more of an outrage or received more media coverage than it has. After all, a deranged former employee of a business killed eight of his co-workers.
Why is the nation so quiet about this? Is it simply another case of black on white crime that the liberal media wants to hush up because it does not fit with liberal narrative about life in America: where whites are racists and black are victims?
Or is it that as a nation, a nation still majority white and minority black, we are suffering from Black Fatigue?
What do I mean by Black Fatigue? In a nutshell I define Black Fatigue as the condition where the nation wants Black Americans to have all the freedoms and liberties and opportunities to succeed that any citizen of this Country should enjoy by virtue of their Citizenship. But the nation is tired of being called racist every time a black demagogue feels spurned, tired of watching a black man kill eight whites and all the media talks about is what a victim the black man is, tired of pouring billions upon billions of dollars into anti-poverty programs only to see claims that "poverty" is worse than ever; knowing that many of those "in poverty" have flashy cars and all the other toys of modern America, yet still line up for handouts. The nation is tired of reverse discrimination in the name of equality. The nation is tired of bending over backwards to excuse poor black behavior. The nation is tired of walking on eggshells, fearful of being labeled a racist for not walking on eggshells. And the nation is tired of being labeled racist because we are tired of paying for all the Government programs that don't seem to alleviate any problems, rather they just seem to perpetuate a dependent class which is nothing more than a modern version of slavery.
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