Hard to believe that just 6 short months the country was furiously embroilled in the ObamaCare debate. Public opinion polls showed that over 60% of Americans wanted nothing to do with it. Nonetheless, key members of the house extolled the list of fictional list of benefits, the Pharma industry joined the Whitehouse in selling the benefits, and finally the President called in House members one by one to offer the carrots and sticks necessary to bring votes into line. And at the last moment the plan was deemed to pass in its final form. Read it all here.
'They're betting that between now and November, you're going to come down with amnesia," President Obama told a Milwaukee crowd on Monday, vilifying the Republicans who "helped devastate our middle class." But it seems as if the real case of amnesia—or maybe post-traumatic stress disorder—has struck the Democrats, who are now doing everything they can to help voters forget ObamaCare.
This is a remarkable turn of events for Mr. Obama's major domestic achievement that was also supposed to be a political winner. Facing a grim November, Democrats are now running on another quarter-baked stimulus plan and the specter of John Boehner's perpetual tan, instead of the bill they spent more than a year debating and hailed as the liberal triumph of the century. Democrats now barely mention ObamaCare on the trail—unless they're trashing it.
Which goes to show, Americans didn't like having ObamaCare shoved down their throats, and the taste isn't any better today.
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