Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Slavery of Liberal Compassion

Two columnists I truly admire are Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. Both men are academic economists but write in such a clear, uncomplicated way that both illuminates economic theories for the rest of us and shows their practical application to the problems of every day life.

Walter Williams in particular hates the minimum wage laws and has written about them many times. In his latest column he explains why minimum wage laws, supposedly enacted to help the lowest paid, least skilled workers, actually harm the very people they are intended to help. In particular, he illustrates their discriminatory effects against young, unskilled African Americans, although the points he makes probably apply to many minorities.

As you can imagine, the liberal establishment does its best two ignore Williams and Sowell who they feel have "strayed off the plantation". That would be the plantation run by the liberal Democratic Party of course.

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