As we reported the other day, a man was arrested outside a Chicago abortion clinc for praying!! See here.
Well, now the city of Chicago has dropped the charges!
A clerk at the Cook County Court confirmed Wednesday that the case against Joe Holland -- a 25-year-old graduate student arrested while praying the rosary outside a Planned Parenthood facility -- had been dropped. The case gained widespread attention after it was reported by FoxNews.com on Monday.
The Chicago Police Department had no comment on Holland's dismissal. Earlier it had contended that Holland violated the city's new "Bubble Zone" ordinance, which prevents people near a health clinic from approaching within eight feet of another person with the intent to speak to them or hand them a leaflet without their consent. It also prevents people from interfering with another person's ability to enter or exit the building.
Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Lara Philipps would not comment directly on the dismissal of Holland's case, but she said she hopes patients' "bubble zones" will continue to be protected.
What a shame there is no protective bubble around the fetus......oh, there is....it's called the womb! No rights there!
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