Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Totalitarian take over of Healthcare

The Wall Street Journal continues an excellent series of articles which analytically pick apart the Senate approach to healthcare reform. But does it miss a point, to merely analytically pick apart this bill?

Think of the Coast Guard reporting on the dynamics of a sinking ship, giving all the technical details of what is causing the sinking and how that is going to affect the passangers and crew as it goes down.

Beautiful technical reporting; but missing the key point of the story in both cases.

What the Coast Guard fails to tell you is that the ship is going down because pirates are firing holes into the hull with their weapons. What the Wall Street Journal, and other sources, fail to tell you is that all these dire predictions will take place precisely because the Obama Administration WANTS them to take place in order to implement the transformation of America and the American economy into a workers utopian leftist society.

Think not? Please recall this video, pre-inaugeration: Transformation.

Most of us probably didn't appreciate the inner meaning of Obama's words back then. Well, now we are going to get Hope and Change, full force!

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