2009 is the year where;
1. The first half-black half white-president was inaugurated
2. The year marxism got a solid foothold in America (see #1 above)
3. The year with 3 domestic terror attacks on American soil
4. The Episcopal Church goes hook line and sinker for the anti-Biblical approach to religion
5. Amercian Conservatives wake up to the old saying "freedom is not free"
6. Rush Limbaugh goes into the hospital on 12/30 and Conservative pray like crazy that he is okay. God Bless Rush!
7. And a thousand other things I don't want to recall!
Happy New Year
Thursday, December 31, 2009
When Oh When will we get the picture?
On an earlier post we cataloged the three direct terrorist attacks on American soil since Obama became president. And now we have a brutal attack on a CIA Base in Afganistan where eight CIA American employees are killed. And again, questions arise about the security around the base.
When is this Administration going to get the picture that we are A COUNTRY AT WAR? These are not "man made disastors", these are not "actions", this is a darn war on terror and it is global in scope.
But as of this moment, not a peep out of the White House. Don't hold your breath waiting on an anwser to my question.
When is this Administration going to get the picture that we are A COUNTRY AT WAR? These are not "man made disastors", these are not "actions", this is a darn war on terror and it is global in scope.
But as of this moment, not a peep out of the White House. Don't hold your breath waiting on an anwser to my question.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Is President Obama Insane?
A definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.
Yesterday we posted about released Gitmo detainees participating in the Christmas Day airplane bombing attempt.
Now the Obama Administration says they will not reconsider their plans to close Gitmo. After all, they claim they will handle these cases with a "fine toothed comb" to insure detainees do not go back into the terrorism business.
Let's hope they find a better "comb" than the one the ineffectual-bomber slipped through.
Yesterday we posted about released Gitmo detainees participating in the Christmas Day airplane bombing attempt.
Now the Obama Administration says they will not reconsider their plans to close Gitmo. After all, they claim they will handle these cases with a "fine toothed comb" to insure detainees do not go back into the terrorism business.
Let's hope they find a better "comb" than the one the ineffectual-bomber slipped through.
The Anglican Covenant: Hope for the Communion?
For those associated with the Episcopal Church in the US (TEC) or the Anglican Communion world-wide, you are going to start hearing more and more about something called the Anglican Covenant. Briefly, the The Anglican Covenant is the final work product of the Windsor Process which was instituted after the Consecretion of Gene Robinson, a non-celibant openly gay priest, as bishop of New Hampshire. It is a document that lays out the meaning of Anglicanism and the requirements of the various provinces of the Anglican Communion. By signing onto the Covenant member provinces in essence promise to abide by the Covenant. If a province strays from the Covenant, then there are disciplinary steps the Communion might take to bring the errant province back into accord.
What kind of a Covenant is this? Well, it is not really a Biblical Covenant because God has not ordained the terms of the covenantial relationship. In such a Biblical Covenant the people who keep the Covenant fall under God's protection.
So really here we are talking more about a contract as in the sense of a Real Property Law type of covenant. Such Covenants contain mutually agreed upon terms and conditions.
This is all fine and well and the first three sections of the Anglican Covenant give a beautiful expression of what it means to be Anglican and what our shared agreements are to each other as a Communion.
Now a multi-party covenant or contract is not very useful if there is no way to enforce or demand performance to the contract or covenant. And this is where my difficulty with the Anglican Covenant comes in. Section 4.2 attempts to lay out a process by which straying provinces who have signed the covenant may be brought back into accord. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to realize that any process as laid out in Section 4.2 will take years upon years to slog through and in all likelyhood will not draw any absolutes in terms of condemnation of any specific behaviors. In short, the thing has no teeth!
What this means is there is no up front pain for any province, such as TEC to the sign the thing, throw it in a drawer and then proceed on to ordain any number of openly homosexual non-celibant deacons, priests, bishops, wickens or whatever. So what if 20 years later there are some consequences?
How can we put some real teeth into such a document? Do we throw it away and start all over? No, we do not need to start all over. There is a simple way to fix this document but I guarantee you we will not see it. Here is how you do it:
1. Get rid of Section 4.2
2. For every point in sections 1, 2, 3, 4 have a signature line at the end of each statement.
3. The primate for each province which wants to execute the Covenant signs every signature line as an assent by the province to what is said in the document.
4. All the signature lines have to be signed for that province to be a member.
5. If a member is found to violate one or more of the signed statements, the Archbishop of Canturbury declares that membership void.
6. The membership remains void until such time as the offending province confesses its sin, repents, redresses the offending issue, and receives absolution from the Communion in the form of a vote by all members to reinstate the membership of the offending province.
Maybe not perfect, but some real teeth. No doubt someone will say that even this Covenant could be violated by TEC. Well probably. But if you enter into contracts with NO intention to be honorable, no contract can make you honorable. That has to come from each member.
What kind of a Covenant is this? Well, it is not really a Biblical Covenant because God has not ordained the terms of the covenantial relationship. In such a Biblical Covenant the people who keep the Covenant fall under God's protection.
So really here we are talking more about a contract as in the sense of a Real Property Law type of covenant. Such Covenants contain mutually agreed upon terms and conditions.
This is all fine and well and the first three sections of the Anglican Covenant give a beautiful expression of what it means to be Anglican and what our shared agreements are to each other as a Communion.
Now a multi-party covenant or contract is not very useful if there is no way to enforce or demand performance to the contract or covenant. And this is where my difficulty with the Anglican Covenant comes in. Section 4.2 attempts to lay out a process by which straying provinces who have signed the covenant may be brought back into accord. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to realize that any process as laid out in Section 4.2 will take years upon years to slog through and in all likelyhood will not draw any absolutes in terms of condemnation of any specific behaviors. In short, the thing has no teeth!
What this means is there is no up front pain for any province, such as TEC to the sign the thing, throw it in a drawer and then proceed on to ordain any number of openly homosexual non-celibant deacons, priests, bishops, wickens or whatever. So what if 20 years later there are some consequences?
How can we put some real teeth into such a document? Do we throw it away and start all over? No, we do not need to start all over. There is a simple way to fix this document but I guarantee you we will not see it. Here is how you do it:
1. Get rid of Section 4.2
2. For every point in sections 1, 2, 3, 4 have a signature line at the end of each statement.
3. The primate for each province which wants to execute the Covenant signs every signature line as an assent by the province to what is said in the document.
4. All the signature lines have to be signed for that province to be a member.
5. If a member is found to violate one or more of the signed statements, the Archbishop of Canturbury declares that membership void.
6. The membership remains void until such time as the offending province confesses its sin, repents, redresses the offending issue, and receives absolution from the Communion in the form of a vote by all members to reinstate the membership of the offending province.
Maybe not perfect, but some real teeth. No doubt someone will say that even this Covenant could be violated by TEC. Well probably. But if you enter into contracts with NO intention to be honorable, no contract can make you honorable. That has to come from each member.
Anglican Communion,
Anglican Covenant,
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Remember when all the democrats were thumping their chests after the election and telling us how they were going to shut that awful Gitmo down? And of course right after his immaculation, newly knighted Obama signed an executive order to do just that. Many conservatives pleaded with them not to do that because of a fear that the released detainees could go back into business.
And what of the detainees that are being brought to American prisons? We told you these might become a magnet for furhter terrorist actions. Want to rethink that?
And what about Attorney General Eric Holder's bright idea to prosecute terrorists in New York? In light of your latest failure on the terrorist front, would you like to rethink that very bad idea before we get into more trouble on your watch?
And what of the detainees that are being brought to American prisons? We told you these might become a magnet for furhter terrorist actions. Want to rethink that?
And what about Attorney General Eric Holder's bright idea to prosecute terrorists in New York? In light of your latest failure on the terrorist front, would you like to rethink that very bad idea before we get into more trouble on your watch?
Disconnected Bunker Mentality

As posted below, we have had three terrorist attacks on Obama's watch. Our security efforts are at best reactive, nothing proactive. This is a bad game to play "catch up" in.
And now, POTUS assures us that this is just a matter of "systemic failures", the system did not use all the information it had, everything is fine, we are going to make some adjustments and that will take care of things and by the way this is important because lives are at stake.
Mr. Obama, you are no longer a Community Organizer. You are now, unfortunately, President Obama, which means you are the Commander in Chief. It is not your job to make adjustments, measure out systemic failures, or such rot. Your job is to rally this country, to warn those who would threaten American Lives, not just "lives, that they had better back off or we will turn their communities into fused quartz.
But oh no, you won't do that will you? That would be insensitive, that would be an abuse of power, some might think that would have the "taint" of "victory" about it and we just don't do that anymore. After all, no nation can be better than other nations, we are all hnow just equals in the world.
Mr. Obama, your grade on this exercise is one huge F!
Rethink Airline Security--take the battle to the terrorists

By now everyone has heard of the "underwear bomber" and if you fly on airplanes regularly you know that the pre-flight security process is going to get worse for YOU (not for the terrorist probably). So why is it that we incovenience hundreds of millions of passengers instead of taking the battle directly to the terrorists??????
Here is my solution for decreasding the hassle of airline pre-flight security and increasing the likelyhood of stopping these clowns from getting into air with us.
1. Targeted security. Stop this political correctness crap and go after the bad guys. How many 87 year old women have tried to bomb a plane? How many 8 year old children have tried to bomb a plane? Of course, NONE! So stop the one-size-fits-all screening and take a hard look at the guys who look like your typical middle-eastern Muslim type bomber. Weren't we supposed to be suspicious of guys buying one way international tickets with cash and no luggage to check?????????
2. Remove 90% of the pre-flights checks, just a magnetometer to catch metal objects and load everybody on the plane. Lock the doors and let a bomb sniffing dog and an armed marshall patrol the plane for a half-hour or so before it leaves the gate. Pay special attention to middle easterners or those who have any funny profile specific behaviors.
3. Did I mention "profile"? Yes, if its my butt on your plane, profile like crazy!
The time saved in eliminating most of the pre-fligt hassle will make up for the time the dog and marshall patrol the plane.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Joe Biden: "We will be tested!"
Remember the campaign of 2008 and Joe Biden telling us that "we will be tested"? Well, they have been tested three times now and have failed each of those tests. In baseball, three strikes means you are out. But not here, we are stuck with these clowns come hell or high water. What are the three tests you say? Remember the two Arkansas recruiter murders? That's terrorist event #1. Then there was the Ft. Hood shootings by Malik Hassan and President Obama telling us not to rush to judgement and the Joint Chiefs of Staff telling us they hoped this wouldn't hurt their diversity program efforts. And now we have a rich, privileged Nigerian who trained with Al Quaida trying to blow up an airplane.
For 20+ years this country has played miserable defense when it comes to terrorists. When are we going to get fed up with the shedding of American blood and go on the offensive? Oh yes, Iraq and Afganistan......how is that working for us?
For 20+ years this country has played miserable defense when it comes to terrorists. When are we going to get fed up with the shedding of American blood and go on the offensive? Oh yes, Iraq and Afganistan......how is that working for us?
Defence Launched for the Safe School Czar

