Saturday, May 1, 2010

Your tax dollars for the global killing of babies in the womb

The Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Act of 2010, sponsored by Representative Yvette Clarke and co-sponsored by at least 17 other House members, appears to be linked to the U.S. statement at the recently concluded United Nations Commission on Population and Development (CPD). That statement touted that “President Obama has requested $715.7 million for bilateral and multilateral reproductive health, including family planning, in 2011. If approved later this year by Congress, this amount will represent the single largest U.S. contribution in history for international reproductive health programs.” Read it all here.

This is plainly using our tax dollars to fund abortions all around the world.

Former ambassador to the UN John Bolton has warned us on numerous ocassions to be careful about being pulled into the trap of UN "normalization". This is basically where the UN says "everybody else in the world is doing it so you people in America need to get in step". NO WE DON'T!

And so what do we read from the Congresswoman's office: A statement from Representative Clarke’s office suggests the bill is needed to comply with international norms: “By revising existing legislation to meet current international standards, we can establish an integrated, progressive model for delivering more efficient and effective sexual and reproductive health services across the globe.”

Gotta get out and vote in your primaries and vote in November!

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