By now everyone has heard of the "underwear bomber" and if you fly on airplanes regularly you know that the pre-flight security process is going to get worse for YOU (not for the terrorist probably). So why is it that we incovenience hundreds of millions of passengers instead of taking the battle directly to the terrorists??????
Here is my solution for decreasding the hassle of airline pre-flight security and increasing the likelyhood of stopping these clowns from getting into air with us.
1. Targeted security. Stop this political correctness crap and go after the bad guys. How many 87 year old women have tried to bomb a plane? How many 8 year old children have tried to bomb a plane? Of course, NONE! So stop the one-size-fits-all screening and take a hard look at the guys who look like your typical middle-eastern Muslim type bomber. Weren't we supposed to be suspicious of guys buying one way international tickets with cash and no luggage to check?????????
2. Remove 90% of the pre-flights checks, just a magnetometer to catch metal objects and load everybody on the plane. Lock the doors and let a bomb sniffing dog and an armed marshall patrol the plane for a half-hour or so before it leaves the gate. Pay special attention to middle easterners or those who have any funny profile specific behaviors.
3. Did I mention "profile"? Yes, if its my butt on your plane, profile like crazy!
The time saved in eliminating most of the pre-fligt hassle will make up for the time the dog and marshall patrol the plane.
dogs are pretty effective, but I think that if you covered or mixed in the exploseve some red pepper, the dog's nose would be compromised.
Good point. Need to train the dogs to flag anything suspicious!
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