We have posted several times about the objectives and writings of Kevin Jennings, the Obama Administration's Safe School Czar. As the founder and head of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network), Kevin basically wants to bring homosexual education to your kindergarden through high school kids. What he wants to do and promote is clearly shown to be sin by Holy Scripture.
And now we see folks coming to the defence of Kevin and his kid's sex books. This is not a surprise, but it is done in one of the classic ways of evil: moral equivalence.
Moral equivalence posits that all moral positions are equally valid. Each person has to decide where they stand on the issues, but most importantly, no position can be called, ipso facto, false. The contention is that there is no absolute standard for holding one position above the other.
In the shining light of Holy Scripture we know this to be patently false. The Bible clearly calls homosexual activity a sin. In fact it considers it to be abominable.
Stand Firm, these wars against our children are just getting cranked up. Don't be fooled aby the moral equivalence strategy and don't back down.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Major News Flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop the presses, stop whatever you are doing. The esteemed (at least in his mind) Mayor of New York City (pronounced New Yawk Citi here in Mississippi) had just revealed to us what the purpose of government is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get ready, on todays version of Meet the Press, Mayor Bloomberg, hiz honah, told us that the purpose of government is "And life expectancy, arguably the primary purpose of government is to increase life expectancy, and we are not doing that.
Did you get that? The primary, not secondary, not after they do other important stuff like stopping terrorists, the PRIMARY purpose of government is to INCREASE LIFE EXPECTANCY!!!!!!!
May I see a show of hands if you were not aware of that? What were you doing back in civics class, surely that was taught there?
And you wonder why this government is so very screwed up to the point that the wheels are coming off? This is not just stupid, this is moronic. Actually condescending is more like it. They think WE are the stupid ones to fall for this miserable stuff.
Get ready, on todays version of Meet the Press, Mayor Bloomberg, hiz honah, told us that the purpose of government is "And life expectancy, arguably the primary purpose of government is to increase life expectancy, and we are not doing that.
Did you get that? The primary, not secondary, not after they do other important stuff like stopping terrorists, the PRIMARY purpose of government is to INCREASE LIFE EXPECTANCY!!!!!!!
May I see a show of hands if you were not aware of that? What were you doing back in civics class, surely that was taught there?
And you wonder why this government is so very screwed up to the point that the wheels are coming off? This is not just stupid, this is moronic. Actually condescending is more like it. They think WE are the stupid ones to fall for this miserable stuff.
First Sunday after Christmas
The Prologue from the Gospel of John, Jn. 1:1-18 (KJV)
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
8He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
11He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
15John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.
16And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
17For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
18No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
8He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
11He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
15John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.
16And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
17For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
18No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Blessed Winter Music

Christmas and the winter solstice are intertwined both temporally as well as in the intersection between the secular and religious. Please click here to listen to the beautiful hymn "In the Bleak Mid-Winter" by the Gloucester Cathedral Choir.
Religious Freedom? Abortion & Same Sex Couples
The First Ammendment of the Constitution of the United States of America still gives to us freedom of religion and worship. But increasingly, the Federal Government is forcing us to part with our earthly treasure to support those things that are in contradiction to Holy Scripture.
Sex education in schools with a decidedly homosexual orientation is one example, best illustrated by the Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings (see several posts on this blog).
The Senate Health "Reform" bill that will use taxpayer money to subsidized insurance policies that pay for elective abortion.
In addition, there is the estimate that nearly $1 Trillion dollars will be needed by the Federal Government to offer healthcare insurance benefit to Same Sex Couples who are Federal Government employees.
Where does that all stop? When will we stand up and say we will render no more to Caesar?
Sex education in schools with a decidedly homosexual orientation is one example, best illustrated by the Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings (see several posts on this blog).
The Senate Health "Reform" bill that will use taxpayer money to subsidized insurance policies that pay for elective abortion.
In addition, there is the estimate that nearly $1 Trillion dollars will be needed by the Federal Government to offer healthcare insurance benefit to Same Sex Couples who are Federal Government employees.
Where does that all stop? When will we stand up and say we will render no more to Caesar?
Holy Scripture
Be Prepared: Terror Strikes

Ironically like the story of St. Stephen below, here we have on the day of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, another jarring reminder of evil walking the earth as we stop to worship and sit quietly at the birth of Christ.
This is a difficult thing for Christians. To face Christ and seek to live in love and peace as He told us ("my peace I leave with you"), but at the same time to realize the peace of Christ is not either understood or practiced by so many in the world. The peace of Christ comes by living in full faith. Part of spreading the Gospel means that we have to walk boldly in a world that seeks to reject the Gospel and us....and at times will go to any length to extinguish the flame of hope which the Gospel represents for all who have ears to hear and eyes to see.
December 26: Feast of St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr

The story of Deacon Stephen, the first of the Church's deacons is told in Acts Ch. 6 and 7. Stephen spoke boldly for Christ and was stonned to death for his witness. As the glow of the birth of the Christ Child still washes over us, we are suddenly jarred by this rough image of Stephen. It should serve as a constant reminder that to be a disciple of Jesus is not easy nor popular. But through Jesus, God wants us and loves us. God wants all of us, and in true faith and humility we are called by Christ to follow.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ
Merry Christmas from Mississippi
Remember the Declaration of Independence!
In the Obamanation of Healthcare Reform, here is some of the most reprehensible language ever inserted into the most reprehensible bill ever passed by congress, Healthcare 2009.
What Harry Reid and the Democrats have set up is Senate procedural language that will make it nearly impossible for this legislation to be rolled back, if We The People decide at a later date we do not want this.
Ladies and Gentlemen: I don't say this lightly, but what do a sovereign People do when a government works against them at every turn, putting the interests of the government above the interests of the people?
Have you every read this document? It's called the Declaration of Independence.
In particular, let me draw your attention to these two parts of the document:
Part One: [When] in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation
Conservatives through many means (none violent by the way) have been making this case over the last 15 months.
Part Two: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
What does that language mean for us today? I don't exactly know. But here is my fear: we are on a trajectory toward marxist totalitarianism. We know from history where this leads. Will those in this country who treasure freedom, liberty, and the American Way allow us to be led into the slaughterhouse of Marxism, much as the Jews were led into the ovens at Auschwitz? I don't think so.
What Harry Reid and the Democrats have set up is Senate procedural language that will make it nearly impossible for this legislation to be rolled back, if We The People decide at a later date we do not want this.
Ladies and Gentlemen: I don't say this lightly, but what do a sovereign People do when a government works against them at every turn, putting the interests of the government above the interests of the people?
Have you every read this document? It's called the Declaration of Independence.
In particular, let me draw your attention to these two parts of the document:
Part One: [When] in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation
Conservatives through many means (none violent by the way) have been making this case over the last 15 months.
Part Two: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
What does that language mean for us today? I don't exactly know. But here is my fear: we are on a trajectory toward marxist totalitarianism. We know from history where this leads. Will those in this country who treasure freedom, liberty, and the American Way allow us to be led into the slaughterhouse of Marxism, much as the Jews were led into the ovens at Auschwitz? I don't think so.
Declaration of Independence,
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sacrilege in the Obama White House

This is the White House that spares no pain to show its utter disdain for anything American, anything Patriotic, nor anything Constitutional. After their global expansion of Abortion paid by U.S. Citizens, we knew they did not care for the Christian concepts of the sanctity of life. But we thought (perhaps studpidly) that they might show as much reverence for Christianity as they apparantly do to Islam.
On that decoration that is so singularly Christmas, the day to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, namely the Christmas Tree, the White House has seen fit to hang ornaments with the picture of Mao on them. How many millions of innocent citizens did Mao murder? Was it 27 million human beings? And there is even the picture of a well known drag queen on another ornament.
What to make of this? This is, in a word, Sacrilege. Yes Mr. President, you have committed sacrilege against my Christian Religion. This is something I shall never forget. But I pray that God almighty, a merciful God, will have mercy on your soul and save you from everlasting damnation for this particular offense against us and most importantly against Him.
The Totalitarian take over of Healthcare
The Wall Street Journal continues an excellent series of articles which analytically pick apart the Senate approach to healthcare reform. But does it miss a point, to merely analytically pick apart this bill?
Think of the Coast Guard reporting on the dynamics of a sinking ship, giving all the technical details of what is causing the sinking and how that is going to affect the passangers and crew as it goes down.
Beautiful technical reporting; but missing the key point of the story in both cases.
What the Coast Guard fails to tell you is that the ship is going down because pirates are firing holes into the hull with their weapons. What the Wall Street Journal, and other sources, fail to tell you is that all these dire predictions will take place precisely because the Obama Administration WANTS them to take place in order to implement the transformation of America and the American economy into a workers utopian leftist society.
Think not? Please recall this video, pre-inaugeration: Transformation.
Most of us probably didn't appreciate the inner meaning of Obama's words back then. Well, now we are going to get Hope and Change, full force!
Think of the Coast Guard reporting on the dynamics of a sinking ship, giving all the technical details of what is causing the sinking and how that is going to affect the passangers and crew as it goes down.
Beautiful technical reporting; but missing the key point of the story in both cases.
What the Coast Guard fails to tell you is that the ship is going down because pirates are firing holes into the hull with their weapons. What the Wall Street Journal, and other sources, fail to tell you is that all these dire predictions will take place precisely because the Obama Administration WANTS them to take place in order to implement the transformation of America and the American economy into a workers utopian leftist society.
Think not? Please recall this video, pre-inaugeration: Transformation.
Most of us probably didn't appreciate the inner meaning of Obama's words back then. Well, now we are going to get Hope and Change, full force!
How would the State Run Media report this?

