Abolish Withholding
Here is the problem: we can elect and send to Washington DC all the conservative Representatives and Senators we can. And when they get there and try to reign in the Federal Government, the Progressives, Unions, Entitlement supporters, and powerful lobbying groups come together to squash those efforts.
What to do?
We have to get the vast majority of Americans behind efforts to shrink the size of Government!
How to do that?
There are two ways to force the effort to pare back Government:
1. Use the strategy of "Starve the Beast"
2. Show every American, every day, how much he/she is paying in taxes
How to do that?
Abolish withholding of Federal Income Tax and FICA. Go back to the system where each American holds back a portion of their earnings to send it in at the end of the year. Then each and every American will clearly see how much of their hard earned money is going to Washington DC.
But can we really do that?
Sure we can! Before WWII that was the way the system worked. But in the early 1940's the Government needed to step up the rate of tax collection to pay for the war effort. A group in the Treasury Department, including famed economist Milton Friedman, developed the withholding policy and this was implemented in July 1943. It was even touted as a way "to relive the taxpayer from having to do the work of setting aside his own money. Now it would all be done for him".
So, how can we do it?
We all have to contact our Representatives and Senators and let them know we want legislation introduced into the Congress to repeal withholding---NOW!
What will this do?
1. It will let every American see how much of their hard earned pay is going to Washington
2. It will build broad-based support for cutting back spending in Washington
3. When our elected Representatives propose legislation to cut back the size of Government, The People will be a large, vocal lobby in support of those efforts
4. As size of Government is reduced, spending will go down, deficits will be eliminated, and we can begin to pay off our debt.
Contact your Elected Representatives Now----Abolish Withholding!!!!!
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