Monday, September 6, 2010

"Hail Mary Pass Time": get your bullshit filter out!

In case you have not noticed, today is September 6, Labor Day. For many of us that is the last day of a nice, long 3 day weekend.

For the political ruling class it is the first day of the race toward the November elections. And despite all the deniles, the Democrats are in deep, deep do-do.

So, get ready, the Dem's in general and Lord Obama in particular are going to start rolling out a blizzard of proposals to both dazzle and confuse the electorate. Why confuse?

Well, they can't run on their miserable record, they can't debate real ideas because their ideology is both flawed and rejected by the electorate, so they have to use the oldest political trick in the playbook: go buy the votes.

Read some of it here.

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