CNBC's Rocl Santelli ripped Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) a new one when the Democrat claimed that Democrats’ couldn’t reform Fannie & Freddie in their financial regulation bill because it was “too complicated,” asking: “It’s too complicated? You think taxpayers that go to work to pay the money you are subsidizing, it will end up a half a trillion, do you think they think complicated is an excuse? Read it all here.
For far too long, Democrats have been able to hide using the media to run interference from the fact that their failed liberal policies of putting everyone into a house they can't afford by taking out a loan they can't repay makes good economic sense. Those lies combined with the greed of pure speculators who gunned the market to take advantage of lax lending policy to create a glut of overpriced houses finally came crashing down in 2008. Long past time that the actual source of the problem startst to feel the heat.
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