Consider this: a news story breaks. A religous sect out of favor with the "One World Government" starts to clamor that some type of new King has been born. One World News services rush to report the story and develop complimentary story lines to flesh out all the implications of that story. Here is how it might look.
Mississippi is First on a Good List!!!!
It doesn't happen very often; when you hear about Mississippi being ranked first on a list it is typically something bad: drop out rates, teen pregnancies, smoking, obesity, etc.
But today, we have the number one slot on a good list. We rank highest of all states in terms of religous meaning in our lives. We ARE the bible belt.
Now, if we could only put the state back to work, people could earn their way up on some other good lists.
But today, we have the number one slot on a good list. We rank highest of all states in terms of religous meaning in our lives. We ARE the bible belt.
Now, if we could only put the state back to work, people could earn their way up on some other good lists.
Terminator raises the cutting sword!
Although he probably doesn't understand the irony of what he is proposing, Arnold "aka Terminator" is actually proposing a patriotic way in which the individual states of the union can take this country back from a devouring and unconstitutional Federal monster.
Give me the money I demand or I am ending the welfare programs in this state! Yes, do it.
Oh, but we can't do that! People will go hungry, people will suffer, and of course the staple liberal mantra, IT WILL HARM THE CHILDREN, WE HAVE TO HAVE COMPASSION FOR THE CHILDREN!.
Really? Since the "War on Poverty", the "Great Society", since "Medicaid", since "Medicare", there are more people living in defined poverty than ever before. Of course, a quick look around will show that a lot of them have pretty nice cars, Ipods, Blackberrys glued to their ears, and all the other toys of modern life.
Why not, you and I are paying for them!
Give me the money I demand or I am ending the welfare programs in this state! Yes, do it.
Oh, but we can't do that! People will go hungry, people will suffer, and of course the staple liberal mantra, IT WILL HARM THE CHILDREN, WE HAVE TO HAVE COMPASSION FOR THE CHILDREN!.
Really? Since the "War on Poverty", the "Great Society", since "Medicaid", since "Medicare", there are more people living in defined poverty than ever before. Of course, a quick look around will show that a lot of them have pretty nice cars, Ipods, Blackberrys glued to their ears, and all the other toys of modern life.
Why not, you and I are paying for them!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Healthcare Reform: Constitutional?
That title is both a subject question and a process question. As detailed here, does the Constitution of the United States grant the Federal government the right to force citizens to purchase a product? Plain reading of the document clearly says "no". Republicans in the Senate are pursuing the matter with full legal research.
Then there is the process question: Can legislation create such disparity in outcomes for states as represented by the sweetheart deals for Ben Nelson (Nebraska) and Mary Landrieu (Louisiana). As noted conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh suggested, these deals clearly demonstrate that prostitution is perfectly legal in Washington, DC.
But are your Congressmen and women concerned about the Constitutionality of their work? Not according to Congressman James Clyburn from South Carolina......."most of what we do is not in the Constitution".
Well slap me upside the head: here I thought it was all about the Constitution. Silly me.
Then there is the process question: Can legislation create such disparity in outcomes for states as represented by the sweetheart deals for Ben Nelson (Nebraska) and Mary Landrieu (Louisiana). As noted conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh suggested, these deals clearly demonstrate that prostitution is perfectly legal in Washington, DC.
But are your Congressmen and women concerned about the Constitutionality of their work? Not according to Congressman James Clyburn from South Carolina......."most of what we do is not in the Constitution".
Well slap me upside the head: here I thought it was all about the Constitution. Silly me.
Richly Rewarding Abject Failure
The Senate Finance Committee approved Ben Bernanke's nomination for a second term to head the Federal Reserve.
Interesting that someone who participated in the greatest National Financial Debacle since the Great Depression is being richly rewarded for his efforts with a another chance to head the great unregulated Federal Reserve.
How richly rewarded? Annual salary at the Fed will be ~$200,000 in his next term.
Interesting that someone who participated in the greatest National Financial Debacle since the Great Depression is being richly rewarded for his efforts with a another chance to head the great unregulated Federal Reserve.
How richly rewarded? Annual salary at the Fed will be ~$200,000 in his next term.
The USA Leftist Utopia..........................Not!
Want to see America's first major experiment in leftist Uptopia? Want to see your future?
Watch It All!
Watch It All!
Lies, Damnable Lies, and Lies of Damnation
The utter arrogance, depravity, narcissism, and hubris of Congress and Barack Obama are beyond the pale. The healthcare reform debacle winding its way through Washington DC is a piece of legislation that only a power-hungry Marxist could love. That they love it so much in Washington tells us so much about THEM.
The Wall Street Journal picks this monstrosity apart piece by piece to show how each and every claim made by this Administration is an utter lie and distortion. I remember growing up in awe of how the Russian people could let their government and Pravda lie to them day by day and how patriotic it was for us to fund Radio Free America to broadcast the truth to them. Well, that is what talk radio and Fox news is.....Our Radio Free America because the State-Run-Media tells us none of this.
But the true moral horror is the compromise made by Sen. Bob Nelson of Nebraska to sell out his vote and worse, his soul. For this act, I pray he repents in order to escape utter and eternal damnation. Here is Sen. Nelson's contribution to "change we can believe in":
1. In his generosity to us, he will "allow" states to decide to opt out of insurance policies funding elective abortions.
2. But the citizens of those states that do opt out will still pay federal taxes to subsidize healthcare in states that do not opt out.
3. Therefore, no matter that you live in an "opt out" state, no matter that your religious views uphold the sanctity of life. You, will be paying for legal murder in the form of elective abortions.
Elections have consequences: for those who voted for Barack Obama...is this the change you were hoping for? Was it your desire to live in a Marxist republic that does not respect life, only power? Is it that you believe your salvation comes from the Federal Government, not God almighty?
The Wall Street Journal picks this monstrosity apart piece by piece to show how each and every claim made by this Administration is an utter lie and distortion. I remember growing up in awe of how the Russian people could let their government and Pravda lie to them day by day and how patriotic it was for us to fund Radio Free America to broadcast the truth to them. Well, that is what talk radio and Fox news is.....Our Radio Free America because the State-Run-Media tells us none of this.
But the true moral horror is the compromise made by Sen. Bob Nelson of Nebraska to sell out his vote and worse, his soul. For this act, I pray he repents in order to escape utter and eternal damnation. Here is Sen. Nelson's contribution to "change we can believe in":
1. In his generosity to us, he will "allow" states to decide to opt out of insurance policies funding elective abortions.
2. But the citizens of those states that do opt out will still pay federal taxes to subsidize healthcare in states that do not opt out.
3. Therefore, no matter that you live in an "opt out" state, no matter that your religious views uphold the sanctity of life. You, will be paying for legal murder in the form of elective abortions.
Elections have consequences: for those who voted for Barack Obama...is this the change you were hoping for? Was it your desire to live in a Marxist republic that does not respect life, only power? Is it that you believe your salvation comes from the Federal Government, not God almighty?
Monday, December 21, 2009
This is as serious as it gets.......Israel & Iran
Dean Lobs has posted an excellent summary of where the Middle East stands as we come to the end of 2009. Short version......Israel is between a rock and a hard place. And the Obama administration is more than happy to leave them swinging in the wind. Israel is literally faced with the Iranian mandate to "wipe Israel off the map". They cannot afford to ignore that. Meanwhile Obama shows favor toward UN sanctions against Iran which don't amount to a hill of beans and may never even see the light of day since Russia (a big Iranian trading partner) is not eager to go along with them.
So, Israel ends up playing a game of very high stakes poker. They can't attack Iran until they exhaust every conceivable diplomatic path. Otherwise Obama and his ilk will tear them up on the international stage of Political Correctness. But then, if they play this game too long, they may end up as one big piece of fused quartz.
So, Israel ends up playing a game of very high stakes poker. They can't attack Iran until they exhaust every conceivable diplomatic path. Otherwise Obama and his ilk will tear them up on the international stage of Political Correctness. But then, if they play this game too long, they may end up as one big piece of fused quartz.
Obama gets an "A".....consider the source
The Terminator has decided here that President Obama is doing an Excellent job!
Let's see.........how has the state of California done under the Terminator? Oh yeah, near bankruptcy! Takes one to know one I guess......
Let's see.........how has the state of California done under the Terminator? Oh yeah, near bankruptcy! Takes one to know one I guess......
Evil prefers to work in darkness......
It is official: in the middle of the night, the Democratic Party voted to have the government take over one-sixth of the American economy and remove any rights the American people have in their healthcare decisions.
There are still several steps involved before this monstrosity becomes law, but it should be clear to all that this is the property of the Democratic Party in spite of a majority of Americans screaming they do not want this.
Americans who believe in the Declaration of Independence, in the Constitution, in the Republic delivered to us by the Founders have some grave decisions to make. And these decisions revolve around this question: what to do about this?
This is not just a matter of how this country will internally governed. There is a move afoot to create a one-world government. Are we ready to give up our liberty, freedoms, and sovernighty? If no, what are we prepared to do about it?
There are still several steps involved before this monstrosity becomes law, but it should be clear to all that this is the property of the Democratic Party in spite of a majority of Americans screaming they do not want this.
Americans who believe in the Declaration of Independence, in the Constitution, in the Republic delivered to us by the Founders have some grave decisions to make. And these decisions revolve around this question: what to do about this?
This is not just a matter of how this country will internally governed. There is a move afoot to create a one-world government. Are we ready to give up our liberty, freedoms, and sovernighty? If no, what are we prepared to do about it?
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Right to Bear Arms

In a campaign comment last year, candidate Barack Obama, lamented his limited ability to win over working class voters claiming they are inwardly bitter about declining circumstances and cling to their guns and bibles. It was one of many disparaging comments aimed at white American citizens.
In Obama's utopian worldview of America, certainly the guns would not exist and it seems most if not all of the Bibles would disappear also.
Fortunately for Americans, the First Ammendment to the Constitution still protects our rights to worship despite ruinous Supreme Court decisions to water down that Ammendment.
And the Second Ammendment protects our rights to bear arms to defend ourselves, again, despite the efforts of anti-constitutionalists to remove that right.
But remember: rights not exercised and defended are rights lost.
First Ammendment,
Second Ammendment
Will we be attacked by Terrorists?
This article from the Times online suggests strongly that Londoner's should expect a "Mumbai style" attack at any time going forward.
The attacks in 2008 in Mumbai involved a group of dedicated professional terrorists which killed approximatley 173 people and injured many more and went on for days.
A key question for Americans, is could the same thing happen here? Or, when might the same thing happen here? We have now targeted Afganistan as the place we are fighting terrorism. We have embarked on a confusing strategy in Afganistan with no clear objective. We have indicated we are not really committed to victory thers (of any sorts). So how best might the Taliban and radical islamists convince us to leave earlier rather than later?
Maybe by showing us terrible consequences for staying there at all. What if there is a terrible attack in a place like, say Houston? Hundreds or thousands killed, and direct linkage to Afganistan or Pakistan with clear indications of more to come? How will this President respond? How will our military generals want to respond? This may be a time of testing America's resolve to defend herself and her people. How will we do on that test?
The attacks in 2008 in Mumbai involved a group of dedicated professional terrorists which killed approximatley 173 people and injured many more and went on for days.
A key question for Americans, is could the same thing happen here? Or, when might the same thing happen here? We have now targeted Afganistan as the place we are fighting terrorism. We have embarked on a confusing strategy in Afganistan with no clear objective. We have indicated we are not really committed to victory thers (of any sorts). So how best might the Taliban and radical islamists convince us to leave earlier rather than later?
Maybe by showing us terrible consequences for staying there at all. What if there is a terrible attack in a place like, say Houston? Hundreds or thousands killed, and direct linkage to Afganistan or Pakistan with clear indications of more to come? How will this President respond? How will our military generals want to respond? This may be a time of testing America's resolve to defend herself and her people. How will we do on that test?
Saturday, December 19, 2009

