"Big Sis" and so many other liberals were rocked back on their heels when they learned that the newest islamic nut-job terrorist trying to blow us up was a naturalized citizen! Oh my, how could that be? What went wrong?
Two words: Sham Marriages!
A little history lesson here from Michelle Malkin at NRO.
El Sayyid A. Nosair wed Karen Ann Mills Sweeney to avoid deportation for overstaying his visa. He acquired U.S. citizenship, allowing him to remain in the country, and was later convicted for conspiracy in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that claimed six lives.
Ali Mohamed became an American citizen after marrying a woman he met on a plane trip from Egypt to New York. Recently divorced, Linda Lee Sanchez wed Mohamed in Reno, Nev., after a six-week “courtship.” Mohamed became a top aide to Osama bin Laden and was later convicted for his role in the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Africa that killed 12 Americans and more than 200 others.
Embassy-bombing plotter Khalid Abu al-Dahab obtained citizenship after marrying three different American women.
Embassy-bombing plotter Wadih el-Hage, Osama bin Laden’s personal secretary, married April Ray in 1985 and became a naturalized citizen in 1989. Ray knew of her husband’s employment with bin Laden, but like many of these women in bogus marriages, she pleaded ignorance about the nature of her husband’s work. El-Hage, she says, was a sweet man, and bin Laden “was a great boss.”
Okay, see a pattern here? If you want to fix a problem, maybe knowing what the problem is might help.
So, keep watch, and see what official Washington does about this problem. My bet is on "nothing".
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