We have posted several times about the objectives and writings of Kevin Jennings, the Obama Administration's Safe School Czar. As the founder and head of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network), Kevin basically wants to bring homosexual education to your kindergarden through high school kids. What he wants to do and promote is clearly shown to be sin by Holy Scripture.
And now we see folks coming to the defence of Kevin and his kid's sex books. This is not a surprise, but it is done in one of the classic ways of evil: moral equivalence.
Moral equivalence posits that all moral positions are equally valid. Each person has to decide where they stand on the issues, but most importantly, no position can be called, ipso facto, false. The contention is that there is no absolute standard for holding one position above the other.
In the shining light of Holy Scripture we know this to be patently false. The Bible clearly calls homosexual activity a sin. In fact it considers it to be abominable.
Stand Firm, these wars against our children are just getting cranked up. Don't be fooled aby the moral equivalence strategy and don't back down.
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