Monday, December 7, 2009

The Anglican Covenant: Hope for the Communion?

An old friend from years ago, Fr. Dan Martins weighs in on the Episcopal Election in Los Angeles of The Rev. Glasspool, non-celibate partnered lesbian.

Read Fr. Martin's post for yourself. His message is that nothing will really change until we get the proposed Anglican Covenant in place (whenever that might be). The Covenant will have the "organic" mechanism for disciplining TEC for her actions.

Allow me to offer a different prediction: Nothing is going to change about TEC period; covenant, no covenant, 10,000 more primate meetings, yada, yada, yada. TEC has walked away from the faith delivered to the Saints (Jude 3). They can't walk back. They have to confess and repent. While we can pray for that to happen, as a practical matter we cannot wait for it. And we cannot compromise our salvation waiting on it.

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