For the Fourth Sunday of Advent Reading from Year C of the Lectionary of the Book of Common Prayer
Ps. 80
Micah 5:2-4
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-56
We beseech thee, Almighty God, to purify our consciences by
thy daily visitation, that when thy Son Jesus Christ cometh he
may find in us a mansion prepared for himself; through the
same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with
thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for
ever. Amen.
"Stupid & Dumb" reaches new low in Washington DC
There were some serious debates and criticisms of "Cash for Clunkers" the silly jump start program for the Obama-auto industry (which ended up benefitting Toyota the most).
And there has been much debate about the so-called "first time homebuyers tax break". Do we really want to induce people who might not be able to afford houses to buy them? Uh, wasn't that part of what got us into the current mess (hello Barney Frank!).
But as is often the case in Washington DC generally, and the Obama Administration specifically, we are now diving into a realm of silliness that is absolutely breathtaking!
Get Ready For "Cash for Caulkers"! Yep, in an effort to jump-start job creation in the economy, we are going to give homeowners tax credits to.......Caulk Their Homes! Next, I'm sure we will need Community Block Grants to initiate Caulking Certification Programs at Community Colleges. Then we will need new Job Training programs at the State Level, which will require a federal program to come up with Caulker Certification Programs: and of course all of that will be farmed out to beltway bandit contracting firms.
And now you can see why we are in the mess we are in. Thank you President Obama---Caulker in Chief!
And there has been much debate about the so-called "first time homebuyers tax break". Do we really want to induce people who might not be able to afford houses to buy them? Uh, wasn't that part of what got us into the current mess (hello Barney Frank!).
But as is often the case in Washington DC generally, and the Obama Administration specifically, we are now diving into a realm of silliness that is absolutely breathtaking!
Get Ready For "Cash for Caulkers"! Yep, in an effort to jump-start job creation in the economy, we are going to give homeowners tax credits to.......Caulk Their Homes! Next, I'm sure we will need Community Block Grants to initiate Caulking Certification Programs at Community Colleges. Then we will need new Job Training programs at the State Level, which will require a federal program to come up with Caulker Certification Programs: and of course all of that will be farmed out to beltway bandit contracting firms.
And now you can see why we are in the mess we are in. Thank you President Obama---Caulker in Chief!
Will it be Saint John Paul?

Pope Benedict XVI has taken the step of approving a report that attests to John Pauls heroic virtues, moving one step closer to beatification of the former pontiff.
Since his election as Pope, Benedict (former Cardinal Ratzinger) has fast-tracked John Pauls movement through the process of Sainthood, in recognition of his tremendous contributions to the Faith and the Roman Church. At the beatification stage (last step before canonization) John Paul would be referred to as "Blessed John Paul". If eventually canonized, then he would be referred to as Saint John Paul. In the Roman theology of canonization, at the beatification stage, John Paul would be a person in heaven whom one could pray to for intercession into earthly events.
This site allows one to search for persons beatified in the Roman Church.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Call to Action for Senate Republicans
It is a solid fact that Republicans in the US Senate do not have the votes to stop the healthcare reform train wreck. There is only one thing they can do to expose this thing for the farce that it is: Walk Out.
That is correct; the republicans need to shut their offices, send their staffs home, and then leave Washington. The Democrats then have to decide if they are, or if they can, actually push through legislation with that many fellow members AWOL.
And if they do: fine. At least there will not be even a hint of Republican complicity in the great marxist leap into devestation for this country.
That is correct; the republicans need to shut their offices, send their staffs home, and then leave Washington. The Democrats then have to decide if they are, or if they can, actually push through legislation with that many fellow members AWOL.
And if they do: fine. At least there will not be even a hint of Republican complicity in the great marxist leap into devestation for this country.
Christmas Cheer and the ACLU
Just as familiar as stores bursting with goods, stories of Rudolph and Santa on TV, are the stories about the ACLU threatening local governments, schools, and other organizations for showing Nativity scenes or other familiar scenes of the Advent and Christmas Seasons.
This present story is just as good as any to illustrate the fallacious nature of the ACLU's actions as well as those of the Supreme Court in repressing religious expression in our country, a Christian country by the way.
The story explains that the ACLU is taking action because of the separation of church and state clause of the Constitution. Here is a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America. Read it and you will find NO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE CLAUSE!
That is because it does not exist. There is no such clause in the Constitution. The phrase "separation of church and state was contained in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to a baptist minister (1801) who had asked him whether the federal government might intrude on worship in his church. He in effect told the minister that he and his church had nothing to fear in that there was a wall of separation between government and church to protect the churches.
And here is where the issue lay, until 1947 when the Supreme Court erroneously (but purposefully) federalized this phrase by invoking it in a decision on Constitutional law in the case of Everson v Board of Education 1947. This decision launched the totally false notion that the Constitution and the Founders of this country were anti-Christian and anti-Religion.
In fact, the establishment clause accurately says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
That is, Congress cannot establish a national church nor can it prohibit worship of any kind (subject to harm to people or the country). THERE IS NO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
The ACLU and the Supreme Court have in effect, to our eternal detriment" made a mockery of what the Founders of this country intended.
This present story is just as good as any to illustrate the fallacious nature of the ACLU's actions as well as those of the Supreme Court in repressing religious expression in our country, a Christian country by the way.
The story explains that the ACLU is taking action because of the separation of church and state clause of the Constitution. Here is a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America. Read it and you will find NO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE CLAUSE!
That is because it does not exist. There is no such clause in the Constitution. The phrase "separation of church and state was contained in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to a baptist minister (1801) who had asked him whether the federal government might intrude on worship in his church. He in effect told the minister that he and his church had nothing to fear in that there was a wall of separation between government and church to protect the churches.
And here is where the issue lay, until 1947 when the Supreme Court erroneously (but purposefully) federalized this phrase by invoking it in a decision on Constitutional law in the case of Everson v Board of Education 1947. This decision launched the totally false notion that the Constitution and the Founders of this country were anti-Christian and anti-Religion.
In fact, the establishment clause accurately says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
That is, Congress cannot establish a national church nor can it prohibit worship of any kind (subject to harm to people or the country). THERE IS NO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
The ACLU and the Supreme Court have in effect, to our eternal detriment" made a mockery of what the Founders of this country intended.
Good News on the Climate Hoax Front
President Obama showed up in Copenhagen for the Global Hoax Climate Conference and disappointed all by not bringing any goodies to share.
The true nature of the devestating trail of emails and outrage fueled by those climategate emails was made visible as the signature conference was unable to consolidate itself around any message or call for action. More importantly, the redistributive wealth initiative which has been the true goal of all the huffing and puffing about man-made climate change is in tatters for now.
High Priest of man-made climate change, Al Gore, has seemingly disappeard stage left.
Now watch for the huge carbon emissions as all the private limos and private jets get out of Copenhagen (eg, Dodge) as soon as possible.
The true nature of the devestating trail of emails and outrage fueled by those climategate emails was made visible as the signature conference was unable to consolidate itself around any message or call for action. More importantly, the redistributive wealth initiative which has been the true goal of all the huffing and puffing about man-made climate change is in tatters for now.
High Priest of man-made climate change, Al Gore, has seemingly disappeard stage left.
Now watch for the huge carbon emissions as all the private limos and private jets get out of Copenhagen (eg, Dodge) as soon as possible.
Exodus from The Episcopal Church
The actions of The Episcopal Church (TEC) at last summer's triennial convention combined with recent episcopal elections of a non-celibant lesbian Bishop-Suffragan in Los Angeles and liberal revisionist Bishops in the Diocese of Louisiana and Upper South Carolina, have strengthened predictions of a exodus of members and whole churches from the denomination.
And here we see exactly that. The largest single parish in the Diocese of South Carolina, under orthodox Bishop Mark Lawrence, has decided to move to the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). No doubt these will continue and may accelerate. One can wonder what losses the above dios of Louisiana and USC will experience?
And here we see exactly that. The largest single parish in the Diocese of South Carolina, under orthodox Bishop Mark Lawrence, has decided to move to the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). No doubt these will continue and may accelerate. One can wonder what losses the above dios of Louisiana and USC will experience?
Anglican Communion,
Episcopal Church
Thursday, December 17, 2009
From Russia with Love: False Climate Data Used!
When we thought it was just Great Britan and Penn State fudging the climate data to support pre-conceived notions, now we find out that a majority of Russian weather stations were not included in the stream of global temperature data used to determine the trajectory of temperatures over the years. And why not? You're gonna love this.......
Because most of the reporting stations didn't support the hypothesis of man-made global warming! Wow, where have we heard that before? The Russians go on to note that weather stations located near populated areas like cities were used in the data stream where local effects like urban warming (warming due to buildings absorbing heat during the day and radiating it at night) helped to juice up the "it's getting warmer" data.
But never fear, even in the middle of a blizzard in Copenhagen. the politicos like Al Gore stand up there with a straight face and tell us "it's a crisis"!. It sure is, it's a crisis of LIES!!
Because most of the reporting stations didn't support the hypothesis of man-made global warming! Wow, where have we heard that before? The Russians go on to note that weather stations located near populated areas like cities were used in the data stream where local effects like urban warming (warming due to buildings absorbing heat during the day and radiating it at night) helped to juice up the "it's getting warmer" data.
But never fear, even in the middle of a blizzard in Copenhagen. the politicos like Al Gore stand up there with a straight face and tell us "it's a crisis"!. It sure is, it's a crisis of LIES!!
We The People: Don't want your darn healthcare hoax!
Mitch McConnell, senator from Kentucky points out that reasoned debate on the Senate Healthcare reform bill is impossible because Harry Reid won't let anyone see the bill! This is because Senate democrats know the contents of this bill are so awful that We The People will darn near go ballistic if we really knew what was in there.
But hey, Mary (I got $300mil for this) Landrieu from Louisiana thinks this is "good for America". I wonder what America she thinks it is good for? Hopefully her constituents will deal with her come next election time.
But most telling of all: Americans, who don't know exactly what is in the bill, know for darn sure they don't want any part of it!
So here you have We The People telling the politicans we send to Washington to keep your hands off our healthcare and they are doing evey underhanded thing to shove it down our throats.
What do you do with employees like that????? Fire the Bastards!!!!!
But hey, Mary (I got $300mil for this) Landrieu from Louisiana thinks this is "good for America". I wonder what America she thinks it is good for? Hopefully her constituents will deal with her come next election time.
But most telling of all: Americans, who don't know exactly what is in the bill, know for darn sure they don't want any part of it!
So here you have We The People telling the politicans we send to Washington to keep your hands off our healthcare and they are doing evey underhanded thing to shove it down our throats.
What do you do with employees like that????? Fire the Bastards!!!!!
The Slavery of Liberal Compassion
Two columnists I truly admire are Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. Both men are academic economists but write in such a clear, uncomplicated way that both illuminates economic theories for the rest of us and shows their practical application to the problems of every day life.
Walter Williams in particular hates the minimum wage laws and has written about them many times. In his latest column he explains why minimum wage laws, supposedly enacted to help the lowest paid, least skilled workers, actually harm the very people they are intended to help. In particular, he illustrates their discriminatory effects against young, unskilled African Americans, although the points he makes probably apply to many minorities.
As you can imagine, the liberal establishment does its best two ignore Williams and Sowell who they feel have "strayed off the plantation". That would be the plantation run by the liberal Democratic Party of course.
Walter Williams in particular hates the minimum wage laws and has written about them many times. In his latest column he explains why minimum wage laws, supposedly enacted to help the lowest paid, least skilled workers, actually harm the very people they are intended to help. In particular, he illustrates their discriminatory effects against young, unskilled African Americans, although the points he makes probably apply to many minorities.
As you can imagine, the liberal establishment does its best two ignore Williams and Sowell who they feel have "strayed off the plantation". That would be the plantation run by the liberal Democratic Party of course.
Immigratiion Reform: Keep this in mind
No doubt, one of the next big issues we will tackle in 2010 is Immigration Reform. No surprise here, but the Obama Administration will want to open the borders rather than close them, and Obama and SEIU will want to offer some type of ammnesty program for the current population of illegal immigrants in America.
Many people, most with good intentions, will ask, why not? Well, there are a host of reasons to say "NO", but among these are some Population Projections to check out.
Depending on a whole host of factors, with immigration reform being key, the country will no longer be majority white by mid-century. No doubt some folks, particularly minorities, might say "Good" or they might say "It's about time".
But they might want to stop their parochial mindset on the majority composition out of pure self-interest. Most immigrants have been attracted to this country and have remained in this country for the opportunities it represents versus the places they have come from.
This country and the opportunities it represents were founded primarily by white, christian, western European people who brought the best of western civilization with them and through the Providence of God, improved on that with Christian concepts of freedom, liberty, and natural rights. And that is the synthesized culture which has continued to make America great.
It is well known in historical circles that if a country loses touch with its cultural roots, it will founder. Therefore, those who cheer a loss of the white majority might ask themselves are they willing to trade that for a loss of the culture which attracted them in the first place and tends to bind them to stay here?
Many people, most with good intentions, will ask, why not? Well, there are a host of reasons to say "NO", but among these are some Population Projections to check out.
Depending on a whole host of factors, with immigration reform being key, the country will no longer be majority white by mid-century. No doubt some folks, particularly minorities, might say "Good" or they might say "It's about time".
But they might want to stop their parochial mindset on the majority composition out of pure self-interest. Most immigrants have been attracted to this country and have remained in this country for the opportunities it represents versus the places they have come from.
This country and the opportunities it represents were founded primarily by white, christian, western European people who brought the best of western civilization with them and through the Providence of God, improved on that with Christian concepts of freedom, liberty, and natural rights. And that is the synthesized culture which has continued to make America great.
It is well known in historical circles that if a country loses touch with its cultural roots, it will founder. Therefore, those who cheer a loss of the white majority might ask themselves are they willing to trade that for a loss of the culture which attracted them in the first place and tends to bind them to stay here?
Sudan: never ever a priority in the First World
The plight of Christians in Sudan never makes it very high in the news cycle. Certainly, the First World nations never act in concert for this large African country the way they do over other important global issues such as Man-Made-Climate-Fraud.
The Roman, Episcopal, and other Christian denominations are striving to remain free in the southern regions of Sudan, but the Islamic majorities of the north give them little political or economic room. Genocide, religous persecution, and plain murder are the norm.
The Roman, Episcopal, and other Christian denominations are striving to remain free in the southern regions of Sudan, but the Islamic majorities of the north give them little political or economic room. Genocide, religous persecution, and plain murder are the norm.
Democrats learn: Actions have Consequences

