Do you ever hear the phrase "Social Justice" and ever wonder exactly what it means? We'll don't worry, it doesn't have an exact meaning. Which is convenient for leftist demagogues because they can twist it any way they want!
For example, that guy in the picture is The Rev. Al Sharpton. Listen to The Rev. Sharpton's definition of Social Justice right here.
Notice first of all how he twists the dream of Martin Luther King. King worked tirelessly for equality. Equality is equal opportunity, the chance to be the best you can be and be judged on your accomplishments and character, not on your skin color.
But that isn't the way Al Sharpton says it. He says the dream was "everything equal". That is (not too subtle) code language for "equal outcomes". He makes it plainer by saying "there will not be Social Justice until everything in everyone's house is equal!"
Think about that. He doesn't say anything about work, about earning, about saving to get what you want or where you want to be. It just has to be that way.
So, how do you feel about The Rev Al's definition of Social Justice? Where does Al Sharpton live? What's in his house? Maybe we want the same stuff as he has?
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