In fact, she's never ruled on a case and she's never written an opinion! But hey, for the top court of the land, why should those be issues to worry about?
As reported here, "President Obama said he wanted someone on the high court who understood the impact of the law on average Americans, and I believe the depth and breadth of Ms. Kagan's experience will allow her that perspective," Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said.
Really??? And how would that be?
She has never been married and has no children. She attempted to keep military recruiters off Harvard's campus because of objections over the Pentagon's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy barring gays from serving openly in the military. Average Americans are pro-military and not pro-homosexual.
Her education pedigree is: Bachelor's Degree, Princeton (1981) Master's Degree, Oxford (1983) Law Degree, Harvard (1986)> That's a little off the charts for average Americans.
And then, Last month a minor media controversy blew up when CBS News posted a blog report saying Kagan, who is not married, would become the "first openly gay justice." The White House blew up over that and CBS retracted the story. It is doubtful that average Americans are clamoring for an openly gay Supreme Court justice.
So, Pres Obama, your SC nominee doesn't look like she is going to pass the "smell" test for understanding the impact of the law on average Americans since she so clearly has nothing in common with average Americans.
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