Like Jimmy Carter on steroids, President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are steering democrats everywhere toward a cliff as mid-term 2010 elections loom on the horizon. All members of the House of Representatives will be up for election. One third of the Senate will be up for election including Harry Reid himself who is doing badly in the polls in Nevada.
Why this breath taking turn of fortunes? Because the democratic party thought victory in 2008 was a mandate for the radical leftist, marxist agenda of the Obama Administration. They did not realize that America is still a moderate-right nation despite socialist aims and policies to drive it to the left.
This is not to say that all Republicans have behaved well, they have not. This is why each Republican candidate that decides to run in 2010 needs to be placed under the microscope and examined carefully and thouroughly to ensure that candidate espouses the correct conservative agenda that mirrors the intentions of the Founders of the country and the Framers of our Constitution. Read it all here.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Are you Prepared?
You might think that is a religous question. It's not, but if you are not prepared in that department, then now is a good time to work on being prepared and being saved.
But are you prepared for disasters? Whether it is a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, terrorist attack, economic meltdown, are you prepared? The ultimate scenerio for this is TEOTHAWKI (The End of the World As We Know It).
You have to know what it is you think you should be prepared for. Once you have that in mind, you need information. A good place to get information is the Survival Blog.
Take a look and think about what might make sense in your particular circumstances.
But are you prepared for disasters? Whether it is a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, terrorist attack, economic meltdown, are you prepared? The ultimate scenerio for this is TEOTHAWKI (The End of the World As We Know It).
You have to know what it is you think you should be prepared for. Once you have that in mind, you need information. A good place to get information is the Survival Blog.
Take a look and think about what might make sense in your particular circumstances.
More from Mr. Hoax and Change
The President has now warned us again here "that the Federal Government will go broke if healthcare is not passed.
In the immortal words of Joe Wilson, Mr President, YOU LIE!!!!!!
Oh, and by the way, before I forget it: Mr. President, the Federal Government is ALREADY BROKE! And your whole agenda is about making it more broke (take that anyway you wish by the way).
That he can say this with a straight face tells me he is a pathological lier, not just a politician.
In the immortal words of Joe Wilson, Mr President, YOU LIE!!!!!!
Oh, and by the way, before I forget it: Mr. President, the Federal Government is ALREADY BROKE! And your whole agenda is about making it more broke (take that anyway you wish by the way).
That he can say this with a straight face tells me he is a pathological lier, not just a politician.
Constitutional and Security Crisis
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) has bravely dug his feet in on the current healthcare debate in the Senate over the issue of taxpayer funded abortions. His is a critical vote that the Obama administration needs in order to get the monstrosity of healthcare "reform" passed.
So, in the way of buying votes such as they used with Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana), what goodies are the Obama folks holding out to Sen. Nelson?
Nothing of the sort! For Sen. Nelson, Nebraska, and the country, the Obama Administration is threatening to close a Strategic Air Base. Offutt Base is the home base of the US Strategic Command.
Offutt also provides some 10,000 jobs for Nebraskans. If Nelson stands his ground, will Offutt really go on the base closing list? Is the Obama administration really stupid enough to follow through on such a threat? Will the military let them do it? Would we the people really let them do it?
This looks like a darn good time to call the Obama bluff and let's see their cards.
So, in the way of buying votes such as they used with Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana), what goodies are the Obama folks holding out to Sen. Nelson?
Nothing of the sort! For Sen. Nelson, Nebraska, and the country, the Obama Administration is threatening to close a Strategic Air Base. Offutt Base is the home base of the US Strategic Command.
Offutt also provides some 10,000 jobs for Nebraskans. If Nelson stands his ground, will Offutt really go on the base closing list? Is the Obama administration really stupid enough to follow through on such a threat? Will the military let them do it? Would we the people really let them do it?
This looks like a darn good time to call the Obama bluff and let's see their cards.
Iran matches words with deeds

As world leaders dither and debate the fraud science of man-made climate change in Copenhagen, a very real threat continues to unfold in Iran.
Recall, Iran is the nation which denies the Holocaust and vows to wipe Israel off the map. While many world leaders scoff at this talk, Iran nonetheless continues to plod along, developing the technology that would allow them to carry out such a threat.
Words of wisdom: don't listen to what people say, look at what they do. Know them by their actions. If we were to heed this wisdom, someone would be working to take out the Iranian nuclear capability as well as their ballistic missile capability. Will it be a world leader like the US who will do this, or will we sit on our hands and once again leave Israel on the tip of the spear to do the job?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
American Tragedy: Joblessnes and AWOL President
While administration cheerleaders hail a .2% drop in some meaningless unemployment index they watch, the real truth of joblessness is illustrated in a NY Times article. Depression, borrowing from family, children behavioral changes, with no let up in sight.
Meanwhile in the never never land of An Obama Oprah Christmas the President gave himself a grade of B+ on how things are going.
So how is that Hope and Change working out for you and your family?
Meanwhile in the never never land of An Obama Oprah Christmas the President gave himself a grade of B+ on how things are going.
So how is that Hope and Change working out for you and your family?
And the Good News today is....................

But just like the true Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this good news is only worth something if it transforms our lives and the lives of those who are our neighbors.
These numbers will be meaningless if we don't translate them into democratic action to take this country back in the 2010 elections. Specifically we have to win Conservative majorities in the House of Representatives and in the Senate.
Will that be hard to do? You bet, even under the best of conditions. But we will also be fighting ACORN and SEIU and these two groups will be using OUR money in their fights. But it does not matter. We have to win. If we do not win, the country as we have known it and as our Founders delivered it to us may be lost for a long time. And the path back to a consitutional government could be very bad. Go read some history on that.
Mary Landrieu: Clueless in Washington

In the Old Testament, the prophets often talked about the whoring ways of people who had forsaken all morals in pursuit of human pleaures, riches, and power.
By now, most of you have heard of Mary Landrieu, Senator from Lousiana, who unashamedly traded a procedural vote on the healthcare debate for $300million in promised benefits for her state.
Well, when asked by a reporter where the Constitution allows the Federal Government to force citizens to buy something, she playfully replied "we have constitutional lawyers for that kind of advice".
Really? Mary, have you ever read the Constitution? Grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable chair, clear the calendar for about a half-hour and give it a read. It's not that long, not that complicated, and might give you a clue that most of what you people in Washington are doing is unconstitutional, unneccessary, and most of all UNWANTED!
Folks, we are at a critical time: 2010 is perhaps the last chance we have to save this country in a form the Founders would recognize. Princess Clueless Mary will not be up for re-election in 2010, but a lot of her buddies in the senate and all of them in the House will be and we need to clear out the whole lot!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Safe School Czar Reading List

