In case you have been living under a rock or perhaps in a cave for the last week, Glen Beck hosted a "Restoring Honor" event in Washington DC which drew perhaps 300,000 to 500,000 people. It was held at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, the anniversary of the Martin Luther King "I have a dream" speech.
Beck's stated purpose was to "turn the country back to God and to restore honor". Beck has been on a journey to try and understand the fundamental nature of the problems that have beset this country. He has transitioned from blaming democrats, to blaming Progressives, and now in effect blaming himself and all of us with the idea that we Americans need to turn around to God. In effect claiming that we should not ask whether God is on our side, but are we on God's side?
This is precisely the position that Abraham Lincoln was in during the Civil War and Beck has come to recognize his coming full circle to that same realization.
You might think that public soul searching of this sort would be generally applauded. But not in the current fractious atmosphere. Read here for example.
While the Progressive and Liberal press beats the drums for Islamic tolerance in America, these same camps seek to bludgeon anything that smacks of Christianity or real religion. The same folks who extol the endless virtues of Islam possibly haven't darkened the doors of a place of worship for a long time.
America's formation and history is inexorably connected with God's providential plan for mankind. As Beck accurately points out "if we don't turn back to God and get on his side, he'll find another bunch of people who will". The Old Testament of the Bible is full of stories to back Beck's statement.
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