Remember the little chat we had a couple of days ago about Kevin Jennings, President Obama's Safe School Czar? Well, Kevin is back in the news as people start to take a real look at the reading list of books he wants your kids in school to read.
If you don't have a strong stomach, you may not want to click on the Link Here. The reading matter is pretty sexually explicit. But look, if you don't want to be reading it, do you want your children to be STUDYING THIS IN SCHOOL? Uh, how do you get a passing grade in this course work? Do you really want to know?
Anglican-Catholic Formation
Pope Benedict recently offered a hand to disaffected Episcopalians in the U.S. by allowing Anglicans to convert to the Roman Church while keeping many aspects of their Anglican heritage and liturgy. Whole churches may be formed under the oversight of non-geographical bishops.
One group has formed in Springfield, Missouri. The group is a mix of Anglicans, some Roman Catholics who desire more than the contemporary Roman liturgy, and some protestants.
The group has consulted with the Anglican Use Society to seek guidance as it seeks to discern its path toward Rome.
Anglican Use groups have typically been led by an Episcopal priest who converts to Roman and shepherds the group. In this case the group does not have such a shepherd and so is breaking new ground with their discernment process.
One group has formed in Springfield, Missouri. The group is a mix of Anglicans, some Roman Catholics who desire more than the contemporary Roman liturgy, and some protestants.
The group has consulted with the Anglican Use Society to seek guidance as it seeks to discern its path toward Rome.
Anglican Use groups have typically been led by an Episcopal priest who converts to Roman and shepherds the group. In this case the group does not have such a shepherd and so is breaking new ground with their discernment process.
Anglican Communion,
Roman Catholic Church
Heard on the street yesterday
My wife and I were blessed to be in Baton Rouge yesterday to attend a reception for outgoing Bishop Charles Jenkins and his wife Louise. First, we stopped by St. Luke's Church (where I used to serve as deacon) and were spiritually nourished by a beautiful Advent Lessons and Carols service. Fr. Brien Koehler, et al, are doing tremendously good work at my old church and it is heart warming to see.
While at the reception for Bs. Jenkins, a former parishioner of mine pulled me into a corner to talk about the Diocese of Louisiana and the Bishop-elect. She asked me plain and simple, "are we in trouble?"
To which I simply replied: "yes"
Best wishes to Charles and Louise as they start their new life in a new home tucked away in one of the most beautiful areas of south Louisiana.
While at the reception for Bs. Jenkins, a former parishioner of mine pulled me into a corner to talk about the Diocese of Louisiana and the Bishop-elect. She asked me plain and simple, "are we in trouble?"
To which I simply replied: "yes"
Best wishes to Charles and Louise as they start their new life in a new home tucked away in one of the most beautiful areas of south Louisiana.
Diocese of Upper South Carolina takes a hard left
Over the weekend The Diocese of Upper South Carolina elected Andrew Waldo from Minnesota as its next bishop. Following in the path of Louisiana (Morris Thompson elected last week), DUSC has decided to jump on the liberal Revisionist train to hell. Like Thompson, Waldo is "charming" and a people person who talks in generalities about a new church and a new way.
Like Thompson, Waldo was elected on the third ballot. This means support gathered quickly to winnow the field of candidates to the final choice.
The "new way" is banking on their "gospel" filling the pews with those who apparantly don't like the "old gospel" and are waitng for a more inclusive church to come along. On the surface it is appealing: all that old talk about sin, repentence is replaced with a gospel which essentially says "you are good no matter your walk in life because God created you". And as the church, we won't talk to you about sin, rather we will bless your walk in life.
Like Thompson, Waldo was elected on the third ballot. This means support gathered quickly to winnow the field of candidates to the final choice.
The "new way" is banking on their "gospel" filling the pews with those who apparantly don't like the "old gospel" and are waitng for a more inclusive church to come along. On the surface it is appealing: all that old talk about sin, repentence is replaced with a gospel which essentially says "you are good no matter your walk in life because God created you". And as the church, we won't talk to you about sin, rather we will bless your walk in life.
Saturday, December 12, 2009

For the Third Sunday of Advent Reading from Year C of the Lectionary of the Book of Common Prayer
Ps 85
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Phillipians 4:4-7 (8-9)
Luke 3:7-18
Collect (1928 BCP)
O LORD Jesus Christ, who at thy first coming didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way before thee; Grant that the ministers and stewards of thy mysteries may likewise so pre- pare and make ready thy way, by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that at thy second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable people in thy sight, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit ever,* one God, world without end. Amen.
Hoax and Circus: brought to you by the UN!
The insanity of the Man Made Climate Change conference is moving to new levels of the bizarre. Politico now reports that those paragons of virtue, Chavez, Amadinejad, and get this......Robert Mugabe are going to address the Copenhagen conference.
Let me guess: Chavez will trumpet his reduction of green house gases by essentially killing all economic activity in his country. Amadinejad could lecture us that wiping Israel off the map will lower Carbon Dioxide emissions, and Robert Mugabe could illustrate how total destruction of a country's economy does indeed lower carbon footprints.
Must say, Al Gore keeps great company. And who is swooping in for the finale of this circus. None other than Barack Obama. What a statement.........
Let me guess: Chavez will trumpet his reduction of green house gases by essentially killing all economic activity in his country. Amadinejad could lecture us that wiping Israel off the map will lower Carbon Dioxide emissions, and Robert Mugabe could illustrate how total destruction of a country's economy does indeed lower carbon footprints.
Must say, Al Gore keeps great company. And who is swooping in for the finale of this circus. None other than Barack Obama. What a statement.........
The Organ: Holy instrument of God
In all the Christian denominations, the Organ has played a central role in the ceremonial of the liturgy. Pianos, guitars, drums, brass, and strings have played their roles, but as the fundemental basis of Christian worship music, the Organ has been and continues to be center stage. Enjoy this example from All Saints Day.
Visual Feast: The Ceremonial of the Liturgy
In the Roman, Eastern Orthodox, and high-Church Anglo-Catholic traditions, there is a genuine and deep respect for the ceremonial of the liturgy. In these traditions, the omnipotence, the majesty, the mighty character of almighty God is conveyed through the senses and the soul by virture of the ceremonial.
The video clip from St. Matthew's is but one example of this mode of divine revelation.
The video clip from St. Matthew's is but one example of this mode of divine revelation.
Music for the Soul
A nice little site that I found awhile back is Net Hymnal. Net Hymnal offers a huge list of Christian Hymns as well as background information on each of the hymns.
Some favorite examples are;
All Glory Laud and Honor
Were you there?
Lift High the Cross
Some favorite examples are;
All Glory Laud and Honor
Were you there?
Lift High the Cross
The USA & Venezuela: What's the Difference?
If you go to the internet to read about Venezuela, you can argue until the cows come home about how there are lots of differences between the United States and Venezuela. To which I would reply, knock yourself out!
But go read some recent political history of Venezuela and then consider the political history of the United States over the last 11 months and then argue with me.
If you still don't get the point, then consider what happened this week in the US Government. The Obama Administration pointed it's finger at Congress and threatened that if they don't pass the Cap & Trade legislation then they will implement it via the EPA by Administrative Fiat!
Read that again: Congress, we are warning you, if you don't pass this legislation we will bypass you and do it through our administrative power vested in the EPA. Think the EPA can't do this? Oh, but the Supreme Court has given the EPA the power to regulate so called "Green House" gases in this ruling.
Now consider what the Obama administration did this week in threatening to emasculate Congress and then go back and read that article about Venezuelan politics. Tell me again, what is the difference?
But go read some recent political history of Venezuela and then consider the political history of the United States over the last 11 months and then argue with me.
If you still don't get the point, then consider what happened this week in the US Government. The Obama Administration pointed it's finger at Congress and threatened that if they don't pass the Cap & Trade legislation then they will implement it via the EPA by Administrative Fiat!
Read that again: Congress, we are warning you, if you don't pass this legislation we will bypass you and do it through our administrative power vested in the EPA. Think the EPA can't do this? Oh, but the Supreme Court has given the EPA the power to regulate so called "Green House" gases in this ruling.
Now consider what the Obama administration did this week in threatening to emasculate Congress and then go back and read that article about Venezuelan politics. Tell me again, what is the difference?
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gases,
Cost of Healthcare Reform?
A shocking revelation from the Cato Institute suggests that a realistic 10 year budget estimate for Obamacare is more like $6 Billion, not the deficit neutral figure congress is tossing around.
As one might suspect, the devil is in the details. Since this is hideously complicated legislation, you could ask 10 competent groups of government economists for an estimate and likely get 10 different answers. The spread of answers depends on the starting assumptions each group would use.
What is sad, is that our Congress; the people we elect to supposedly represent the interests of We the People are using the most egregious set of assumptions possible in order to make the legislation look as favorable as possible. Why is that? Why are they so opposed to doing what is right for the country?
It is about sin: greed, power, and the worship of greed and power. May God have mercy on their souls.
As one might suspect, the devil is in the details. Since this is hideously complicated legislation, you could ask 10 competent groups of government economists for an estimate and likely get 10 different answers. The spread of answers depends on the starting assumptions each group would use.
What is sad, is that our Congress; the people we elect to supposedly represent the interests of We the People are using the most egregious set of assumptions possible in order to make the legislation look as favorable as possible. Why is that? Why are they so opposed to doing what is right for the country?
It is about sin: greed, power, and the worship of greed and power. May God have mercy on their souls.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Part 4. America: Is healthcare a right?
In Part 3 of this series, we saw that the current Healthcare/Health insurance debate is not exactly about a "right" as much as it is an "entitlement". That is, a subset of a Legal Right that is designated toward a particular class or group, not universally.
As an Entitlement, the conveyance of Healthcare Insurance to a broad class that does not currently have Health Insurance will require the expenditure of resources (recall from Part 1 we identified that all Americans currently have access to healthcare).
Where will those resources come from? This takes us to the true kernal of the proposals circulating in Congress. In the proposals currently under consideration, there is nothing of free-market proposals to expand the supply of healthcare insurance or to make healthcare insurance more affordable, thus expanding coverage.
No, the mechanism for expanding healthcare insurance coverage is massive redistribution of wealth. Through massive new taxes on "gold-plated private healthcare plans", income tax surcharges on higher earning individuals, taxes on medical devices (including condoms and tampons), the cost for increasing healthcare insurance coverage will be shifted to the most product parts of the economy. Huge fines and even the possibility of jail time are included as ways to force participation in the new government programs. In a very odd twist, the new taxes will start upon passage of the bills into law. The supposed "benefits" of new coverage will come into effect in 2013 or 2014. Thus, by taxing us for 10 years but supplying "benefits" for only 7 years, the sponsors of these hideously complicated pieces of legislation proudly trumpet that they are "defict neutral"
Healthcare, as currently supplied in America is already a right. The massive new programs envisioned by the Obama administration will turn it into a new, terribly expensive entitlement.
If are all to have the same type of healthcare benefits (not to apply to congress or federal employees of course), then why not some other "rights"?
*why should some folks have beach front homes but others don't
*why should some have big new cars, but others don't
*why should some go on cruises, but others can't
And on and on and on.......................
As an Entitlement, the conveyance of Healthcare Insurance to a broad class that does not currently have Health Insurance will require the expenditure of resources (recall from Part 1 we identified that all Americans currently have access to healthcare).
Where will those resources come from? This takes us to the true kernal of the proposals circulating in Congress. In the proposals currently under consideration, there is nothing of free-market proposals to expand the supply of healthcare insurance or to make healthcare insurance more affordable, thus expanding coverage.
No, the mechanism for expanding healthcare insurance coverage is massive redistribution of wealth. Through massive new taxes on "gold-plated private healthcare plans", income tax surcharges on higher earning individuals, taxes on medical devices (including condoms and tampons), the cost for increasing healthcare insurance coverage will be shifted to the most product parts of the economy. Huge fines and even the possibility of jail time are included as ways to force participation in the new government programs. In a very odd twist, the new taxes will start upon passage of the bills into law. The supposed "benefits" of new coverage will come into effect in 2013 or 2014. Thus, by taxing us for 10 years but supplying "benefits" for only 7 years, the sponsors of these hideously complicated pieces of legislation proudly trumpet that they are "defict neutral"
Healthcare, as currently supplied in America is already a right. The massive new programs envisioned by the Obama administration will turn it into a new, terribly expensive entitlement.
If are all to have the same type of healthcare benefits (not to apply to congress or federal employees of course), then why not some other "rights"?
*why should some folks have beach front homes but others don't
*why should some have big new cars, but others don't
*why should some go on cruises, but others can't
And on and on and on.......................
Calling out Abortion as Murder
One of the ways that Roe v. Wade was decided by the Supreme Court was by totally ignoring the question of whether a fetus is a person or not. The opinion of the majority was that if a fetus is a "thing" then there are no moral problems with Abortion.....my interpretation of a much more legalistic finding.
So, can anything be done about that? A group in Mississippi, Personhood Mississippi is pursuing a path hard an heavy. Their concept is to put a proposed Ammendment on the ballot next fall. This Ammendment would state that "personhood" is defined at the moment of conception or any other means which leads to fertilization of an egg.
Such an Ammendment would immediately make Abortion illegal in Mississippi as it would then be murder. The next step would be to attack Roe v. Wade as an intrusion into State's rights via the 14th Ammendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Ultimately, not only could Roe V. Wade be overturned, but the issue of State's rights could get a tremendous boost which could have an impact on a whole variety of issues.
Petitions are circulating in the state to get enough certified signatures so the issue can be placed on the 2010 ballot.
So, can anything be done about that? A group in Mississippi, Personhood Mississippi is pursuing a path hard an heavy. Their concept is to put a proposed Ammendment on the ballot next fall. This Ammendment would state that "personhood" is defined at the moment of conception or any other means which leads to fertilization of an egg.
Such an Ammendment would immediately make Abortion illegal in Mississippi as it would then be murder. The next step would be to attack Roe v. Wade as an intrusion into State's rights via the 14th Ammendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Ultimately, not only could Roe V. Wade be overturned, but the issue of State's rights could get a tremendous boost which could have an impact on a whole variety of issues.
Petitions are circulating in the state to get enough certified signatures so the issue can be placed on the 2010 ballot.
Hoax and Change!
Although the State-Run Mainstream Media is trying to ignore "Climate Gate", the fact of the matter is that the world of experimental science has taken a huge black eye. Even if you accept the hypothesis of man-made climate change (I don't), the exposure of emails dealing with the tampering of data and falsification of computer modeling programs is horrific. As one trained in Physics, it is embarrassing to see what others have done. As for why? Well, money, power, and prestige: or in other words, SIN.
Now, our political "masters" have not let any of this "inconvenient truth" deter them in any way shape or form from seeking One World Rule through massive income redistribution using the hoax of man made climate change. But that is not where policy changes would stop. Here is but a small collection of what is on the table:
China has rolled out a familiar answer to climate change, their good old friend, Population Control. Abortion and Euthanasia.
And even Canada is getting cozy with a similar way to cope with climate hysteria.
And of course the UK can't be left behind so here is their prescription, control what people eat!
And why should it stop there? It's a small leap of logic to assume the EVERYTHING will be judged to affect the climate, therefore eveything needs to be controlled.
Why think of how much carbon emissions could be saved if we stopped heating and cooling churches where people do nothing useful for the State?
Now, our political "masters" have not let any of this "inconvenient truth" deter them in any way shape or form from seeking One World Rule through massive income redistribution using the hoax of man made climate change. But that is not where policy changes would stop. Here is but a small collection of what is on the table:
China has rolled out a familiar answer to climate change, their good old friend, Population Control. Abortion and Euthanasia.
And even Canada is getting cozy with a similar way to cope with climate hysteria.
And of course the UK can't be left behind so here is their prescription, control what people eat!
And why should it stop there? It's a small leap of logic to assume the EVERYTHING will be judged to affect the climate, therefore eveything needs to be controlled.
Why think of how much carbon emissions could be saved if we stopped heating and cooling churches where people do nothing useful for the State?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A Thing of Beauty

From the blog of my dear friend Dean Rick Lobs
The Lobster Pot comes this:
A censer from the early 16th century, owned by the chapel of the episcopal palace of Haarlem. Made in Edam from a design by the German engraver Martin Schongauer. H/T the Lion and the Cardinal.
The Face of Evil: Kevin Jennings

Say hello to Kevin Jennings. Kevin has had a busy career, first as the founder of a radical pro-GLBT group called GLSEN and most recently as President Obama's Safe School Czar.
GLSEN and Safe Schools is not just another radical GLBT group or agenda. It is the implementation of a strategy to radically transform America by turning homosexuality into the "new normal". And that radical transformation is occuring from the bottom up: starting with children in Kindergarden.
Holy Scripture has some particularly serious things to say about those who lead children into evil.
The Safe School......er....Gay School Czar
When you think of a Federal Government position like the Safe School Czar, what does that bring to mind? Initially, I thought of things like protecting school children for guns, knives, fights, drugs, or other harmful things that find their way into our schools.
Well nothing could be further from the truth: Because the real Safe School Czar is Kevin Jennings. And what is Kevin Jennings' agenda? Kevin Jennings agenda is the agenda of the Radical GLBT group GLSEN.
GLSEN pushes the GLBT agenda all the way down into Kindergardens and through High School. GLSEN terrorizes teachers, school administrators, and parents into not only accepting the LGBT agenda but also into not speaking out. You might ask, how can that happen in our schools? Easy.
For 70 years now, the Supreme Court has been removing prayer, Religion, and specifically Christianity from our schools. Nature abhors a vacuum, so Satan has walked in with all kinds of evil, particularly the radical GLBT agenda via GLSEN.
And who put Kevin Jennings in the post of Safe School Czar. None other than the President of the United States of America: Barack Obama
Well nothing could be further from the truth: Because the real Safe School Czar is Kevin Jennings. And what is Kevin Jennings' agenda? Kevin Jennings agenda is the agenda of the Radical GLBT group GLSEN.
GLSEN pushes the GLBT agenda all the way down into Kindergardens and through High School. GLSEN terrorizes teachers, school administrators, and parents into not only accepting the LGBT agenda but also into not speaking out. You might ask, how can that happen in our schools? Easy.
For 70 years now, the Supreme Court has been removing prayer, Religion, and specifically Christianity from our schools. Nature abhors a vacuum, so Satan has walked in with all kinds of evil, particularly the radical GLBT agenda via GLSEN.
And who put Kevin Jennings in the post of Safe School Czar. None other than the President of the United States of America: Barack Obama
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Part 3. America: Is healthcare a right?
In parts 1 and 2 of this series, we began to delve into the question of rights. We discovered that some groups feel that healthcare should be a right. In part 2 we saw that there are both Natural Rights and Legal Rights.
Briefly, Natural Rights can be thought of rights conveyed to us by God. Legal Rights are conveyed by law or legislative process. A possible subset of Legal Rights are Entitlements, rights that are conveyed to a select class. For example, Social Security is an entitlement only conveyed to those who pay into the Social Security System. Entitlements tend to be tangible rewards, not philosophical attributes such as "freedom of speech".
So, with this background, is Healthcare a right? Or, is Healthcare an entitlement? Well certainly it is not a Natural Right: nowhere in Holy Scripture do you find a command from God to provide healthcare. In the legislative realm, healthcare has exclusively been conveyed to special classes: the poor, the elderly, and children. So, it is most accurate to describe healthcare as a Government Entitlement.
The providing of healthcare of course is not free. Services, equipment, and drugs all cost money. The presumption of an Entitlement is to provide some minimum level of the entitled subject to all who qualify for the entitlement. Since the entitlement is not free (as a Natural Right is), now we gravitate to the subject of economics. Given that economic resources of a country are not infinite, is healthcare the right place to put resources? And is healthcare the last word in entitlements? We will look at these questions in the last and 4th part of this series.
Briefly, Natural Rights can be thought of rights conveyed to us by God. Legal Rights are conveyed by law or legislative process. A possible subset of Legal Rights are Entitlements, rights that are conveyed to a select class. For example, Social Security is an entitlement only conveyed to those who pay into the Social Security System. Entitlements tend to be tangible rewards, not philosophical attributes such as "freedom of speech".
So, with this background, is Healthcare a right? Or, is Healthcare an entitlement? Well certainly it is not a Natural Right: nowhere in Holy Scripture do you find a command from God to provide healthcare. In the legislative realm, healthcare has exclusively been conveyed to special classes: the poor, the elderly, and children. So, it is most accurate to describe healthcare as a Government Entitlement.
The providing of healthcare of course is not free. Services, equipment, and drugs all cost money. The presumption of an Entitlement is to provide some minimum level of the entitled subject to all who qualify for the entitlement. Since the entitlement is not free (as a Natural Right is), now we gravitate to the subject of economics. Given that economic resources of a country are not infinite, is healthcare the right place to put resources? And is healthcare the last word in entitlements? We will look at these questions in the last and 4th part of this series.
National Suicide on the High Altar of Environmental Purity
In the high-holy pursuit of environmental purity and in order to further promote the hoax of man-made-climate-change, America is heading down the slippery slope of destroying jobs and increasing our dependence on off-shore energy sources. The myth of "green" jobs is a pie in the sky illusion that to date means nothing more than going into the landscaping business.
While we pursue "feel good" legislation, the Obama Administration has declared war on all living things, like Man, by declaring Carbon Dioxide a pollutant. For those not scientifically oriented, Carbon Dioxide is the gas that every one of us exhales!
The regulation of Carbon Dioxide accomplishes a radical leftist goal thru administrative agency fiat that they could not obtain in the representative legislative process. In simple terms, bad things that people don't want are now being crammed down our throats.
Who do you think will scream the loudest when the lights go out and the air conditioners don't run anymore?
While we pursue "feel good" legislation, the Obama Administration has declared war on all living things, like Man, by declaring Carbon Dioxide a pollutant. For those not scientifically oriented, Carbon Dioxide is the gas that every one of us exhales!
The regulation of Carbon Dioxide accomplishes a radical leftist goal thru administrative agency fiat that they could not obtain in the representative legislative process. In simple terms, bad things that people don't want are now being crammed down our throats.
Who do you think will scream the loudest when the lights go out and the air conditioners don't run anymore?
Church & State: Same Sex Marriage
The Garden State of New Jersey is the latest state to take up the issue of Same Sex Marriage and appears close to passing this into law.
What is the obligation of traditional Christians, those who believe fully in the Faith received by the Saints (Jude 3) and the Nicene Creed, in the midst of these battles?
On the one hand, it is easy to say that such things are the realm of government and not the province of the Church. But this is the easy way out. We are not called by Jesus to merely read the Gospel and, at best, live it out in our personal lives. This would be akin to putting the lamp under the lampshade. No, we are called by Christ to take the Gospel into the world so that the power of the Gospel can bring all men to Christ.
Practically speaking, we have to call wrong things wrong and evil things evil. Marriage is a sacrament created by God to bring a man and woman into a Covenential relationship which is on outward and visible sign of the Grace bestowed by God's Covenential relationship with us. Anything other than that sacramental formulation (eg, same-sex marriage) is contra to God's word.
What is the obligation of traditional Christians, those who believe fully in the Faith received by the Saints (Jude 3) and the Nicene Creed, in the midst of these battles?
On the one hand, it is easy to say that such things are the realm of government and not the province of the Church. But this is the easy way out. We are not called by Jesus to merely read the Gospel and, at best, live it out in our personal lives. This would be akin to putting the lamp under the lampshade. No, we are called by Christ to take the Gospel into the world so that the power of the Gospel can bring all men to Christ.
Practically speaking, we have to call wrong things wrong and evil things evil. Marriage is a sacrament created by God to bring a man and woman into a Covenential relationship which is on outward and visible sign of the Grace bestowed by God's Covenential relationship with us. Anything other than that sacramental formulation (eg, same-sex marriage) is contra to God's word.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Part 2. America: Is healthcare a right?
In America, is healthcare a right?
What is a Right? Let's focus on Natural rights and Legal rights.
Natural rights are those described in the Declaration of Independence. They include Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. These rights are inalienable (no one has a superior claim) and do not consume any resources to grant.
The Constitution of the United States grants rights to Americans such as Freedom of Worship and the Right to Bear Arms. Again, these rights consume no resources to grant to mankind.
The other catagory of Rights mentioned above are Legal Rights. These are rights that are granted by legislative or similar efforts. They need not be universal, ie, they can be granted to select classes of people. In this and many other ways, they differ significantly from Natural Rights.
Where does healthcare fall in this segmentation of rights? We will examine that next.
What is a Right? Let's focus on Natural rights and Legal rights.
Natural rights are those described in the Declaration of Independence. They include Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. These rights are inalienable (no one has a superior claim) and do not consume any resources to grant.
The Constitution of the United States grants rights to Americans such as Freedom of Worship and the Right to Bear Arms. Again, these rights consume no resources to grant to mankind.
The other catagory of Rights mentioned above are Legal Rights. These are rights that are granted by legislative or similar efforts. They need not be universal, ie, they can be granted to select classes of people. In this and many other ways, they differ significantly from Natural Rights.
Where does healthcare fall in this segmentation of rights? We will examine that next.
The Manhatten Declaraton
The Manhattan Declaration is a document that defines the Christian belief in the sanctity of life, in religous freedom, and the bible understanding of marriage.
Archbishop Chaput of Denver explains why he signed the Declaration.
He said the Declaration should “galvanize” Christians and others in defense of pro-life issues, the nature of marriage and religious freedom.
“I was glad to be invited to sign the declaration, and glad to sign because I believe in its content,” Archbishop Chaput told CNA.
He described it as a “straightforward” statement defending the sanctity of life, religious liberty and the definition of marriage as a union of husband and wife.
The Manhattan Declaration is a document anyone can read and sign. Follow the link at the beginning of this post.
Archbishop Chaput of Denver explains why he signed the Declaration.
He said the Declaration should “galvanize” Christians and others in defense of pro-life issues, the nature of marriage and religious freedom.
“I was glad to be invited to sign the declaration, and glad to sign because I believe in its content,” Archbishop Chaput told CNA.
He described it as a “straightforward” statement defending the sanctity of life, religious liberty and the definition of marriage as a union of husband and wife.
The Manhattan Declaration is a document anyone can read and sign. Follow the link at the beginning of this post.
TEC: At a Fork in the Road
In the last week, there were two notable Episcopal elections: receiving the most fanfare was the election of The Rev. Glasspool, a non-celibate lesbian as suffragan bishop. Receiving less attention was the election of The Very Rev. Thompson in the Diocese of Louisiana to replace the retiring Bs. Jenkins.
Back in 2003 when V.G. Robinson (a non-celibate gay man) was elected and consecrated bishop there was all sorts of backlash in the Anglican Communion. The eventual outcome was: don't do that agaian! To which TEC essentially said "we will show restraint". See how well that worked out?
No doubt many diocesan bishops and their Standing Committees are not going to give consent to Glasspools election. But, will these no votes also apply to Thompson? After all he is an all-American, red-blooded white male, wife, children, the ideal Bishop package. Or, is he?
Morris Thompson believes in and has voted for all the right resolutions at General Convention that will help to produce more Glasspools and Robinsons down the line in TEC.
So, Bishops and Standing Committees, if you vote against Glasspool you had better vote against Thompson also: they are one and the same thing.
Back in 2003 when V.G. Robinson (a non-celibate gay man) was elected and consecrated bishop there was all sorts of backlash in the Anglican Communion. The eventual outcome was: don't do that agaian! To which TEC essentially said "we will show restraint". See how well that worked out?
No doubt many diocesan bishops and their Standing Committees are not going to give consent to Glasspools election. But, will these no votes also apply to Thompson? After all he is an all-American, red-blooded white male, wife, children, the ideal Bishop package. Or, is he?
Morris Thompson believes in and has voted for all the right resolutions at General Convention that will help to produce more Glasspools and Robinsons down the line in TEC.
So, Bishops and Standing Committees, if you vote against Glasspool you had better vote against Thompson also: they are one and the same thing.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Part 1. America: Is healthcare a right?
In the current national debate on healthcare and healthcare insurance, some have asserted that healthcare is a right.
The Roman Catholic Church has weighed in also and declared that Reform efforts must begin with the principle that decent health care is not a privilege, but a right.
These are strong words. In our country, we are typically careful about what we call a "right". Such language can have grave implications, economic for instance.
Yet, aren't we essentially at the point where access to healthcare is a right in America? There is a law that compels hospitals to treat patients without regard to their ability to pay.
In essence, no one is turned away from receiving healthcare in America. So what is the fuss?
Well, the fuss of course is about WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT AND HOW!!
This will be a Four Part Series where we look at America: Is healthcare a right?
The Roman Catholic Church has weighed in also and declared that Reform efforts must begin with the principle that decent health care is not a privilege, but a right.
These are strong words. In our country, we are typically careful about what we call a "right". Such language can have grave implications, economic for instance.
Yet, aren't we essentially at the point where access to healthcare is a right in America? There is a law that compels hospitals to treat patients without regard to their ability to pay.
In essence, no one is turned away from receiving healthcare in America. So what is the fuss?
Well, the fuss of course is about WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT AND HOW!!
This will be a Four Part Series where we look at America: Is healthcare a right?
News Alert: Bible out of date!!!! ELCA declares!

The head of the ELCA, Bishop Mark Hanson had declared that current understanding of homosexuality does not agree with that revealed in the Bible. He urged his breathern in the Evangelical Lutheran Church to consider the more modern views of sexual orientation.
He believes that more moderate views on sexual orientation will help his denomination grow. Lots of luck with that sir, drop by 815 and check up on the TEC experience.Catch it here
The Anglican Covenant: Hope for the Communion?
An old friend from years ago, Fr. Dan Martins weighs in on the Episcopal Election in Los Angeles of The Rev. Glasspool, non-celibate partnered lesbian.
Read Fr. Martin's post for yourself. His message is that nothing will really change until we get the proposed Anglican Covenant in place (whenever that might be). The Covenant will have the "organic" mechanism for disciplining TEC for her actions.
Allow me to offer a different prediction: Nothing is going to change about TEC period; covenant, no covenant, 10,000 more primate meetings, yada, yada, yada. TEC has walked away from the faith delivered to the Saints (Jude 3). They can't walk back. They have to confess and repent. While we can pray for that to happen, as a practical matter we cannot wait for it. And we cannot compromise our salvation waiting on it.
Read Fr. Martin's post for yourself. His message is that nothing will really change until we get the proposed Anglican Covenant in place (whenever that might be). The Covenant will have the "organic" mechanism for disciplining TEC for her actions.
Allow me to offer a different prediction: Nothing is going to change about TEC period; covenant, no covenant, 10,000 more primate meetings, yada, yada, yada. TEC has walked away from the faith delivered to the Saints (Jude 3). They can't walk back. They have to confess and repent. While we can pray for that to happen, as a practical matter we cannot wait for it. And we cannot compromise our salvation waiting on it.
Pearl Harbor: Never Forget

We must never forget, yet we tend to forget. On this day, December 7, 1941 the Navy base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. Over 2400 were killed and the US Navy was decimated.
One way we are remembering this solemn day is by arraigning three Navy Seals for court martial in the capture of a terrorist who killed 4 US contractors in Iraq and brutalized their dead bodies. Some claim this is payback from the White House for the incident earlier this year when Navy Seal snipers took out pirates and did so without following all the White House engagement rules. True or False? What a shame to play politics with America's finest.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Goodby Anglican Communion

And so, throwing off the bonds of "restraint", The Episcopal Church now elects its second non-celibate homosexual to the office of Bishop, this time in the Diocese of Los Angeles.
And as this takes place, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, rings his hands and declares that if the church goes through with this (Bishop-elect Glasspool has to receive consents from a majority of bishops and Standing Committees to be affirmed by TEC) then there just might be some dire consequences. Worthless talk from ++ABC Rowan as the consents are almost a sure thing in the new world of TEC.
The only real discernable consequences will be more Anglicans heading for the doors (Hello Rome!) and other primates of the Communion cutting TEC to the ditch. In other words, Rowan may go down with the ship.
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